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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Thanks Blimey, Well-timed Mali Mod. I am sure it will look great. Out in the wilderness myself now ... not Mali proper so the satellite says.... 3.5 hours to DL Mali Mod v1.00 CMSF... and I don't have CMSF MAC on the laptop! Will check it out when back in civilization (and I don't mean D.C..
  2. Thanks for squeezing Normal Dude:)
  3. A B-52 dropping bombs 300 yards qualifies as "Danger Close" & "Raining Dirt" IMO. I love the smell of Victory:) "And even if CAS options are PGMs and guns only, I think it would be a good idea to change the UI so that you can see exactly which type of ordnance is available, rather than just "light", "medium" and "heavy", and having to guess from there.In CMSF right now, depending on airframe and loadout, "heavy" can mean a Hellfire missile, or it can mean a 2000-lb. JDAM. While these two systems have similar CEP ratings, there is a BIG difference in the danger close distance!" UI change for type of ordinance would be needed for the UAVs ordnance as well... 2000 pound JDAM drop - "We were told to pull back 800 meters, but desided to only go 300. Front row seats."
  4. Thanks for the air threat environment descriptions. The CMSF2 "Wish List" seems to fancy UAVs and more precise air assets control. "Ground to air would be interesting...." Yes indeed! Maybe CMSF2 Engineers will get unmanned ground combat vehicles to disarm roadside bombs?I suspect BFC will comment political realities in the region as they seem to have a pretty good sense of where to place the simulation in relation to the real world:)
  5. A core contributor to successful integrated operations in Fallujah http://www.mca-marines.org/gazette/article/close-air-support-0 "....the CAS plan for FALLUJAH II relied on Marine Corps-style procedural control. It allowed for routing a lot of aircraft into a tightly confined space, in a compressed time. Procedural control is in variance with Air Force positive control or radar control. Procedural control is less restrictive on pilots...." So having my Apache AH1 on "positive control or radar control" I would think I am safe almost 100 yards away from the outside of the target zone but I got the Bulldog and everyone in it killed by Friendly Fire!
  6. I can relate Erwin. I have done the same over the years and learned save early and often. Good Luck.
  7. RE: CMSF2 regional setting.... found this note of interest if it is fact? I need to learn more about the area and conditions. Russia is trying to destabilize Ukraine. Moscow’s main aim is to wrest the Crimean Peninsula from Kiev’s control. A majority of the Crimea’s inhabitants are ethnic Russians. More importantly, the Russian Black Sea Fleet is based in Sevastopol. Under a 1997 agreement between the two countries, the Russian navy is scheduled to leave by 2017. Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko refuses to extend the lease - rightly fearing Moscow plans to stay on indefinitely and eventually annex the entire Crimea. Russian officials have already said they will not abandon the base at Sevastopol and that Kiev’s maritime laws do not apply to them. Moreover, Russia has been distributing thousands of Russian passports to supporters in the Crimea. The plan is to replicate what was done in South Ossetia and Abkhazia: Create a pretext to send in Russian “peacekeepers” to protect supposedly endangered Russian “citizens.” But Ukraine is not Georgia; it is a large, militarily powerful country with long memories of Russian domination. Any attempt at partition by Moscow would be met by fierce resistance. It would spark a bloody Russo-Ukrainian war. This would inevitably drag in Poland and the Baltic States - all of which are members of NATO. Mr. Putin’s bellicose nationalism threatens to ignite a European conflagration. The battle over Ukraine is more than a regional test of wills. It is a clash over the future of Europe - and of Russia’s role in it. Moon was correct! CM: Shock Force 2. Our return to modern warfare is long overdue! Given how close Shock Force 1 was at predicting a conventional conflict in Syria, we're a little nervous about choosing a topic this time around. Especially because we've chosen to simulate a full spectrum conventional conflict between NATO and Russia in the Ukraine. This gives players a rich tactical environment to explore with the most advanced militaries the world has ever seen. Having said that, we hope the politicians aren't insane enough to try it for real...
  8. I am sure this has been discussed since CMBO days but since we are wishing for enhancements from Moon, Steve, Phil and the BFC I will mention it again. A Record / Playback ability allowing the entire scenario to be viewed from any unit's perspective. Think "ScreenFlow" for CMSF2! CMSF MAC has 64bit support. I have checked Activity Monitor when playing and I get maybe 1.4 GB of Real and @ the same of Virtual Memory used. I have many any more GBs of memory available if the game could use it. Having no computer programing training I don't know if loading more into the GBs of memory sitting idle would help or not. Seems like it would. CAS usually works OK in hitting moving targets. I have had some wild friendly fire incidents where I am clearly out of the fire zone and get destroyed anyway. It happens IRL but not nearly as often as say VN. I know from a US Vet. friend who got wild friendly fire and really, really messed up.
  9. I hear these air controller guys say "Positive Control". Then why did they blast my Bulldog and all the guys in it when they were almost 100 yards away from the outside of the target zone? I am still making slow but methodical progress and having fun.
  10. I keep forgetting this but I doubt this will make any CMSF 2 wish list: Multi processor support... and the unlimited ability to use as much memory for CMSF2. I think the men at the Battle Front Workshop already have over half these wish list items in beta It is fun to think and wish for an even better future while having a blast with the current CMSF MAC:D
  11. 336 views Sir George! Yeah it is good to feel wanted:) Thanks for the information on you PC set up. My Mac Pro is not a "game rig" by any means but it lets me play most games on offer. Erwin, I had no problem with one move plotted in a quick test of Fire Brigade. The saved game file loaded @ 1 minute faster that the initial loading. Ready when you are Sir George. Thanks.
  12. More good suggestions for the "Wish List." Thanks guys. Russia's heavy opposition to Ukraine becoming members of NATO (with NATO missiles on Russia's border), the "disagreements" in the Russian-Ukrainian energy relations (plenty of volatile substance for potential for mischief-maker mayhem) I can see the full spectrum conventional conflict between NATO and Russia in the Ukraine but unconventional actors / actions could be very significant in igniting the flames. Since CMSF has combatants and fighters, irregulars ...""Militia" a semi regular force better than combatants or fighters on a par with reserves but with a possible mix of red and blue weapons...." would seem to fit the CMSF2 setting very well.
  13. Sgt. Joch is correct, Sir George seldom plays small ball. I did a test of his CMBN scenario, ‘Firebrigade’ a fictional large scale armoured meeting engagement (about a reduced battalion on each side i,e, several companies) on the Eastern Front in late July 1944. Map Size: 3232m x 3360m My load times were @ 5:25 with Save Game files @ 50MB! I have not played the scenario yet. Looks very impressive. Makes me wonder what kind of PC/Video Card set up he has to make and play these Huge Scenarios.
  14. 161 views since yesterday. I don't think Erwin, sburke and myself are the only interested volunteers George MC
  15. Quick listing of "CM: Shock Force 2" Wish List replies. Drones: aerial reconnaissance and attack systems QB Remove restrictions and expand objectives Port a CMBN like QB system to CMSF2 but allow cherry picking Frames per second display option UI option that allows select different Z folders to load at start up different mod themes rather than physically moving files in the Z folder to change mods. "Flypast" ability to watch replays of airstrikes form a realistic angle and height close to what the pilot would see. Picture overlay for the scenario editor for mapmaking. Assault building option to make the squad adopt realistic room clearing techniques, without micro-managing all the waypoints and targeting instructions. Damage modeling to vehicles with damage decals. Greater waypoint granularity with more action spots Grenades and WP to be on acquisition list Area fire using similar template to artillery (point linear and area) with relative movement to the firer Convoy ability to allow lead vehicle to be followed with correct spacing Ability to select a playlist of music for game background with a hotkey ability to mute and/or increase decrease the volume of the playlist. Option to acquire equipment from vehicles in the scenario editor. Shock wave/bubble effect of large explosions. Organize formations hotkey at set-up to get the right units with the right HQ etc. Greater throw grenades specificity - throw smoke or frags. Some more items I thought about today. A listing of the .wavs / .bmps and their corresponding units / weapons to aid in modding. Air defense systems: fixed, short-range, self-propelled,hand-held anti-aircraft systems. Friendly fire, anti-air missile mishaps. Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C³I): simulate jamming, systems failing replaced by mobile phones, etc. GPS unavailable due to the war zone being blacked out. Cyber Attack with corresponding infrastructure impacts. Naval simulation: ports, shipping of patrol boats, logistical targeting and impact. Local ethnic minorities units "extremists" with little discipline and/or respect for the laws of war. Thanks again guys for the user input.
  16. My restart using everyone's advice has improved my early results. Clearing carefully and moving methodically has resulted in only 2 injured in RT play with plenty of pausing. Thanks.
  17. Adjustable fonts in User Interface for those with "differently abled" eyesight.
  18. I don't recall he shock wave/bubble effect of large explosions! Sounds like it would add to the realism quotient.
  19. In a home brew CMFI scenario yesterday my Italian guys were lobbing grenades at the tank in an arc but the Sherman was rolling too fast to get hurt. The Italian & US guys on the other side of the road (really close combat) took some hurt but I don't remember who got hurt and who didn't. I thought the same thing don't go for the hail Mary toss and miss just roll the darn frag under the tank.
  20. Thanks guys. Some good suggestions for sure. "flypast" would be very cool. A "flypast" from the drone would be really nice! I suspect the minimum we will see is port the new CMBN QB unit system over to SF2. Not that doing this is snap the fingers easy because it requires someone(s) to do all that work. Picture overlay would be great for map making. Lots of interesting suggestions just from playing the demo Vark! Another I thought of while working out this AM was the ability to select a playlist of music for background. Just like when you have your iTunes playlist of select songs if you could cue up your "Generation Kill" playlist in place of stock background .wavs and the ability to mute and/or increase decrease the volume of the playlist. Plenty of times I will play without any background sounds so I can hear the actual battle action but sometimes rocking out to an M1 Abrams doing business is "relaxing"
  21. Hit me with your reduced 2575 x 3000m Tactical Vignettes situation whenever you are ready. I will fire it up and let you know how it runs. Thanks GeorgeMC. 2575 x 3000m is still a very decent size battlefield.
  22. Leopards then Challengers then Syrian mech stuff (T90s, BMP3 etc) or all of the above versions to contrast and compare:D Sounds like a huge map George MC but I would be happy to see how it runs on my Mac Pro. Count me in for a test spin. Thanks,
  23. I wonder if a frames per second meter could be a game feature addition? Another wish list item for folks who like to mod their games a lot would be the ability to set select different Z folders to load. A UI selection option that allowed picking Z folder "a" or "b" or whatever mod theme rather than physically moving the files in the folder.
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