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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. It depends on how terrible the previous leadership was. It could be an improvement.
  2. I don't think political commissars were some paragon of virtue. Where do you think corruption and inept practices came from?
  3. Ahh. There is no game features currently to support that. None are announced. Some people have done it by hand. I have participated in several battles like that. You have to manually save turns and share those saves between co players. That is the current state of co play.
  4. What do you mean? Are you referring to new game features for muli player? Or are you talking about third party sites where you can find playing partners?
  5. There are supply platoons. I am not sure if they are available in a QB. If you find they are it will take some experiments to see if they have the ammo you want.
  6. @Codreanu has it correct. If you look at the mortar teams ammo section - the left hand one that shows the team members small arms ammo too you will likely see a line that says it has 22 HE rounds. That is the list in small print. That number doesn't change depending on its position. The available rounds list - to the right and in a larger font shows the ammo it can share from other teams and trucks near by. So, if you put then near another team with 22 then both teams will report 44 rounds available. In the artillery call menu they will both list 44 rounds. I usually position my on map mortars far enough appart to avoid this. If they have vehicles with ammo I'll set it up so each vehicle can supply one and only one mortar team and the teams are independent. That way the artillery call screen best reflects available rounds.
  7. The game lists IR Optics as being available on the tank. It's right there in your screen shot, fifth on the list.
  8. Would it be wise for Putin to leave the country right now? Perhaps we should actually invite the guy to the G20
  9. I once saw a documentary on RT about the use of video games to teach tactics and strategy to the military, <sinp>. If they had actually bought something like Combat Mission and given all their officers a copy... But would they have had the self awareness to set the motivation of the troops to low, the training levels to a mixture of regular and conscript and the leadership to -2. That's what we are seeing IRL right now.
  10. Bummer. What scenario or map is this?
  11. Ouch. @Halmbarte, how did you get that guy in between those buildings? Was it during setup? I am wondering if the game has decided that alley way is to narrow to drive through but did not make the same judgment during setup when you were placing units. Yes, that would be a bug. I have seen some gaps between buildings, especially angled ones that looked big enough to drive in but the game would not let me. I have not seen those same alleys allow you to place vehicles in them though. I tried various reverse or forward orders and I could not get it to move either.
  12. Makes sense. That would be the key. The detail plan for next move by infantry is not formulated until they get to the way point and the timer runs out. That is also why you can place way points on one side of a wall and the other side and as long as you time things so that the wall is breached before they get to the way point before the wall they will move to the other side of the wall using the new breach.
  13. Do you mean the vehicle has to arrive and stop at the same time the troops are about to sick of their Embark move segment? So, you need to have the vehicle and the troops move to the same place and time it so they arrive together. Or have the vehicle go to the troops and pause the troops to time it so they are ready to start again just after the vehicle arrives and pauses? I suppose I could see that working. Sounds challenging to time.
  14. There have been no changes that I know of in this area. The load during the middle of a move is extremely unreliable. I am pretty sure I have seen it by accident and then not been able to make it happen again. You cannot rely on it. You can rely on using dismount to unload passengers before the vehicle starts to move. You can rely on passengers disembarking after the vehicle stops moving. And you can also rely on giving a vehicle a pause before it moves allowing time for passengers to embark but you have to be careful that the pause is long enough - at least one passenger needs to start loading before the timer runs out. So, once you have set the pause you think it will need - make it longer It is way better to have a vehicle sit around for a few seconds longer than absolutely necessary than to have your men running down a road after their ride.
  15. LOL the good old I was just asking questions defence. Asking odd / bad / misguided / misleading questions can still be part of or help the enemy propaganda. Any facility that has some danger surrounding it would be a concern during war. Take nuclear power plants same thing. We should be concerned that the Russian army fights for or takes control of anything that could be dangerous. Obviously. But to say it is concerning does not indicate some nefarious activity is going on there. That's a supposition that has no basis and therefore should be dismissed. If someone comes up with some actual evidence of nefarious activity sure ask way but to conclude that dumb questions are being dismissed means nefarious things is incorrect.
  16. This is the way If he accidentally links something good that is still an accident.
  17. I just want to remind people that @BlackMoria called it - watch the video again - that's a functioning tank NOT and abandoned one.
  18. Sounds like a good way to make the transfer. This. I get not actually attacking Russian forces inside Russia (which a no fly zone would necessitate) but NATO already shipped lethal aid to Ukraine so this is just more of the same. What @kraze said - Putin might decide tomorrow that sending food or helping refugees is an act of war or he'll make something up out of nothing at all. We might as well actually help Ukraine defeat this guy.
  19. I am no expert but I didn't think you could do that, I thought the units were the units Correct you cannot have two different sets of forces in a single scenario. The units are the units. You can create a second version of the scenario if you want to have different forces, of course, but in a single .btt file you only get one force list.
  20. Yep, this. I do that frequently. I'm playing Chezmate right now and they MG teams are doing just that now that I have broken past the bridge.
  21. Yuck. But if you buy both you end up with duplicate CMSF2 base games then. That doesn't seem to be a good thing.
  22. But doesn't that "Combat Mission Collection" for 111.57 include the content of "Combat Mission Shock Force 2 Complete" already?
  23. If you are playing on Elite or Iron you will not see AT gun icons for your enemy. Any non vehicle unit will get a plain infantry unit.
  24. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the February Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMBN: BP1 - The Copse CMBS: BSBP 04 - Charge The forum post on theBlitz for sign up.
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