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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Very good of you to make your great looking work available for the CMFI only folks Mord & Darknight Canuck.
  2. Mord & Darknight Canuck, Such a beautiful and exhaustive Mod. A quick preview and your hard work looks extraordinary! Thank you both for your time, patience and hard work. One slight niggle... where are the horse nationalities, divisions and military sub-formations ... Just joking Mord. The breadth of your mod is impressive.
  3. ChrisND, I understand you have your arms full making the new TO&E database for CMSF-2 and this job is potentially the biggest stumbling block to getting CMSF scenarios made with the "old" CMSF to work with the "new" CMSF. Best of luck in making this work. I hope we get some hints of your success as progress occurs. I would like to add to the “wish list” … wished for items not expected… a couple of utilities features for Mac as well as PC. 1 - The ability for the editor to disassemble campaigns as Skwabie recently did for all the original CMSF campaigns. 2 - A MadMike tool to create a sortable listing of all scenarios (btt files) in a given directory. I ma only suggesting these enhancements for some future bump Chris. If you can get the new TO&E database for CMSF-2 to make the "old" CMSF to work with the "new" CMSF I will be more than satisfied. Please keep posting streams/videos of Red Thunder. Very enjoyable. Thanks,
  4. Thank you Skwabie. Very nice of you to unpack the CMSF campaigns for us. Maybe CMSF-2 and/or Black Sea will get this ability in the editor to disaemble and realign campaigns? Would offer endless replay options for some really fine work.
  5. I think I saw this in a movie once only they had horses.... solid-hoofed plant-eating domesticated mammals with flowing manes and tails, used for riding, racing to battle and carry and pull loads and the horses were alive horses I can't wait for Soviet SMG squads
  6. When you get CMSF scenarios made with the "old" CMSF to work with the "new" CMSF … I suspect you will have a bucket load of "old" CMSF customers re-up for the "new" CMSF port to V.3.0.
  7. "There will be no "upgrade" for CMSF. We are going to "port" the setting to the newer version of the engine. Which means you'll get 100% the same stuff as all the other CM games. And that is precisely why this is going to be a heavy load of work. TO&E, models, textures, terrain format, etc. have all changed dramatically over the years. There's pretty much nothing in CMSF that won't need significant reworking to get it to function in the current game engine." Steve After "Black Sea" is released, the newer version of the engine for the CMSF port appears to be V.3.0!
  8. When CMSF is remade it could be a straight up, buff, polish, engine #X update. It could become much more than that after the remake with modules. I went back to read CMSF Manual 1.20 - The First Unconventional Conventional War and A developers conundrum. BFC... "one day, a message was sent. The sleepers awoke and made their way to targets of their own personal choosing within cities not directly chosen by their leaders. Within a few hours, dozens of pounds of radioactive waste uranium were detonated by conventional explosives, polluting major cities of the West for hundreds of years. The leaders of the plot came out of hiding to celebrate, claim credit, taunt, and promise more such attacks. Then they melted back into the population. At the United Nations, the countries suffering from the attacks demanded they be given the mandates necessary to go after those responsible for the attacks......." BFC.... "By mid 2006 we found ourselves in a conundrum. Due to the strain on resources from the continuing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the ability of the West to wage another large ground war in the Middle East (or anywhere for that matter) became less and less possible with each passing month. Still, we wanted to simulate such an environment and, in fact, were too far along in the development process to back out even if we wanted to. This conflict between needs and reality presented us with quite a design dilemma. On one hand we had to pick a viable place to “wage war” or we wouldn’t have a game at all. On the other hand we could see no country that clearly deserved a “virtual invasion”. To solve this problem we considered setting CM:SF in a completely fictional country against a completely fictional Red Force. After lengthy discussions internally and on our Forum we decided that a generic, fictional setting would not be as compelling to play as a real-world setting. Therefore, we chose Syria as the “Red Force” even though there is no indication that war with Syria would be justifiable or even feasible any time in the near future." One view of a new CMSF remake / modules.... For a while now Syria has been ripping itself apart while for the most part the world watches from the sidelines. Millions of Syrians are displaced. > 100 thousand Syrians are dead. Russia, Iran, Hezbollah are in for the win. Al-Qaeda certainly qualifies as terrorists and appear to be some of the stronger anti regime player on the anti Assad side. This has become a great training base for extreme Islamist to pop in form Europe... get a tour under their belt and head back to... Europe or Africa or elsewhere to use their new skills. Lets not forget the Syrians who are revolting against Assad straight up w/o a desire to become an Al-Qaeda dictatorship. No "radioactive waste uranium were detonated by conventional explosives" ... yet... but how many people have been killed by chemical warfare... the same chemicals Assad never admitted he had and are now (after the red line was left behind multiple times) ... slowly... I think 5% so far are being moved out of country. Can't leave that poison in country as Al-Qaeda would be more than happy to "dispose / disperse" of it / relocate the poisons themselves. All of the Middle East is on edge about Iran's peaceful nuclear expansion and might need to start their own peaceful nuclear expansion... just in case. I am not a Syria grog but t appears there is more than enough backstory there for an "Unconventional Conventional War" expansion module. What happens in Black Sea should give CM customers an idea of what is possible with the CMSF remake and possible modules to represent the current Syria. Russia's broad spectrum modern should be represented in Black Sea and could become part the CMSF-2 expansion. Gunhappy42 "Buzz got me started on Syria, blame him." Yeah my fault. Mord "Maybe we should sentence him to a year of Justin Beiber videos?" Justin Beiber "Never Say Never"
  9. Isn't that where CMSF is set.. Syria Everyone can be a "cynical smarta$%" at times. Nothing wrong with having strong opinions. Apologies if my comments offended anyone. I am just "excitable" and when I get to worked up... combustion occurs and it is like I am on FIRE Don't you think recent happenings in Syria may apply to a CMSF remake / Module? I do.
  10. Mord, “Black Sea will probably give us some hints.” Yes Black Sea is on offer before CMSF Remake so we should see what is possible in the CMSF remake. The new area in modern with the “new engine will be a big step forward. I bet CMSF remake will have FIRE … and a few new weapons, vehicles, armor, flavor objects added to the original setting ands at least in a pack for sure an extra module. As a casual player I learn almost every time I read from the guys who are in these forums. Playing the original CMSF in 2014 and still having fun with the huge user created content library. “CMSF - flashback”….. Task Force Panther 82nd SNITCH (May 2008_ Normal Dude) 1st Infantry Division and the Turkish Army have reached Halab. “Devils” brigade is now located at Aleppo International. ……. Then (May 2009_ Normal Dude) - Task Force Panther … one of the tougher Infantry Centric Campaigns. You will command Alpha Company of the 2nd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment. You will be acting as a part of a larger force called Task Force Panther. Both Task Force Panthers came with PDFs to “establish the background against which the campaign is set. It also contains useful mission supplements for each individual mission, including game play tips that should help you if you are stuck. “ “Most of the missions are purposely made to be fairly difficult. I expect many players will have to replay some missions once or twice. I suggest that you make a save file at the beginning of each scenario and do not overwrite it. If you take too many casualties you may wish to backtrack….” Good Advice ———————— Back to 2014….. ChrisND most important instruction in 2008 was … “Have fun! Normal Dude” Works 2014 too! Thanks ChrisND
  11. "zoom tool" Dugh? Of course I never considered this until the suggestion fired through a few operative synapses OSX - System Preferences - Accessibility - Zoom.... works with CMx2! Set up your key commands and you are good for briefings and in game UI zooming / exit zooming. Not the best of all worlds bit it works in my 2560 x 1440 dislapy playing CMFI/GL. I can read... w/o glasses!... the tiny font / UI icons etc.
  12. Not even a boot camp partition Steve? I have bee using a Mac since Mac Plus days but still need a boot camp partiton for some items. No, never enough time to play enough games
  13. I do remember one with the warlord leader and calling in airstrikes on him and his group. As Mord noted, there have been some very creative designs in CMSF1 so CMSF-2 with all the new design tools should net scenario design open to all sorts of persuasions I am gratified to hear the intent to remake CMSF and try to bring the older content into the new sphere of engines.
  14. I think Battlefront has an evolving battlefield for the CMSF remake and room for modules ... per todays Daily Beast..... "Kerry Admits Obama's Syria Policy Is Failing" In a closed-door meeting, two senators say, the Secretary of State admitted to them that he no longer believes the administration’s approach to the crisis in Syria is working. Peace talks have failed, he conceded, and now it's time to arm the moderate opposition—before local al Qaeda fighters try to attack the United States. Secretary of State John Kerry has lost faith in his own administration’s Syria policy, he told fifteen U.S. Congressmen in a private, off-the-record meeting, according to two of the senators who were in the room. A little late to get off the bench.... heck of a way to bump CMSF remake potential... but there you go. And we still have to cross the Black Sea to get back to Syria. Modern will be good in the future
  15. Thanks for the clarification. CMSF upgrade should be a profitable product in the new CMx2 (or3) engine.
  16. Solid business / development explanation. CMx2 Map fidelity & AI Plan quality are superior to CMx1 random product and more fun for this customer.
  17. I am happy with CMx2 Map fidelity & AI Plan quality. Wondering if a couple of uber utility products might be commercially viable for those requesting such.
  18. Technically I do not know if this is even possible but if a separate product(s) were developed to: generate quality random maps with new engines... would that be a viable product based on demand? Would it require spefiic Module / pack data to function? Steve, "...Logically generated AI Plans are not in the cards any time soon. That's a huge amount of work to have them be anything other than crap. With the MegaTile concept generated AI Plans becomes more viable." Kinda same question. Is a separate product development to generate anything other than crap AI Plans over the spectrum of games on offer a viable product based on demand? I just wonder IF the demand was sufficient would it make a sustainable profit. Might be a feature more casual players would purchase. I can relate to the ... off work, relax and limited play time ... I can press 2 buttons to generate v3.0+ map and non crap AI Plans.... blow stuff up for a couple of hours and call it a Total Victory...
  19. And if we were blessed with CM: Space Lobsters x3.0 I would bet that Ken would .... Attack! Steve, "...some of the ideas here are commercially unviable, but some are on our own personal wish list...." and you guys have a solid track record on picking the commercially viable products that IMO satisfy the fun factor... giving the players of different interest levels enough user control and challenge with enough in simulation reward - FUN - to tailor their gaming needs as they get more groggy or simply want to romp on the battlefield with XYZ weapons system / units. Buzz... "So far I think I own every CM game from CMBO to CMRT (very soon)." I realized I did not buy CM Afghanistan. Tried the demo and was enjoying CMSF more so skipped that title but have everything else. CM:VN... Yeah could be a lot of fun but even if it does not happen I have plenty interesting CM gaming on tap for the future.
  20. You could be correct. CM:VN may never happen. Fair enough. I am sure that Battlefront will make their best evaluation and invest their resources where they will make a profit. They have a solid track record so far. Nothing posted on the forum (by grogs or casual players) will sway Battlefront to take a loss business to make a sunny day for folks who would like CM:VN For many it is the quality of the game experience not just what the animations appear to represent. I am a very casual player with a general interest in broad timeline of military history, a keen interest in computer war gaming that is FUN. So far I think I own every CM game from CMBO to CMRT (very soon). CM:VN "weed..." would be a "flavor object" .. along with Water Buffalos & Fire
  21. Helpful discussion Soviet Offensive Tactics. Thank you. "There is nothing in CM so far that's comparable to the Soviet SMG Company." CMRT is going to be fun!
  22. "Blame goes where... no wait, credit goes where credit is due ..." Nice Steve. CMx1 QB maps were fine for... CMx1. CMx2 has some very solid QB maps included in the game purchase as well as a number of fine user generated maps. With the Master Maps in CMx2... there is a world of finer details that CMx1 QB maps could never cmd close to replicate. It all comes down to what you enjoy for having fun IMO. For me going back to a CMx1 QB map is... not as much fun after seeing the much improved map quality of CMx2... ad soon to be CMx3. And.. no dead horse flavor objects in CMx1 QB:D
  23. A very nice list of improvements for CMSF remake.
  24. "What kind of shelf life can you normally expect for the .22 rounds we are talking about? And those hoarders with tens of thousands of rounds; what are they going to do with it as its self life winds down?" Tens of thousands of rounds is a significant stockpile of plink ammunition. Ten thousand rounds is more reasonable if you shoot once or more a week. Congrats Phantom Captain. Very Nice GSG Stg 44 in .22 caliber. It appears your rear sight is a flip up. Is it on a rail? Can it be detached to add a scope or a red dot? Very cool looking rifle. I understand the caliber issue as well. Threats of excessive restriction always increases weapon and ammunition sales, increasing prices, and does next to nothing to increase public safety. Yes, nice to have the best of both calibers. I picked up a dedicated .22LR Rifle AR upper for just this reason. Fits any of my AR-15 aka “EBR” lowers. Much cheaper to practice with .22! In less than 30” remove the dedicated .22 upper, install a 5.56 upper, load a hot 5.56 magazine…Rock and Roll! The nice part is the muscle memory and approximate weight makes the upper swap very natural and IMO translates to more effective 5.56 scores. Enjoy your new Stg 44. Sweet looking weapon and so timely to add to your collection with CMRT about to be released!
  25. Had not even considered this Sequoia but ... it sure could!
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