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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Yes, just got out of playing around in it for the first time because I was out of town for 2 days. The overlay and snapping roads/fences is fantastic. The editor ROCKS!
  2. Hmmm, I can't seem to edit my posts???? Anyhoo, sorry for the typos, especially "newsreel".
  3. I saw thius in the theatre when I was 10, and it was one of those that always stuck with me. When I was in my 20's I saw it again, and the "newreel" made more of an impression, especially the "study in contrast" between the victors and the vanquished.
  4. You guys are getting more awesome by the day!
  5. Mord, any word on whether sound mods, yours in particular, and visual mods like Vein's tracers and explosions can be used in CMFI?
  6. Oh, you will love it! And it should be standard issue with CMx2.
  7. Welcome aboard, Roc. Listen to Mord, and definitely get all his mods. But don't ever play against him. The FORCE is strong within the young lad! Check out The Few Good Men website as well. They have a lot of campaigns, ladders, etc., for when you feel up to human vs. human. After 3 years of CMSF and a year of CMBN, I finally gave in and joined an FGM multiplayer campaign. NOTHING beats playing against a person! I never looked back, except to play the AI when I don't have a head to head game going, which is rare.
  8. If less is more, then just think how much more more will be.
  9. Which one, Stalingrad or Drive on Moscow? I'm downloading both. CM2 sure has come a long way. Oh, forgive me, I forgot that most of you don't have the Time Travel app. sorry.
  10. I found this link in a post over at The Miniatures Page/TMP. These are very interesting. http://www.dererstezug.com/VeteranInterviews.htm
  11. Stop that, you two. I was already plotting my *cough* need to leave work early.
  12. Yeah, next time maybe we won't have to race! I booted the HQ Support team out of their Kubel and threw in a Schrek team, and raced them to your side of the map, just in case they were needed.
  13. Hey eltorrente, nice report! You're right about seeing a battle from the other guy's perspective. I hope we meet again in more extended combat!
  14. Turn 2: The remaining two Stuarts continue their dash to safety. Here the 3rd Stuart just reaches the map exit with escape within its grasp, when Roesl puts one in the gut...it's all over for #3: Within seconds, the surviving #4 Stuart barks back and rings Wittman's bell! However, neither he, his crew, nor his panzer is hurt: Roesel puts and end to that! Again, a Stuart is caught seconds from safety: Very short and bloody for the Canadians, I'm afraid. But next time, I doubt things will go my way so easily...
  15. That's half the fun in playing another person. Psyching out the other guy, or vice versa, doing things to keep him guessing, all the while worrying like you are that you missed something big. Good AAR!
  16. ...when your long-sought after three-some on a beautiful Saturday evening turns out to be separate pbems with Mord and Broadsword56.
  17. Imhof's crew is shaken, but there are no casualties: Almost immediately, Steinbauer fires again and score a direct hit against the Stuart: One second later, Wohler joins in and seals the fate of this brave Canadian crew: Meanwhile, Panzer Commander Wittman(!) gets off a quick shot and nails a second Stuart: Again, Canadians show their bravery and martial spirit...the bailed crew from the second Stuart blasts Wittman with a sten as he cruises by to try and stop the remaining 2 Stuarts: Turn One ends...Turn Two coming up.....
  18. Field Marshll Noob has given me command of a panzergrenadier battalion and several platoons of Mark IVs of the 12th SS Panzer Division "Hitlerjugend". Strategically, the Division is to counterattack NW of Caen and push the Allied landings in Normandy back into the sea. Operationally, we will be attacking toward Authie, but first, several Canadian armored recce troops have been spotted to our front, and my command has been tasked with capturing or destroying one of them. I have given orders to surround what turns out to be a troop of Stuart light tanks. If that is all we have bagged, then this should be a short, dirty battle. Initial Disposition: As expected, the troop of Stuarts decides that discretion is the better part of valor and races off toward the corner of its exit area. I had disposed my armor to attempt to cover the whole area, but with a stronger element toward the "open" corner, figuring that the Canadian commander would likely head there since it would be the shortest route without any Axis directly to its front. Opening Shot--Panzer commander Steinbauer gets off the first shot, barely missing his target: But wait...the shell has blown the Stuart commanders beret clean off: Apparently, the concussive force of the shell killed him: While the rest of the troop heads for safety, this Stuart's plucky crew stops, backs up, and promptly fires a round into the panzer commanded by Imhof: To be continued...
  19. Good finish, noob! P.S. My Axis 12-10 report is on it's way in a little while.
  20. H-t-H = Head to Head/Human to Human. @necramonium, I find that Broadswords paras are anything but panty-waists. I suspect that might be the difference from AI player behavior and human?
  21. ucg, that will make it a superb h-t-h battle. People should be forewarned, though, that once reinforcements arrive, the Order phase will take about 2 hours for 1 minute of action, lol! Herding those reinforcement along the best paths to the Front to cut down on fatigue is quite a job for the Germans [the Alllies shouldn't have that problem--they just have to worry about artillery barrages as they try to cross the bridge ]. As it is, I think by the time they get to the areas of action, they will need a good amount of rest. On that point, you could place the reinforcement companies closer to Ingouf Farm, but extend their arrival time accordingly. So you could place them along that road which is about halfway between Carentan and Ingouf Farm, but have them arrive at 1 hr 30 min, instead of at Carentan at 1 hour. Or have some lined up and ready to move along the railroad close to Carentan, destination: "Cafe" area, say at 1 hour, 15 min. I lost a lot of time and added fatigue moving the companies over the marshy area Now, that said, I am not certain of the RL reinforcement rate, location, time and condition, so it may be that the time spent handling the reinforcements is basically accurate. I will say that holding off Broadsword for an hour until reinforcments arrived (and of course I have yet to actually get them to the action) was a real blast!
  22. Yes, undoubtedly the best H-t-H battle I've played. The map and scenario are a Disneyland for small-unit infantry tactics--on a regimental scale. Many nuanced terrain-influenced decisions are necessary. I'm playing the Germans, so I am in my favorite element, defending against a tough/elite force playing a hold/delaying action. The map is super for that. Broadsword and I have had several small-sized (section/squad + and squad/platoon-) close range firefights that have had us on the edge of our seats waiting impatiently for the next turn to see how our orders played out. But the reinforcements were a real pain. Undercovergeek, if you could place the German reinforcements on or closer to the main road out of Carentan, incrementally, say one company a turn with about 3-5 minutes between turns after the initial entry, that would help immensely. The unit numbering issue is an Allies problem only because the Axis companies were numbered, of course. Thanks!
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