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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I forget about them too. I cannot even say where they are from memory. I'm away from my gaming computer so I cannot check. Correct. If it says H2H only there are likely no AI plans. Ah, no you do not *need* two copies. Any scenario that has AI plans can be played H2H as well. Having said that sometimes a scenario that works vs the AI doesn't work so well H2H. Start by making a good scenario with AI for both sides. Then have some H2H play testing done. Only create a second H2H only version if you need to tweak something to balance the H2H experience.
  2. No there is no if then triggers. Reinforcements come in where you "deployed" then. Setup zones are not used for reinforcements. You can scroll the activated units. It is just not very intuitive. Look for the orange triangles pointing up and down. Those allow you to page up and down. If you are creating a scenario then you should choose the forces for both sides and create AI plans as desired. Then when a player plays the scenario H2H or against the AI they will have the same briefing and forecast. The uploading space on the server is very restricted for each user. Most people upload to a separate image sharing service and link her.
  3. Oh man oops. He lives forever in our hearts. How's that. OP corrected. Sure but the objectives are all named after Rush band and former band members.
  4. Love John Candy and back bacon is awesome. I don't think that Gordon Lightfoot was a member of Rush Nice
  5. For the center and the south it could be viable to drive a force to those positions and have a plausible way to get back. For the one in the North it would be suicide. My main thought is to cover them from my high ground. The at lavs can reposition repeatedly in the village and threaten his high ground. So can the tanks or I can move to take my side of the central high ground as a surprise. I just got the setup from Bil yesterday. I have my son visiting this weekend and a little more analysis to write up - including my plan. So i have time to mull it over.
  6. Sym links or similar were very flaky on Windows. If I were to attempt this kind of thing on a Windows box I would expect it to not work.
  7. Sorry man now your comment looks strange. I went back and redid the screen shots with trees on and updated them on my gallery page. So, @IICptMillerII is not wrong or taking hallucinogens - I just fixed the pics on him.
  8. LOL. I am fighting against Bil - its coming. Let the pour guy enjoy his tea before all hell breaks loose. On a more serious not I got the setup turn back from Bil so I have setup work to do. And planning write up and company home for the weekend so you guys are going to have to be a bit patient - which is code for Ken, Splinty and Cpt Miller will entertain you guys by ribbing me.
  9. LOL I think he knows that. He is wondering why an OS file system feature would not work for mods. I'm not a Mac user so I have no idea but I would have thought that the application would not have any idea that files were symlinked and it would just work.
  10. LOL yeah looks bad. I ignore memes and unfollow people that share to many, I was never a big fan of Rush and I absolutely dislike trailer park boys. But I am a card carrying Tim Hortons coffee drinker. Hopefully that will be enough for you guys Those memes were pretty funny BTW I will refrain from unfollowing you
  11. METT-T: Terrain The map we are fighting on is pretty big with lots of interesting terrain and places to hide. Below is the map with some key terrain marked with a red flag and camera views marked with a yellow triangle followed by pictures from those views. Map View #1 Map View #2 Map View #3 Map View #4 Map View #5 Map View #6 Map View #7 Map View #8 Map View #9 https://www.lesliesoftware.com/imagehost/upload/2018/07/19/20180719142614-26f57bc4.jpg Map View #10 And finally the views from the Enemy approach road. Map View #11 Map View #12 Map View #13 Map View #13 Camera raised so you can see the objective behind the hill.
  12. Planning I have not done a formal METTT analysis before so constructive criticism welcome. METT-T: Mission The mission is to defend the flank of the main advance by controlling the road network. There is high ground along the North / South road corresponding to the Road North, Village and Road South objectives. Those objectives directly control the North / South road and also command views of much of the East / West road. Any Syrian advance is expected along the East / West road. The East side of the map also has some high ground. In the middle is lower ground but with lots of terrain features. My setup zone does not include the high ground on the East of the map. Once Bil gets controls of one or more of those (and we all know he will) nothing in the low ground in the middle will be safe. Objectives: Objective Lifeson – Road North: This location has a slope behind it where units can create a reverse slope defense. In addition just to the East of this location is a peak that could offer good visibility and still allow for withdrawal back to the objective. Objective Lee – Village: This location is just as high as any on the East side of the map. It also offers plenty of key whole opportunities to interdict the high ground to the East. Objective Peart - Road South: This location also has a slope behind it that could be used for repositioning and a reverse slope defense. In front of this objective is one of the lowest points on the map. Objective Rutsey - North East Farm: This objective offers no clean way to withdraw and is very close to where the Syrians will likely be arriving. I am considering not defending this at all. Objective Jones - Road East: This objective is in the low center and can be attacked from many, many places. I am defiantly not going to defend this directly at all. Tasks: Deny the High Ground – If the enemy can take KT1, 2 and 3 I will have trouble finding keyhole positions to deny the enemy the approaches. Deny the Approach – Clearly if I am going to hold I have to make sure the enemy cannot take the village and control the roads I need to keep them from crossing the low ground KT5 and KT6
  13. Yeah. You know how people say I lost the game on the purchase screen.... I hope this does not turn into that. ?? not me that's for sure
  14. Oh that is awesome - great song but that is an hilarious intro. It will not officially be my theme song for this battle.
  15. Originally I was not going to name the objectives but their in game names are a bit awkward so I will. A bit of research and yeah rush band member names. Your wish is me command
  16. Yep. On the main menu select Community and that page has several community related links - including to here.
  17. Well yes of course. I am sure the lessee agreement said it had to be returned in original condition. Very cool pictures.
  18. Oh are you guys making a Trailer Park Boys reference. Bubbles I recognize. Yeah sorry never watched that series - just not that funny to me. Sorry - I'll hand in my passport .
  19. Indeed. That gives me the opportunity to say since this is a Beta AAR I am not using any mods (I miss my NATO symbols mod already) and I will be taking my screen shots using regular view - non of this Movie mode hippy dippy stuff for me
  20. ?? what - apparently I'm not a very good Canadian cause I have no idea what those are. Lee could be Getty Lee from Rush but that's just a guess.
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