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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. One thing BFC has done starting with CMBN version 3 is providing full installers for the games. That means to install a fresh version 4 you can download the full all in one installer and you will be done. Just have to activate the base game and whatever modules and packs you bought.
  2. Minute 3:34-3:33: The engineers reach the next bocage that E Co needs breached. F Co deals with the threat on their left with the application of just the right amount of HE. However in the field in front F Co some HE from the enemy lands. The first spotting round of a mortar hidden in the bocage on the opposite side of the field. Not good! Minute 3:33: Orders As engineers set their charges more engineers come forward to mark mines. With the mines marked it will be safer to pull back the lead platoon of E Co. Remember a platoon of troops and several teams of recon are on the forward side of those mines. Right not they are keeping the enemy engaged but eventually they need to pull back. In the meantime for 1 platoon F Co it is panic stations. Everyone near the spotting round runs. Everyone else opens fire. You can even see another round coming in. Spoiler: closer inspection from my god’s eye view shows some troops are not going to be able to run fast enough. Over on the left 2 Platoon has started taking fire from another location further along the boacage. After eliminating one threat another pops up.
  3. Minute 3:35-3:34: Along the road the tanks supporting E Co continue to fire on their one contact and source of incoming fire. All this while they reposition for the move to the left through the bocage. Over by F Co’s fields suppressive fire continues along with attempts to flank and get better shooing positions. Minute 3:34: Orders F Co now has a solid contact on their left. They now have a target to setup to deal with. They are ordered to reposition their suppressive fire and then get a team across the road to deal with the resistance. To F Co’s right with the ambush teams dealt with they need to setup to cover the next field and deal with the wounded.
  4. It is not about being hard it is about return on investment. The UI is all custom coded which means a fair amount of effort to creat scrolling controls or some other pop-up window to display the information. That's fine if it is something desired by lots of people. In the end it is more likely that this feature request fits into would make some people happy but only a few really want it. Therefore there are at least hundreds of things more popular that should be done first. Personally I also think this is one of those features that a handful of people would use a handful of times and then forget about. I could be wrong but I would guess Steve will not place this idea high on his list of features to add.
  5. Yeah it has been a while since I had to fight hedge row to hedge row. It's tough.
  6. Ah I didn't clue onto that. I thought those images were scanned maps and unit tiles. Well a computer version of ASL removes the biggest barrier that's for sure. Glad people are enjoying it. I personally will be sticking with CM.
  7. Same here. I didn't take it as wanting a list of systems / capabilities but as a way of telling how combat capabile a vehicle was.
  8. I think they just forgot what day it is. Time flys when you are busy.
  9. But the point is damaged stuff goes to the top of the list. The only time a damaged system would not be shown if it was the 10th damaged system. I think I can asses the combat operational capabilities of an AFV with nine X'ed out systems - if it can move get it out of there, if it cannot move abandon it.
  10. Pretty neat but to me it begs the question if you have Combat Mission what are you doing playing ASL? I admit I never was a big ASL player because it presented the same problem as miniatures did for me - no one to play with. I had fun a few times but Combat Mission totally eclipses it. For nostalgia I can see fans playing but that's about the only reason I can think of that one would.
  11. First make sure your anti virus software is not quarantining any of the game files. Then look at this: http://community.battlefront.com/announcement/27-special-upgrade-4-tech-tips/ One of those tips tells you how to create an activate new products icon and why it might be missing. If that doesn't help open a help desk ticket - licensing issues requires professional help. It will get better
  12. Minute 3:36-3:35: The tanks roll into the first breach in support of E Co. In front of them are more mines, wire and hedge hogs. The plan is to breach the next bocage and head further left. The ambushed squad in the farm track manages to return fire. The teams moving up to support them find they are surprised by another unseen enemy team. They take casualties too. Thankfully only two. With of some luck they overwhelmed the enemy before more men are hit. On the other side of the field members of F Co rush forward. Minute 3:35: Orders Bring up the engineers to make the next breach for E Co and their supporting tanks. F Co is having trouble on both sides of the field. On the left they only have an idea of where the enemy is but there is lots of support. On the right they have a much better idea of where the enemy is.
  13. Minute 3:37-3:36: Tanks supporting E Co stay behind the mine field and engage the contacts on the other side of the road block. Meanwhile the lead members of F Co that took casualties last turn get some HE support. Minute 3:36: Orders Now that some infantry have moved to the left through the breach tanks follow. Infantry move up to deliver supporting fire for the squad caught in the farm track. There seems to be a single enemy team near the barn at the end of the track. On the other side of the field tanks and infantry move up to engage the enemy we know is there behind the bocage.
  14. Minute 3:38-3:37: E Co is not seeing much excitement just moving into the field. Members of 1st Planoon of F Co start firing on the new enemy contact that so badly hurt their platoon mates. On the other side of the field members of F Co come under fire as they reach the far edge and look out over the road. They take casualties too. Minute 3:37: Orders Now that some infantry are in position in the next field E Co calls up the tanks to enter the field behind them. F Co brings up support – infantry and tanks to pile fire power on to their two new enemy contacts.
  15. Minute 3:39-3:38: Members of 1st platoon E Co exchange fire with the enemy while other members of E Co move to the left to bypass the fortified location. F Co makes contact with the enemy. The members of 1st Platoon hunting along the farm track are ambushed. The Germans wait long enough for the lead squad to be fully in their sights before opening up. In the end four members of the squad go down. Minute 3:38: Orders Nothing much different for E Co – continue the sift to the left. The ambushed squad pull back firing while other members of the platoon move up to fire on the new enemy contact.
  16. LOL - funniest thing I have read all day. Pretty low bar these days but thanks none the less
  17. Hey some of us hard core players like to play the good ones more than once too. But @Hilts and @Holman both make good points.
  18. If you mean you cannot see into the middle of the forest then yes that would be correct. What you could do is call several smaller area missions with a centre as far into the forest as you can spot and then draw a radius a little bigger than forest edge. Two or three of those might be enough. But it will not be the same for sure. Another option is a linear mission along the forest edge. If the goal is to keep them isolated a maximum harass mission along the forest edge might be enough to keep the enemy in the middle and out of the way for a really long time.
  19. I think you should act as if the forest contains the enemy. And therefore bypass it Leave some small forces along the edge to observe and prevent surprises and move past the forest.
  20. That would be one small scroll bar. The way it is now is a very slight pain. My vote would be use the time to do something else more important. Like create a throw grenades command. (That's a joke - I'm not being serious - look at my sig for what I would really like to see the time used for)
  21. Both sides do usually have the ability to preview the map (that shows you your setup zone but not your opponent's). Normally I would not use the editor to scope out the enemy setup zones. Mainly because you don't really have to. It is possible, yes. No looking at enemy setup zones is not something I do. As I said earlier there really is no need. The enemy setup zone will be opposite of your setup zone. Many (most perhaps) play with a no pre-planned artillery on the attacker's setup zone and no pre-planned artillery in a meeting engagement. So given that you don't need to know exactly where the enemy's setup zone is .
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