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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Would pretty to see in game but a shame to blow up wrought iron balconies and as delicate as they appear they are VERY heavy.
  2. Instead, my pilots will debauche in the town... Give the boys a rest. They earned it. You have ridden them hard Ken.
  3. They are Crusaders actually, but the targets won't know the difference -AKD You are correct. Now I know the difference:)
  4. "ALL american Halftracks for both Fortress Italy and Gustav Line module.." @ 185 MB folder of some really great looking mods. No wonder your thread is reaching @ 50,000 views! Thank you Fuser.
  5. With real world events brewing as they are I wonder how "conventional" Combat Mission:Black Sea.... "a full spectrum conventional conflict between NATO and Russia in the Ukraine" will be and how unconventional will be managed.
  6. "Watch around" would seem be a very detailed instruction. Why was the "move to contact" dropped? Infantry paths originating from the disembarkation point would be useful. Improved ACQUIRE would be useful for sure.
  7. Try MULTICAM MOD by M1A1TC http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=808 I think the multicam for 1/75th Ranger Regt is what you have? I don't think Euroscape has a multicam uniform mod in it but I could be wrong.
  8. "Den of Death is getting hosed by the AA tanks in the pix upscreen. Getting it from two sides. It'll be the Den of Swiss Cheese, soon enough!! You knew it was coming.... "Oh No Mr. Bil!"
  9. Great. Fight on! Centaur AA tanks look like fun! Game video of Wirblewind firing looks and sons great! Wish I knew the code to embed videos in this forum but I do not.
  10. "On CM being fun gaming now, definitely agree. And yes, it has improved over the years. Being objective about how far it has come and what could still be improved is how it has done so...." Always interesting writing and thoughts Jason and all. This kind of discussion and knowledgeable customer feedback should help keep it going.
  11. Found it located in PART TWO - "CM: Shock Force 2" Wish List replies. "Chemical Weapons capability and NBC suits."
  12. "I hope this can be imported into CMSF2. However, with all the new CMSF2 features and terrain I am sure it will have, I have my doubts that it will be an easy or even possible thing to do." I have no programing skills so I don't know but pretty much anything is possible with enough time and money and staff. If Battlefront came close to accurate in a CMSF to CMSF2 map / scenario campaign conversion utility that would be good enough. "You can carve out a small section and work up a platoon sized Cordon & Knock mission pretty quick." This is what I would do. Ramadi Government Center has plenty of areas this would work from strolling around the map the other night. Small platoon sized fights are lots of fun too.
  13. "Running pell-mell through the fields is not without risk. See that men? The ones in BACK are the ones who bought it. Don't be the laggard! Hurry forward when I order you!" I can almost here you saying this c3k to the boys. Entertaining AAR. What happened to the "Den of Death?
  14. Hi Bil, I'm enjoying it as well No really. Missed a few days of the AAR but got stuck right back in the action. The movies are cool to watch... well maybe not for Ken Also your Combat Mission Tactical Problems link is a great resource for helping folks enjoy CMx2. Had you thought about including "game files" as a teaching resource? For example "Traveling" ... load this game file here... and play it on your PC to watch how it is done.
  15. "..Men take cover when they merely *hear* fire, even when it is not directed at them, personally. They continue their mission with reluctance and delay when convinced the fire is not directed at them, and when it is located, and when they trust what they are being asked to do, tactically...." I have not been in the military. I have had several "opportunities" in real life to be in the line of fire with multiple rounds coming in my direction. When you are down range (especially when down range is < 50 feet from shooter) most people take cover to survive. "The most exposed men get shot quickly...." I am sure military training and group cohesion make for different behavior in war. Being armed (I was not in all my down range "opportunities") will make a difference but shots in your direction, even in a non war setting, most survivors look for cover. Jason's listing of improvements is a solid suggestion but CM as fun "gaming" now for me. Could it better. Yes and it will as it has over years.
  16. I get "special UPS delivery" That is exactly how we get kegs here too! Steve looks so Happy. Might have taste tested to assure quality before delivery of course The delivery madam is not in official uniform. I can tell her boots are not MG era issue Not to worry I can mod that. What is in her "Parts" package?
  17. As some have noted... finding the time to play all their products is tough with real life constraints. I really don't worry about when XYZ comes out as long as Battlefront continues to produce "superior war-games" I will purchase and make time for them all.
  18. "Buzz, Zee Bee's CMSF mod manager apparently works fine for CMBN/FI/GL (read that on here a few days ago). I will try it out today and let you know." Thanks mjkerner. I have the CMSF Mac Bundle now. I think Zee Bee's CMSF mod manager is PC only. Slow-mo toggle in RT. Making things like 1/2 speed, similarly to Close Combat's slowest speed. It would really help in big RT battles, and would definitely make RT H2H more viable. I would use the heck out of a feature like this nachinus. I prefer RT but it does get to be chaos really quick with lots of units.
  19. LLF... Impressive! Really Impressive map. Thanks. What you have created here with Ramadi Government Center is another example of why if the new CMSF-2 includes a utility to bring older CMSF maps, scenarios campaigns into the CMx2 update... it could be a significant enhancement and added incentive to purchase.
  20. "target"/"target light"/"target heavy" toggle would add a nice flexibility. Xm25 looks really cool & effective but I don't think BF has included experimental weapons before in their games.
  21. "His caveat is there, I'm just wondering how we're going to get a "realistic" scenario." With my limited reading it seems possible "a full spectrum conventional conflict between NATO and Russia in the Ukraine" could happen but how it happens... not sure. Based on Steve and Moon's production record the will make it work well. I would not have thought CMSF-2 would be so... suitable almost 6 years after it's release.
  22. "The game is not really a simulation of a NATO-Syria war, but rather a model of modern tactical combat, with Syria as a backdrop." And will be updated soon ? (with CMSF-2 Wish List items we hope) and it's Modern "Black Sea" brother. Agree with YankeeDog.
  23. Busy last few days so need to catch up on AAR but I wonder if ATF allows Wirblewinds for Hawg Hunting If so I will apply and pay the tax.
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