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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. "....truckloads of money...." Certainly someone on the forum has one or two truckloads extra to pitch in to.."definitely make a single CM release look better..." for the common good:D
  2. I don't know the answer to your question about mixing. Would be nice to have a built in game, quick and easy way to select different Z folder mod themes without having to move things about. Then one could set up a separate Mod Warehouse drive as it were and direct CM-XYZ to use this mod theme on loading.
  3. Being able to click on ANY waypoint/line in order to select the unit (instead of having to go back and find the unit itself first).... as discussed in CMFI thread.
  4. And of course the new improved Modern Era CMSF-2 or whatever it will be called. "our predictions are that the size of the Eastern Front CM audience is about the same size as Modern warfare. This is based on a number of factors, but we won't know for sure until we have the next Modern game selling alongside the first Eastern Front title." That is a surprise to me. I am guessing the new Modern game, incorporating all the changes currently in CMFI-GL-BN-CW and the improvements to come that the new CMSF-2 or whatever it is named will market better than you predict Steve. You know the business and the numbers so I am just guessing. "fortunately most people do tend to recognize a good game regardless of the era. For example, I'm not a huge fan of modern warfare, but I have learned to love CMSF for all the things it does!" Sergei is correct. Looking back I suspect CMSF marketed well to non modern folks because it was (and still is) a good game in 2013. CMSF-2 will be much better and "selling alongside the first Eastern Front title" makes "good gaming" pretty sweet:)
  5. "I am winchester" = No more ammunition. No reason to hang around and be shot at if you can't shoot back. "Egressing from target." so you don't become one.
  6. Watched "Restrpo" (again) last PM. When the snow was in the Korangal Valley of northeast Afghanistan it got me wondering about snow in CMSF-2. I wonder if there will be snow in the location / time setting? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restrepo_(film) Must add - Salutes to Tim Hetherington was killed while covering the front lines in the besieged city of Misrata, Libya, during the 2011 Libyan civil war.
  7. "Our job as developers is to make products for customers that they want at a price they feel is fair." Fair enough. It says plenty to me when the purveyors of product politely reply to "complaints" about pricing, etc. on their company forum. What I don't understand is how folks undervaluing products don't "get it". If they really think the product value is unfair then don't purchase the product. Simple. I can understand cash limits but in that case buy one product and play the heck out of it. I too do not have enough hours in my play time to exhaust one of the CMX2 games or my CMSF Mac Bundle!
  8. The full game replay option has been on the wish list for a while. Would be the "Holy Grail" of improvements but I would not expect it ... yet. ..high number of small maps... Smaller maps do load quicker and are useful for QBs. Bigger maps are useful for using modern armor in realistic ranges. I just looked in CMFI after Gustav Line install and I have 431 maps in QB Maps! hunt as a movement toggle - That could work.
  9. Nice job sburke! Looks all wintery and hit hard by aerial bombing. I noticed that I had shaders off by accident after GL install. Turned them and shadows on and really makes Venafro pop. Thanks,
  10. A "Mike Dukakis helmet" What every "Tread Head" should have on hand for those late night CM battles I wish I had the opportunity you guys have to actually get the perspective, drive and fire the guns in AFV. Would be fun to "rent" an Abrams by the hour
  11. Just wondering... how many CM players have actually driven an AFV of any vintage? I have never been in an AFV much less owned / played with "researched" one. Yes there are always opportunities for further improvements. Part of what keeps gaming and the forum chat enjoyable.
  12. Great Daraya Tank Raid screenies. Your scenario really feels like the videos in the Incredible Footage thread. A good challenge to move mechanized in a city full of folks who don't want you there.
  13. I don't own a "tracked vehicle" but I know a game programmer who does "With this technique I can turn my tracked vehicles close to that of a zero radius turn. And by that I mean I can quickly turn my vehicle 360 deg without significant extra space requirements." Now I want to own a "tracked vehicle" ".... I care about the damage I'm doing to the ground under me...." Green "tracked vehicle" owner too Does this technique work for CMFI Gustav Line "tracked vehicles"... I am about to find out.. on a Sunday night no less! Fire Me UP Scotty! Thanks Steve & Battlefront
  14. Bravo Sir George! You are able to craft some mighty fine fights for us to test. Daraya Tank Raid armoured brawl is close up, shrapnel filled and a bucketload of fun.
  15. "end of the war" would work Future CM projects can explode into the universe of Da Future ... Beam Me Up Scotty
  16. "... a monster and it also needs to be tested independently..." Oh... I will fire up the Espresso machine if you want to include me on the GL Module Chain Gang ... PLEASE
  17. Finally ... back in town with cable internet luxury = non guvmint satellite internet. I I admit cherishing working in the Country w/o modern distractions it is easier to communicate with high speed cable. stikkypixie, You will enjoy Sir George's scenario: NATO TV 98-5 Steelers. It is not a push over challenge IMO. I did many, restarts to get things right MV but my satisfaction was well worth my limited game time for the fun George's offers. I have yet to have enough play time to try George's NATO TV 98-5 Steelers two different ‘flavours’ ... but I will. A mini armor school of modern equipment differences and great preparation for CMSF-2. "...have a good look at the ground from level 1..." is a valuable suggestion. As noted... " scenario is based on a RL tactical challenge..." and I had no idea how to win with the mostly modern armor forces as heavy mechanized scouts but I learned on this fine scenario. Get After It ... and let us know how it plays out for you.
  18. "More detailed information about the weapons and vehicles..." There are some great Mods for this in CMBN/CW and CMFI. I suspect there will be some in CMSF-2 as well. I am using Damage / Defense bars mod by Marco Bergman. User interface enhancements that give simple visuals on unit status is appreciated.
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