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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Minute 12-11: This was not a very eventful turn. 2nd and 3rd Platoon on the road worked on getting into position to assault the farm while the fire from the Southern woods kept any enemy in the trenches busy. The results of all that suppressive fire on the trenches. Figure 193 Smoke on the trenches Figure 194 MG fire on the farm house Figure 195 Members of 2 Platoon positioning along the road Figure 196 Members of 2 Platoon positioning in the field Game Over! The game is over. In the game my opponent surrendered but in reality he would have just withdrawn a couple of minutes ago with perhaps a few soldiers left to keep up appearances. So a total US victory with 28 casualties to 68 casualties for the Germans. Figure 197 End screen If the game had gone one my plan was the continue to fire on the trench works while one squad of 2nd Platoon covered that side of the road bocage and the other two squads were positioned along the bocage in the corner of the farm stead. Then engineers would have breached and 3rd Platoon would have assaulted the farm stead. After that the buildings would have been cleared one or two at a time with lots of suppressive fire. Figure 198 Final locations Some of the most effective units: Figure 199 They were on point most of the battle Figure 200 Mortars are awesome (the other mortar teams caused no casualties) Figure 201 Top tank
  2. Minute 13-12: The thrust up the road progresses unopposed at this point. Are there any Germans left at the farm? Figure 186 Firing on targets of opportunity The leads squad from 2nd platoon moves cautiously to their destination. Figure 187 Carefully The trailing engineers run up the road. Figure 188 Quickly Minute 12: Orders The lead elements of 2nd platoon begin to take up positions on the corner of the farm and watching over the Southern trench works. Figure 189 Nearly there 3rd platoon now moves forward behind 2nd Platoon. They will likely be the ones that begin the assault as 2nd platoon covers them from the bocage. Figure 190 3rd platoon moving forward The engineers will take the place of 3rd platoon watching over that field just south of the farm. Figure 191 Engineers move forward Meanwhile 1st platoon, the company mortars and MGs and their tanks fire on the trench works to keep those Germans out of the fight as best they can. Figure 192 Suppressive fire
  3. Minute 14-13: This was a pretty quiet turn. The MG team in the Southern woods takes a casualty and retreats in disarray. Figure 179 MG team retreats The mortars continue to fire into the trench works. Figure 180 Mortars firing The tanks fire at likely strong points. Figure 181 Tanks firing Minute 13: Orders 2nd platoon is aggressively moving forward towards the farm area. Figure 182 2nd platoon moving forward The Engineering platoon move up behind the infantry along the road. Figure 183 Engineers move up the road The MG that was covering the Northern field has no one to fire on any more and so they will move up behind the engineers. Figure 184 The MG move up The other MG from the Southern woods will take the place of the first in the foxholes. This time their Lt will get in place behind them. Figure 185 MG repositions
  4. Minute 15-14: This turn was all canister rounds. Sure the infantry fired too but the tanks fired more pellets of lead I am sure. In the Southern field the Germans seem to be pulling back to the trench works. Figure 170 Canister against fleeing Germans Figure 171 Canister against entrenched Germans Figure 172 Canister against fleeing entrenched Germans But there also seems to be some movement towards the farm. Figure 173 Got away Minute 14: Orders 2nd Platoon moves closer to the Farm. The trailing squads move up to the corner and the lead squads hunt forward towards the gate into the two fields. I will get 2nd Platoon setup along the bocage in that corner of the objective and covering into the trench works to the South. Figure 174 2nd platoon moving up The tanks will continue to offer suppressive fire. I there are known targets they will target them if there are not they will fire at likely strong points. Figure 175 Tanks supporting Figure 176 Tanks supporting Now that the mortars are done the tank in the Southern woods moves up again. Figure 177 Tank moves back The MG in the Southern woods prepares to fire on the farm house. Figure 178 Suppressive fire on farm
  5. Here is the best thread where this was discussed: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/120272-auto-smoke-dispenser-should-players-have-more-control/ See post #8 from a US tanker (pretty much the definitive answer) and post #9 where I outline how the behaviour works and the one thing you can do to influence it.
  6. Ah, thanks. Makes sense because your market potentially covers players using more then one tactical game.
  7. Oh cool I did not noticed that was the same map I used form huge 20k battle years ago. Now I am going to look more closely at the terrain
  8. It does not seem familiar to me. There have been several one member of the crew wonders off bugs. There is a current reinforcements appear with out their guns bug but I have never seen or read about a gun getting left behind. At any rate BFC will figure it out. It is reported.
  9. Not sure what that means. I have several opponents that use Macs and we have never hit any show stopper problems. I an sorry to hear you are hitting problems but there they are not wide spread. Have you posted on the self help tech forum? It could be that other Mac users would be helpful. Note if you already have I may have missed it since I do not follow those sub forums fully. Edited to add. Yep there you are active in the support forum never mind
  10. He posted about getting ready to move files to his new sit recently so I suspect that might be the reason.
  11. Thanks @benpark I could not find it yesterday. BTW what is GHQ?
  12. We are all rooting for you and yours. Both in game and IRL. Some days you don't want to play or do much of anything, other days it is just what you need. Just play when it is what you need we'll be here.
  13. Not a bad idea considering my previous plan has hit the kids. I was / am hesitant to do that because removing the barn also means the field of fire for that AT gun increases dramatically.
  14. LOL Oh man that does suck. If you have a save of the turn where they drive off without the gun and another where they get out of the Jeep and start heading back that would be a good bug report. You can PM me with drop box links if you like.
  15. Thanks for the saves I'll have a quick look and package it up. Might be tomorrow though...
  16. First question did they abandon the gun? If not then yeah it looks off. More questions: What happened next? Did the gun ever "catch up"? After the crew got to their destination and disembarked did the gun catch up then? Not that any of that make this not a defect I'm just wondering how bad it is. Do you have saves?
  17. I assume you meant CMBN though. I personally have to much going on to offer to play you. Here is an older post with lost of discussion about other places to find opponents and helpful tools: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/107265-pbem-opponent-wanted/?p=1407990
  18. That could get interesting. Depending on how wide the bridge is and given the KO'ed tank is towards on end it is possible that other vehicles could find a gap and get past. Possible but no certain.
  19. One thing you can do to still keep the computer selects the forces but you get some influence is choose human selected forces but instead of manually choosing use the suggestion button. Have a look at what you got and if you like what you see hit suggest again. Repeat as needed. Mind you I have no idea if the rotation of choices will include regular infantry or not but worth a try.
  20. They long for it and take it wherever they can get it - including in pictures.
  21. You are correct only CMA left to go. I don't own Shock Force or Afghanistan so they were really not only my radar until I was asked and offered some help. Glad you guys like them. You might notice that there are more icons in the key than you can see. That is because the icon set is based on those needed for Black Sea, that makes it easier for me. Both now and in a future where CMSF is updated to 3.0
  22. Here are a few preview images courtesy of @IICptMillerII. Syrian Forces: US Forces:
  23. A big thank you to @IICptMillerII and @MOS:96B2P for their help. @IICptMillerII kicked things off with a request and did the initial work to get me a file list and test the first attempts. Then @MOS:96B2P helped with the modules and some final testing. Thanks you guys.
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