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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. The Canadian army really started using drones for observation during the fight in Afghanistan. So, it all depends on the CMSF story line. If it is set in a 2007 where Canada has already been fighting in Afghanistan for years then they would have likely brought drones to use. We started using out own in Afghanistan in 2003 (before that we either borrowed or had the use of some from the US). For reference they were " Sperwer unmanned aircraft " see pp 7-8 of http://mdacorporation.com/docs/default-source/brochures/isg/surveillance-and-intelligence/c4isr/airborne-surveillance-and-intelligence-systems/historyuavs.pdf?sfvrsn=4
  2. Yeah, those embedded graphics cards are problematic. I had a old work machine that would not play CM using the built in Intel chip but it had a "high performance" Nvidia card too so I could play when I had the game use that card. My current work machine also has a built in card but now "high performance" alternative. But it can limp a long and play the game. It sucks though so I don't bother. Does your notebook have an add on video card? If it does you can set the game to run with that.
  3. Interesting. I recently had about five jeeps destroyed by small arms fire. I had no idea the scenario I was playing was an attack - thought it was a meeting engagement. So, long story shot, my platoon of jeep mounted paras that I dispatched to take a key cross road resulted in all hands lost and all jeeps burning wrecks. All from just small arms fire. They were US jeeps BTW - I just put the Brit paras into them for transport trying to get the SMG heavy paras into some buildings around a cross roads.
  4. In the mean time you can use this: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=3847 to keep track of not only what you have already played but also how you did.
  5. Not sure can you provide more info? The TacAI will choose some unexpected paths when moving through difficult terrain - like favouring going around when you did not expect them to. The solution is to use short movement commands as this encourages them to stay closer to direct path. It sounds like the AT gun is in light forest terrain and you are trying to move just one AS next door - also light forest floor terrain. If so then leaving the forest and travelling on the grass and then back into the forest would be not good. On the other hand if you are giving them a move order of two or three AS along they might take to moving out onto the grass and then back in. The AT gun should defiantly be able to enter light forest floor terrain. Do you have a game save you could share?
  6. LOL nope. I'm just glad I beat @Michael Emrys to that one. I'll never catch up to him.
  7. Well hot damn! Most of the time Steve talks about CMBS future modules he mentions various armies and I usually ask "can you add Canadians to that list, please" and the conversation ends in silence . But one request from you and he's all - yeah we probably don't need help getting them in. Excellent. I'll claim credit for planting the idea and keeping the CF top of his mind. LOL he said if you answered he would stop asking so either way you would be covered but you had to go and make him happy I don't know about in the Netherlands (or should I say nether regions) but here in Canada that sounds a bit personal there
  8. LOL when I read his problem about the program not running I though weird I have no idea what that would be . Opening a support ticket is a good thing to do but feel free to tell us the symptoms you are experiencing - what happens when you try to run it? Any error messages or other dialogs appear? Frankly @StieliAlpha's idea of a virus scanner interfering with the .exe is a fairly common scenario. Anyway hopefully the support team has already sorted things out but if not tell us more...
  9. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the July Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMBN CW Iron Horse Vale CMBS Kumeiky Engagement The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  10. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the July Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMBN CW Iron Horse Vale CMBS Kumeiky Engagement The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  11. I really miss the like button some times. Like for this post +1 for the whole thing but that line above is my favourite.
  12. Ah, nice. Something to talk about. How long have they been sitting there? I think it would be good to figure out what the average time to spot the infantry is. What do we think the expected results might be? Serious question. the TC does have the ability to see all around and this is an infantry in the open scenario. Surely the TC would eventually spot them when doing one of their 360 checks. So, how much time should it take on average before the TC spots them? Perhaps we could consider how fast they spot compared to the same sized team in front of the tank. Directly in front there are more crew that can see something so the average time to spot should be quite a bit faster.
  13. Which would make them highly motivated to pick off the easy target of the guy standing in the open on the back of the tank.
  14. Whoa hold the phone on personal commentary there guys.
  15. No, be that guy - I had no idea that you could breach bocage with direct fire. Cool. Massive use of ammo but cool. My bold - that is the key. 4 times more HE delivered from the barrel as opposed to hand placing and digging is more than fair - might even be a little generous.
  16. No, nothing has been confirmed - that's my point.
  17. If you download the full v3 installer and install it in a separate location you two could have both versions to play.
  18. Nope. I am certain that has not been communicated that way. Find a link or it didn't happen
  19. Ahh, I must have missed something important. Can you link a reference to that announcement? My recollection is that the plan is to do whatever can be done to keep them compatible but that there are not solid commitments that every single thing will work exactly the same.
  20. You need to see the calculating progress bar otherwise you are just watching the same video over and over. Having said that, I doubt there will be any desire to change anything further (a big change has already already been made regarding tank visibility). Unless I am missunderstanding your description and your team was towards the front which is the location that the tank crew sees the best.
  21. Oh I see you are talking about intelligent placement of the actual move orders generated by the AI between two scripting order areas. Yeah that would be good Hummmm, my impression was that the length did change. I guess I'll have to play some extra attention.
  22. Correct they do. Interesting idea and could be an improvement. Only issue is it would be better if two squads from the same platoon coordinated rather than both of them doing this separately. Good idea.
  23. This is entirely in the control of the designer. If they place the movement end area in a place with good cover the troops will use it. If they place the end area in the open the troops will sit in the open. The various movement types or stances (I do not recall the correct term off the top of my head) already control the type and length of movement orders used by the TacAI.
  24. If I recall correctly he stated he was feeling burnt out and is taking a break.
  25. Using Google you can also restrict your search to just this site by adding site:community.battlefront.com to the front of your search.
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