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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Ithikial_AU

  1. If it's any help... The briefing templates from some of the BF games were released on the repository years ago. These were transferred over to CMMODS. If you have some basic skills with photoshop or other programs that open .psd files it will save you some work in prepping breifing graphics. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?page_id=5#search/text=Briefing Trying to find the balance for victory points can also be a bit of a challenge. I created a simply excel file that lets you test different combinations of victory point assignments, and potential points gained by players on both sides so you can 'game out' your scenarios. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=4236 Hope that helps. :)
  2. On my blue moon wishlist for sure. More options for soundfiles and varied explosion textures based on the cause (for example direct shot vs indirect) would be a nice cosmetic bump up for the CM games. Going back to the OP.... Just my opinion. The problem with Nebelwefers is they are incredibly unbalanced for the majority of the map and force sizes we play with 99% of the time. Should that mean they have no place in the CM TOE? No, but like 'rare' vehicles they won't (and shouldn't) show up in many scenarios. I remember playing the Commonwealth Campaign from CMBN-CW where a mission had the infamous moaning minnies. The Germans were able to use them to shell the British deployment zone with a pre-planned bombardment. The result ended up effectively wiping out a company of my troops before I'd even set off. That turned into an immediate 'save scum' situation since there was no point in me trying to push ahead in the scenario or the campaign when you take a hit. Then in the back of my mind I know that there are limited forces for the rest of the campaign. When I made 'Lions of Carpiquet' I ran directly into the 'Nebelwerfer' problem as a designer. Historically, the 12 SS used Nebelwerfers on the Canadians who took the village. Actually a crude equivilent that was more like an early form of napalm rather than high explosive. I didn't want to ignore this part of Operation Windor's history but was well aware of the problems of giving the AI access to such a potent weapon during a pre-set bombardment. The solution (minor spoilers) was to mark the area I wanted the AI to try to destroy with off map support slightly in front and away from the Canadian/player deployment. By default the Nebelwefers will always scatter over a wide area regardless and this meant only a fraction would seriously hit the Canadian player unless he was really silly leaving his dug in defensive positions to charge Panthers with infantry. You still got the 'cinematic' effect without the possible lop sided hit to scenario balance. Tips/Rules I've come up along the way with off map support (as a designer): - 'Nebelwerfer trick' as above. - Use the heavier support options only for larger and/or heavy hard cover maps. (155mm 'Long Toms' are not assigned to a platoon trying to take a lone farmhouse). - Manage AI and Player off map ammo very carefully. - Don't be scared (in an AI battle) to have the enemy forces come onto the map from reserve timed to coincide with the end of a player prebombardment. I use this 'gamey trick' in Lion's of Carpiquet for the opening mission where the player is instructed to use all of their off map support to reflect the final stages of a carpet barrage from 30 odd artillery battalions. Historically the Germans sheltered in stone basements which are not modeled in game. It takes lots of testing and careful timing but as a designer you'll know how many troops you'll have to go up against the player at all times. Unfortunately you can't take off map support away from a player after a preset time in game. ie 'use it or lose it.' So a level of trust between designer and player will need to exist here. - Give the player warning in the briefing if they are going to be shelled on turn one. Have his troops set to hide intially so they don't stick their heads up as much. Hope that helps.
  3. I thought that was what I was trying to achieve with the initial ticket. But yes no chance I can access the old account attached to the other email address. If having the serials is enough though for CMSF2...
  4. Looks nice. :) To ask the obvious, why not wait until Rome to Victory is released given the time frame? Ensure correct date and TOE for Sept 1944 are used etc.
  5. Possibly having some trouble. Lodged a helpdesk ticket the other week since all my CMSF1 orders (with the exception of the NATO module) were not being listed on the 'My Orders' page on the new website. Helpdesk Ticket ID: 20040855 No issue confirming all the serial numbers etc as I still had the old physical discs. I understand these older orders are now linked to the correct account but they are still not showing up on the 'My Orders' page. Is this type of fix only required behind the scenes so to speak? Just a tad concerned that it may cause some issues when it came time to purchase the upgrade bundle. Cheers
  6. Cheers @HerrTom Judging by the timed 'ping' I get every night in my Dropbox folder I share with IanL, I'm guessing the script he wrote to record daily weather patterns across Ukraine is still running. If the CMBS timeframe expands out to cover 2017-18 winter and autum period we'll be covered. If anyone is interested. (Current CMBS timeframe only) http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=5228
  7. Yep, and the ability to import the state of the map after a battle (including wrecked vehicles if possible) would be great. I'm thinking like the CMBB days.
  8. For what it's worth, for some long term thinking and on the assumption CM3 isn't going to be something completly different is scale/scope. When the time comes it would be great to have the ability to import CM2 era scenarios into CM3. (Even if this was a part process that still required editing in the CM3 editor). The amount of time and effort it's taken scenario designers to build something in CM2 compared to the CM1 days jumped heavily. There's also some real cracking scenarios/maps out there that would be great to keep alive in future iterations of the game. Not to mention letting the designers focus on new sceanrio ideas rather than rebuilding from scratch what's already been done before.
  9. Re-login process pretty smooth. My first few attempts hit bump in the road since no emails to confirm password reset were coming through. Other than that, all good. Looking forward to CMSF2.
  10. Looks like@BletchleyGeek beat me to it but here is the phone version for what it's worth.
  11. Congrats. Even Australia's infamous tin can and string internet seems to receiving the new site. :P Main page looks a bit bland on my mobile phone (android) as it's just a lot of text on a black background. Functions well it's lacking any pics or the logo. No probs on desktop.
  12. Probably, but would that be enough to prevent it being looked into on it's own? Not suggesting the existing "Wire Fence" is replaced - Even if the existing assets for the wire fence are used but the height and it's properties are changed to prevent infantry from crossing the action square it would probably be enough and increase the tactical challenges map makers/scenario designers can add to maps. I'm sure there will be a modder or two our there who will try to get the graphics right down the line (like what happened with the existing graphics issue with default NS and EW ploughed fields).
  13. Yeah I've mentioned this one before as it's on my (always growing :D) wishlist. It's the one type of fence/wall that is missing from the game; blocks infantry movement without bloocking LOS and LOF. It's also a biggy more for the modern era titles to help map out built up areas accurately. Not everyone has solid cement walls between properties.
  14. The simple solution (in my head - probably not when it comes to programming it) would be for all instances where troops are in a building on a floor with a balcony they will remain indoors unless the player gives them a "Face" command that is in the direction of a balcony, at which point they will then use the balcony. This type of setup would mean troops would only occupy exposed balconies when the player has actually prescribed an order to do so. Troops that simply spot and start shooting enemies on their own accord will remain inside the building behind hard cover. Perhaps there's an option here for lower quality troops to rush out on balconies to reflect their inexperience?
  15. Africa or early war? Both. Barbarossa: Would flip the game on it's head with the Germans being the ones on the major offensive rather than the usual Allies vs German defenders set up we have now. Not to mention Axis minor nations. Africa: Well I want to see Australian forces eventually. In my mind at least Africa could work well with the family/module system except you'd work back wards through time rather than forwards like we see now with CM2 titles: 1. Base Game - Operation Torch to Tunisia focused. Nov 1942 - May 1943. US, German, Italian forces. (Maybe Vichy French?) I'm also assuming the US forces first policy would be continued. 2. Module - El Alemein. Time-frame extends back to June 1942. Commonwealth Forces to cover the famous battles in Egypt and the Mareth Line. 3. Module - Early war Africa. Time-frame extends back to cover 1940 and 1941 in the desert. Tobruk, Crusader etc. 4. Module - The Balkans, Greece and Crete. Considering the Commonwealth shipped forces from Africa seems like a nice fit. Meh, we can all dream.
  16. This reminded me of a long held but often forgotten wish of mine. One day in the future is it possible to have the scenario selection screen reflect a bit more info up front as you scroll through and filter for the scenario you are after. (Without needing to click on each item to view additional details. Something similar to the old CM1 days. It was just that bit easier to scroll through when deciding what type of battle you wanted to fight based on size, nationality, number of turns etc. And I never knew GOG sold CMBO. Things you learn.
  17. Thanks, hope you enjoy. Call me overly competitive in the wrong areas but it's good to see this one still towards the top of the dload count over at the Scenario Depot even after all this time. Hope the folks who have played through it found it enjoyable or at least got some use out of the master maps for some MP action. You don't get much feedback as a designer...
  18. Many blue moons ago when the whole Upgrade system was announced I mentioned that long term it was going to turn into a bit of a logistical nightmare trying to balance multiple number of game 'families'. At the time there was only two families (I think), now we're heading for six. Has this experience changed BF's thinking around release strategy? For instance bolting on on more modules to CMRT to push that front back to say Kursk, rather than releasing a whole new family for July 1943 - May 1944 eastern front? I'm no programmer so no idea if it would make a difference man hour wise but logistically/project management wise wouldn't there be some gains?
  19. I'd be more interested if this was the 'bigger' sub-bone... What can I say, I'm an Aussie so it's the only way I'm ever going to see some of my mob in the CM2 engine.
  20. Is there any chance that there could be multiple payoffs for BF with doing this TOE hard slog for Rome to Victory? For instance, the work done for US kitted out French forces appearing in this module being the basis for them appearing in CMBN/CMFB via a module/pack?
  21. Great news. Looking forward to playing through the old missions again. There's still one certain scenario from the British campaign... a certain riot/militia attack on a police station that still gives me CM nightmares. God knows how lethal that will be in Engine 4.
  22. Beautiful looking map. Now for a scenario and AI plans.
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