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Everything posted by weapon2010

  1. ok, point is different than scouting, its called a scout team.
  2. If I have a favorite CMBN 1.10 qb map and put it in the CMFI qb folder and try to use it, will it work? Or we must wait until CMBN 1.10 maps are upgraded to 2.0 CMBN?
  3. When the scout team breaks from the squad, should'nt they take the binoculars with them?maybe it could be an option in the future?
  4. New Shader is very impressive, you can see individual fingers on the Italians in the truck when shader is on, compared to when its off you dont see the fingers, thats how sensitive it seems to be.Also the whole screenshot looks to be in greater detail.
  5. It sounds like we might need to fill out an on-line application prior to starting a quick battle.Just kidding, it wont be an issue for me.Modules,packs,basegames,sets, spairs,triplets,six-packs.Bring it.
  6. I obviously didnt see it jack wagon you have alot of time on your hands to reply to the post that should have not been posted yes really
  7. Would'nt Armor re-supply be in the scope of the game especially in long battles such as 2 and 4 hour battles?Trucks or areas holding he and ap shells?
  8. Now this is the way maps should be done. Thanks
  9. Dreamworld alert! At some point it would be cool to have a few reports to pull up like: A low ammo report lowest to highest Casualty Report It would make managing large battles much easier.
  10. Videos are interesting but not relevant.A concealed at gun(in foxholes and woods) under normal circumstances would be invisible at 500 yards.Im talking about 75mm at gun.Until it shoots, whether it gets spotted after the first shot depends on many factors.Tank's position relative to at guns position, tank crew expereince, what else is going around the battle feild?confusion? , smoke?, multiple at guns?, other tanks?even the sound the at gun makes would blend into obscurity on an active battlefield with hundreds of blasts going on. So in Erwins post its quite possible for that to be accurate representation but just not enough information.
  11. Do you recover faster from exhausted or tired when prone or in hide mode?
  12. Nachinus So you think if you were in a battle you would blaze away at where the enemy might be with no concern of ammunition consumption?Im not saying the area fire mechanics are perfect but they far better than they were.Now you can graze fire to a larger area with the use of waypoints in a single turn.I also use this trick to area fire with mgs, area target to the very crest of a small or hill or rise when your 5,000 rounds in your tank or hmg arnt doing anything.Not all but many of those bullets fly high causing much dismay to any enemy in its path.Works great on large maps.Those bullets keep flying for a long distance and do cause casualties.
  13. I use area fire quite often and it is a very powerful tool.Also remeber IRL troops are not going to area fire anywhere near the amount you would in this game.They would be much more concerned about ammunition conservation.In most cases in the game you get a boat load of ammo.This was not the case IRL.
  14. In the movie the British General states that 30 Corps had 20,000 vehicles.Is that accurate?That sounds like an unbelievable amount.
  15. Does anyone know the text book answer for proper safe spacing of a platoon after you split all your squads?To limit damage from an artillery barrage?
  16. Is there anyway to see what casualties were caused by artillery at the end of a battle like all of the other units?
  17. From a purley mathmatical outlook the wounded should always outnumber the killled.The human body has a very small area that would cause instant death.The head and midchest area is about 20% of the body leaving about 80% of the body to get hit with non-life threatening wounds such as a bullet graze to the shoulder or shrapnel to the thigh or foot.But these might be represented buy are yellow shaded wounded guys.Lightly wounded and able to fight.
  18. It seems like in the final results the number of killed is always significantly hire than the number wounded.Shouldn't it be the other way around?
  19. Spoiler Alert**** In Through the Loop, it seems as though only infantry can cross at the ford points. Are there different types of fords?Infantry only? Infantry and vehicles both able to ford?
  20. Is it correct that this unit is not equipped with binoculars?
  21. Are they going to get their own color?or can that be modded?They use a beige color in breifings, but american green in the game.
  22. Someone should be able to re-create this scenario now with a staggering level of realism and much improved version of the original.Ill never forget that scenario, the very first after the training misson(hey someone remake that as well).I played it over and over to see how much havoc I could inflict upon the Brits.And was very shocked when the tiger got killed as I thought they were invinsible.
  23. Ant battle any side or size?prefer scenarios send to rnldbwn581@gmail.com
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