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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by ZPB II

  1. Unfortunately, no. I would love to death a feature that would notify me of battlefield events. Make it customizable like in, say, X-Com Apocalypse and that would be perfect. Right now you either stop caring about what happens to your men or meticulously comb every turn file over and over again to keep track of what's happening. I can't say I enjoy either option much. Heck, the more I think about it the more the X-COM Apocalypse system would suit CM. It had this menu that had a variety of battlefield events, like spotting an enemy, taking fire/damage/casualties, running out of ammo, panicking and so on. And in the menu you could check what you want to happen when the condition is met by simple checkboxes. You could have the game automatically pause, give you a message or nothing at all. And you could focus on the event by simply pushing a button. Oh, dreams...
  2. Yet again we see the true face of the terrorists backed by the West. A salafist commander cuts out the heart of a SAA soldier and takes a bite. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTrXYX0XhE4 I am disgusted that Western governments back up these degenerates. How limp, weak and blind we are. Yeah, the Syrian government sucks, only fanatical islam sucks way more. It's **** like this that makes me hope al-Assad stays in power forever and burns these dogs.
  3. There's really nothing mystic here. A lot of people in first world countries eat way too much junk and sit for extended periods of time without exercising. This combination all but guarantees that blood will not flow freely in their nether regions. Evolutionary instincts make us wave our dicks proudly in order to attract attention. When it's small and flaccid, a substitute is required.
  4. Thanks for making this! Sound pretty intense. Is this only for small arms or also explosions, cannons and such?
  5. I do have to wonder who thought it was a good idea going to war in shorts. Sure it's nice and cool but are all the cuts and bruises a worthy tradeoff?
  6. http://sa-kuva.fi/ A gem if you may. Humbling stuff, one can spend hours browsing them.
  7. Are they really winning the "Hearts and Minds" battle on Youtube? I've watched a lot of videos there and I get the feeling that the vast majority of comments are along the lines of "Go die on a pig, FSA scum!" The ones cheering for the FSA seem to be from the jihadist camp themselves.
  8. What I find slightly fishy is that they had loaded RPGs yet decided on the hand grenade. Initiating a new member? Putting up a good PR show for the camera? Hard to tell. Maybe they're just that badass.
  9. Speaking of personal preference, I find the current panning style much to my liking. What others find clunky I find to convey a sense of inertia. This improves the sense of scale and feel for me. It could be smoother while retaining the same inertia, but right now I'm happy that it isn't gliding all over the place. The way acceleration works in most games is counterproductive to being immersed in the graphics for me.
  10. It's a good link, yet again reinforcing the thinking that it is favorable to adapt to changing conditions instead of following strict and obsolete tactics. It would be interesting to read about the military intelligence and political shenanigans leading to the unfortunate situation. I found the illustrations slightly amusing in a morbid sense. "Vehicles are vulnerable if hit in vulnerable locations." And boy, if there isn't an awful many of those on the lighter transporters. The BMP-2 looked, felt and smelled like a death trap. Did not do taste sampling. The paint is probably highly toxic. There's so much video footage from Syria illustrating the various ways a BMP can blow up and many times I wish I hadn't looked. But that is the besserwisser cynic in me doing the thinking. And, LLF, it is indeed that some of the hard left atmosphere in university circles stems from the fact that it is a dastardly lot easier to get intimately acquinted with nubile women studying, for example, female studies, political sciences or theatre if you lean a bit. Wouldn't want to ruin a good game with boring stuff like proper debating. And to not risk being misinterpreted, here is a smiling face.
  11. A foreign philosopher once said that when the pussy has to work for you, one will live in a land of cashmoney mountains.
  12. A worthy nominee for the Golden Troll.
  13. Augh, okay, that sounds bad. Hearing words like Microsoft and "wider appeal" had me worried. I had a brief skimthrough of that episode and it felt very generic and safely played. The cinematography, dialogue, pacing... Borderline boring. But then, on the other hand, it's free and it did feel different from other video game movies (better production values and it wasn't made by Uwe Boll so it would suck on purpose so he can exploit a tax loophole). Would need to watch more to form a solid opinion. It's really hard to say if video game movies will ever stop sucking. Producers have their assumptions about what your typical video gamer wants and will cater to him. The end product is rarely what one would call good cinema. But that is understandable, it probably isn't the best career move for a "serious" director to do a video game movie. And I don't know how much sense it would make. The first Mortal Kombat is definitely a cult classic in my books, but I don't know if I would recommend watching it. I have this fuzzy recollection that the Hitman movie was not as bad as it could have been, but I don't think I would recommend watching it either. There are always the obligatory video game movie scenes. I have high hopes for the Deux Ex Human Revolution movie! That game oozed style.
  14. There's a marijuana related joke to be made here, but I'm stumbling with the punchline. JK, what's the current status of this project? Is Peter Jackson & WETA working on it? Wikipedia and Google offer such a crossfire of information. :confused:
  15. Well, this is comedy. Now some old dude from Bulgaria is furious and almost wants to sue Red Bull and Felix for stealing his idea. It seems this guy is claiming he is the first guy in the world who had the brilliant idea of jumping from a really high altitude. He didn't explain if Kittinger & team stole his idea using a time machine or somesuch. Red Bull & Felix are commenting that his plan and calculations were flawed and lunatical. Well, in more diplomatic terms but that is the gist. But in the end nothing new under the sun, a newspaper wants to make money by digging up an unbalanced (?) individual and getting some wild statements (?) about current events. http://kurier.at/nachrichten/4515989-wiener-klagt-an-felix-verkauft-mein-projekt.php Here's the link, I used a mixture of Pig German and Google Translate to decipher the contents. Maybe I'm being too judgemental here and it will turn out that they actually stole and copied this guy's masterplan and implemented it without giving him a dime. Shrug.
  16. I've slept under one. Does that count? Grouchy me, I did a bit of Oogooling and apparently the project was revived at some point! If Peter Jackson is still in I have high hopes.
  17. What I know about the new UFO: Enemy Unknown (I will adamantly call it that since the original was released with that name over here ) is limited to this thread and Angry Joe's funny video review. I also have concerns about the streamlining. Even X-Com Apocalypse (loved that one) seems a bit more hardcore. The old games were the kind that you play and it would twist and break your balls and kick dirt in your face. I guess I'm in the camp that would love the game to be a remake with all the old sounds and music a bit touched up. Need to find time to try out the demo. Also, I first used Steam when it came out and it's generally been a very solid and dependable platform. I like Valve and Gabe Newell seems like a down-to-earth, smart and likeable person in his interviews and seminars. Aaand, Borderlands 2 is one of the funniest games I've played in a long time. The writing and acting in that game is top notch. So many great characters and scenes.
  18. So, uhh. I had a quick glance and it seemed like yet again someone put together promo material for the franchise and posts it as a, uh, trailer. Trolling is nothing new on the internet (this might sound funny coming from me!) and this wasn't a particularly spectacular troll. The best trolls are the convincing ones that leave you thinking "Is this guy serious or not?" Am I missing something here? Are you a troll? Am I a troll? Are we all just trolls? The horror...
  19. Watched this live for several hours. Pretty amazing stuff. Goosebump-inducing. What also amazed me was the grumbling. A lot of criticism about how it's only about the money, ego and a good show. I guess there are people who have the opinion that every pioneer and badass did his or her stuff only to wave his or her massive dick around. You know. How science exists in a vacuum and is completely independent of money. And how money is actually somesort of evil entity instead of a function of time and effort. But I guess that's a whole another topic about psychology and sociology. I don't think anyone is undermining the engineering feats involved. But it certainly takes a special kind of person to undergo such preparations and stay calm and rational when theory becomes practice. Felix's resume is most impressive. The psychological stress involved is hard to comprehend. Mind-boggling amounts of theory, work and money all come together and depend on a single person to not **** it all up. Millions of people all over the world watch it live. "Talk the talk, walk the walk." (This is not aimed at Elmar and his sense of humour, I just had to listen to too many people today with a different perspective on reality than I personally have.) Oh, and JK. Kittinger was rather involved in this project. It was interesting to watch his emotional reactions. 52 years is such a long time.
  20. I thought I'd clean up some of the dust and liven this place up. I recently ran into this video on Youtube. I don't remember seeing it here, I posted a link to it in the GF earlier: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCtj9k6HqKE Found it fascinating.
  21. I've been thinking of settling down. Then I log on the forum and read posts like these. Now I'm decidedly unsure.
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