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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Cool I didn't know that. I have never played CMSF1 so this kind of thing is cool to know. I could have taken the shot when he had his weapon in hand but just thought it looked cooler with the binos - especially since that is Capt. Leslie. Lots of tweaks in the new game - not just the infantry models What how close do you want? The guy holding the C9 is so close you can see his flag and his determination. Oh that will happen Bil gets his hands on a turn soon the dying will happen soon after that.
  2. My briefing graphics tutorial might be a good fit there. We should discuss that with @Bootie too. I am not sure when I'll finish it though...
  3. I am actually in the process of creating a step by step tutorial. But I am not done and it is on the back burner but I'll share a draft with you via PM. It will get you started. Wow good question. It has been done before but that doesn't mean they were OK. Copyright does allow for derivative works, so as long as some things are different I think you can say based on ASL scenario X but I would make sure that there are differences and that you write your own briefing etc. And consult a lawyer. Actually I would use an image from game. During play testing take some screen shots and is those.
  4. Did some thinking over lunch. Here are my current thoughts: An infantry platoon based in the north with the bulk of them on Lifeson to create a prepared reverse slop defence of that objective. I'll have a section positioned on KT8 with a scout team keeping their eye on AA1 and AA2. The sniper section at the farm at Rutsey so they can see what is happening early. They can use the low area to evade and return to Lifeson - hopefully. The FO, a section of tanks and the Anti Armour Lavs at Lee. I'll have the FO direct fires and spot for the anti armour units and let the tanks and anti armour use the village and the terrain to attack various enemy units as needed from key hole positions. The mechanized platoon at Peart with a section detached and paired with a section of tanks to move to KT3. The infantry can dismount and spot for the tanks from KT3 and have the tanks and the LAV attack targets using the terrain hide in. Then can with draw along AA4 back to Peart. This unit can also redeploy to Lee if needed as well.
  5. Yep, for those times when there is system damage. I am not really sure if that top mounted MG is remote operated.
  6. Then I will report that. Interesting I had never seen them open before since I always fight with them buttoned up. I only opened up for their photo. In a sense they are on parade...
  7. METT-T: Troops As described in the earlier post this is a combined arms force created by paring back the Independent Battle Group from the force selection screen. The force is company sized, two platoons of infantry and one of tank troop plus some elements from the battle group support company, a section of Anti Armour, a batter of 81mm mortars and a sniper team. Order of battle D Company: Capt. Leslie LAV Captain Team: Lt. Duncan (2IC) FO Tea: Lt Finnegan Also Attached to D Company from the battle group support Company: Mortar Platoon HQ: Lt McKibbin (with four tubes of 81mm mortars) Sniper Team: MCpl Morrison One Section Anti Armour LAV: Lt. Golfrey 14 Platoon (Mech Infantry with no LAVs): Lt. Corhill 1 Section: Sgt Greentree 2 Section: Sgt Bellemere 3 Section: Sgt Augustine 4 Section (weapons): Sgt Calder 15 Platoon (Mech Infantry LAVs): Lt. Jackson 1 Section: Sgt Pension 2 Section: Sgt Forbes 3 Section: Sgt Wright 4 Section (weapons): Sgt Merritt 18 Troop (Four C2 Lepards): Lt Bermier 1 Tank: Sgt Aurthor 2 Tank: Sgt Laurin 3 Tank: Sgt Gagon Fire support 1 battery (4 tubes) of 81mm mortars off map from the battle group 1 battery (2x2 guns) of 105mm guns HQ and support elements 14 Platoon 15 Platoon 18 Troop Fire Support METT-T: Time That battle is 2 hours long. I am sure we will end the battle before that due to casualties.
  8. Humm that's strange indeed. Question were there any maps shipped with the vehicle pack? What map did you guys use for your game. The way it is supposed to work is if have a module your opponent does not, you can start a game using it and your opponent can still play it. In your case if your opponent does not have the VP then they should not have been able to create a game that needs it. So that right there seems wrong.
  9. METT-T: Enemy Enemy Intentions The enemy will attempting to control the road network in this area to undermine the NATO advance happing to the south and West of here. By controlling this area they can threaten supply routes and routes for reinforcements. Enemy Force Capabilities The enemy tanks can range from vastly inferior T55s to pretty much equal to the C2s T90 while their IFVs are not as capable as our LAVs the BMP3s are no slouch when it comes to firepower. Possible Order of Battle For the attacking force in a Medium probe I expect to see two companies plus some support. Bil should be able to purchase a tank company and a mechanized infantry company. Enemy Strengths Depending on which tanks Bil choose we could be looking at a large numerical advantage with inferior tanks – which can still deal with a LAV and still pose a real threat to the C2s or they could still bring a numerical advantage with an equivalent tank. Enemy Weakness None of the enemy AFVs can match the spotting ability of ours. Enemy Equipment There is no intelligence on what level of equipment the enemy force may possess. I would not be surprised if we face an elite guard force but second tier force is also possible. Enemy Course of Action · AA1 Has good low areas to move through and it clears the first objective naturally. The enemy would not likely try this without securing KT1 and KT3first. · AA2 The least likely avenue of approach since this is under easy observation from KT7 and KT8. Again there is a need to secure KT1 and KT3. · AA3 Offers ways of moving without being constantly under observation. Again need to secure KT1 and KT3 but this avenue is already going towards KT1. · AA4 Also offers ways of moving without being constantly under observation. Again need to secure KT1 and KT3 but this avenue is already going towards KT3 and past KT1. There is a good chance the enemy may recon all four routes. I expect he will favour AA3 and AA4 but we will have to see how the battle plays out.
  10. Definitely. I have a little more analysis to write up. I could do something shots of trips and vehicles to go with the order of battle post that will come after that. Good idea.
  11. Ah that looks fake. Looks like a remake of this: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/is-this-invisibility-cloak-video-real/ Bring some actual sources of better yet just stop with the silliness.
  12. Yep, it has been reported. Steve had it fixed and it reverted again by the time it went live - sigh
  13. I forget about them too. I cannot even say where they are from memory. I'm away from my gaming computer so I cannot check. Correct. If it says H2H only there are likely no AI plans. Ah, no you do not *need* two copies. Any scenario that has AI plans can be played H2H as well. Having said that sometimes a scenario that works vs the AI doesn't work so well H2H. Start by making a good scenario with AI for both sides. Then have some H2H play testing done. Only create a second H2H only version if you need to tweak something to balance the H2H experience.
  14. No there is no if then triggers. Reinforcements come in where you "deployed" then. Setup zones are not used for reinforcements. You can scroll the activated units. It is just not very intuitive. Look for the orange triangles pointing up and down. Those allow you to page up and down. If you are creating a scenario then you should choose the forces for both sides and create AI plans as desired. Then when a player plays the scenario H2H or against the AI they will have the same briefing and forecast. The uploading space on the server is very restricted for each user. Most people upload to a separate image sharing service and link her.
  15. Oh man oops. He lives forever in our hearts. How's that. OP corrected. Sure but the objectives are all named after Rush band and former band members.
  16. Love John Candy and back bacon is awesome. I don't think that Gordon Lightfoot was a member of Rush Nice
  17. For the center and the south it could be viable to drive a force to those positions and have a plausible way to get back. For the one in the North it would be suicide. My main thought is to cover them from my high ground. The at lavs can reposition repeatedly in the village and threaten his high ground. So can the tanks or I can move to take my side of the central high ground as a surprise. I just got the setup from Bil yesterday. I have my son visiting this weekend and a little more analysis to write up - including my plan. So i have time to mull it over.
  18. Sym links or similar were very flaky on Windows. If I were to attempt this kind of thing on a Windows box I would expect it to not work.
  19. Sorry man now your comment looks strange. I went back and redid the screen shots with trees on and updated them on my gallery page. So, @IICptMillerII is not wrong or taking hallucinogens - I just fixed the pics on him.
  20. LOL. I am fighting against Bil - its coming. Let the pour guy enjoy his tea before all hell breaks loose. On a more serious not I got the setup turn back from Bil so I have setup work to do. And planning write up and company home for the weekend so you guys are going to have to be a bit patient - which is code for Ken, Splinty and Cpt Miller will entertain you guys by ribbing me.
  21. LOL I think he knows that. He is wondering why an OS file system feature would not work for mods. I'm not a Mac user so I have no idea but I would have thought that the application would not have any idea that files were symlinked and it would just work.
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