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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. While changing up encoding of orders on a regular basis is a good idea on two separate occasions (if I recall correctly it was the kick off of the invasion and the beginning of Fall Blau) Stalin and his commanders revived excellent intelligence and nearly a full accounting of the German plan. Both times the information was dismissed and not used. So, if the Germans had done this it would not have changed the out come. Plus their own analysis and war gaming showed that their logistical situation and ability to supply the invasion had no margin for error and likely would not even have been enough if everything went as planned. We all know things don't go as planned. I think this alone was enough to indicate that the invasion was not a good idea. May be who knows. This is really a non starter. Japan was much more focused on access to resources that were present in South East Asia. That was what they wanted in an empire. Invading the USSR in the time frame we are talking about was not at all on the table.
  2. It is possible. I'm working on a possible solution. I will let you know if I get one and you can try it.
  3. That sounds like there is a problem with hooking up to the shared menu. Does an uninstall / reinstall help any?
  4. Apparently non zero. Very cool I love how he shakes it off with a twitch of his head. Mean while his buddies are a little more worried.
  5. Before things were released on Steam there never were any sales. None. So, I don't think we have enough data to speculate on a pattern.
  6. You should be aware that this sharing will only happen between members of the same platoon and it's one mag at a time. This is very handy for heavy munitions like AA missiles and for "need to be shooting now" with infantry. For the long term you want infantry to acquire some of their own ammo though since it's a lot more efficient over the long term. Something else you should know is that on map mortar assets will report all rounds they have access to in the artillery call UI. That means if you have two mortar teams with 16 rounds each and two trucks parked near them each with 32 rounds then both mortar teams will say they have 80 rounds or 96 rounds if the teams are close too. This is because each team can get rounds from both trucks. When I'm setting up an on map battery with transport like that I try to arrange it so each mortar team is far enough from each other team to not share and position their truck so that only one team can actually access the rounds in the truck. That way the rounds available count in the UI will be more useful.
  7. Yeah, given that nothing I am aware of has changed I think you might need to spend that time to write that up.
  8. LOL that would have been funny. Bummer. All I can suggest now is ask support: https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
  9. It will be a ATGM vehicle. So, it is listed as a tank destroyer. In the WW2 titles most tank destroyers were tanks repurposed so it was appropriate. That contact icon choice continue in all the modern titles.
  10. There is one other source of blurry text - Windows UI Scale and layout zooming. If your windows display settings have something other than 100% for scale and layout then you need to change the DPI scaling setting for the application. To do that: Display the properties for the game .exe (right click properties) Switch to the Compatibility tab Click on Change high DPI settings Check the check box for Override high DPI scaling behaviour and make sure that "Application" is selected from the drop down.
  11. Given the method of controlling the facing for wire and trenches, do not forget that you must buy at least two lengths of each or you will be #sad.
  12. I had this game and quite liked it: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/8284/assault-tactical-combat-europe-1985
  13. I actually was able to skate to high school - it was pretty cool. Oh yeah what was built was very scaled back from the original plans.
  14. LOL I like that line about is it a war if both sides lose interest. And part of that includes the creation of the Rideau Canal which runs by where I live and goes all the way to Kingston. You might hear about Ottawa having the largest skating rink (used by be longest too but Winnipeg beat us on that one a few years ago). Thanks to the War of 1812 we built the canal because the heart of Upper Canada (now known as Ontario) had to be supplied by the St Lawrence and the British were concerned that it was too hard to defend. They also built a fort at the end of it at Point Henry in Kingston. In 1832 construction started on Fort Henry and shortly after 6 Martello towers around Kingston. They were to protect the entrance to the canal and the navy dock yards where the Royal Military College and the Canadian Forces Staff College had / have buildings now. When my dad went to staff college he was in Kingston but I know a guys that did his staff training in Toronto so I'm unsure if the moved it or just have more that one place where classes get conducted - too lazy to google it. Also, my daughter now works at Fort Henry as an interpreter. So thanks my US friends! You guys inspired a lot of things that effected my life in a good way.
  15. Cool, fun idea... Heavy: Royal Tiger Medium: Panther, hands down (although the Cromwell is tempting because it is so bloody fast) Light: Lynx just for fun Some people are wrong
  16. That would be cool... I would have to include a model of the white house so the British army can sack DC and set it on fire.
  17. That is defiantly a job for support: Battlefront Help desk
  18. I have seen that before but it always cleared up by letting the turn play on. In your case my suggestion would be to get close to another explosion and let the turn play and see if that reset the camera once the camera wiggling was done. I have no idea if that would work given just pressing play has always fixed this for me but worth a shot if it happens again.
  19. Interesting. My general rule of thumb is to extract the .rar / .zip to a new empty folder and run from there. The installer does weird stuff if it finds files it doesn't need. That new empty folder can be on your desktop if you like. If that doesn't help you already did that then it's time for professional help: Battlefront Help desk
  20. But they are the crew. Their unit specific icon goes away, just like crew. It's a paradox. We just can't let it bother you it's not a time loop or anything . My rule of thumb is if I need the guys in a vehicle to get out, use whichever command is available and if they are both there pick one. Move on with your day.
  21. No way! If they do space lizards before space lobsters I'm going to loose my ****.
  22. Doh! I should have mentioned that. I think @sburke has the distinction correct but honestly if one of those choices is disabled I just use the other one. One of them works So, did that work for you? Did you get an AD team out of it?
  23. Try bailing out the crew and see if they become the AD team.
  24. It was likely toast before that. You only see an enemy tanks as destroyed when your men know it is KOed. Before that it "looks" fine.
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