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Everything posted by noxnoctum

  1. If they're not in I'm not buying the module, that's all I'll say. I'd rather not have FJ units then not have bagpipes if it comes down to it.
  2. Wonder how the guy who made it feels . Personally I woulda aimed for the crotch but that's just me, and I have no military training beyond paintball .
  3. LOL .^^^ Seems to make sense they'd risk choppers+men so they could get his body as proof and get his DNA or whatever it is they've taken off him.
  4. For Red Orchestra (yes yes I know you all hate it because the tanks behave unrealistically and you can pick up enemy weapons and shooters are for brainless kids ---tanks will be practically simulator level in the sequel though :cool:) someone who lives in Belgium actually drove around to every single town that Peiper's unit had a battle over during the Battle of the Bulge. He would take pictures of every structure and then recreated the whole village in the map editor. As a result many consider his maps the best in Darkest Hour (west front mod for RO), because they FEEL so real (because they look basically identical to the real thing). One funny thing is that on the Stavelot map one of the objectives is named "Titi's house". Turns out that's his grandmother's nickname and she actually lived there during the war . It was pretty sweet. I hope someone can do something similar for CMBN, Bulge etc... we have plenty of people who play this game who live at or near WW2 battle sites. I lived in Southern France for 6 years... shame I'm not there right now... course I would probably suck at making maps having NEVER done it before . I never did get the chance to visit the Normandy region . Did see a bit of Paris and Alsace though (the latter being absolutely beautiful).
  5. I haven't read through this whole thing, but am I correct in gathering that the demo is about a week away and the full release maybe 2-3?
  6. I know this would require a lot of work so I wouldn't expect to see it for a long time, but I still thought I'd throw it out there. It'd be really nice if you could order your squad to be in a "crouch" or "stand up" mode or maybe just have it mixed... I can't tell you how many times in CMSF my infantry squad while on "Quick" would be able to see the enemy and fire on them, however the instant I canceled the movement order or they reached their waypoint they hit the dirt (as they should) and could no longer see the enemy. Now... MOST of the time that's GREAT that they do that automatically with no input from me, but it would be really really nice if we could FORCE a squad to crouch/stand up from their current position. One good example of how useful this would be is for supporting suppressing elements... a lot of times if I stick a squad on a little ridgeline or something only a third of the squad will be able to fire, and only sporadically at that because their view isn't that great. I'd like to be able to have them all crouched/standing up depending on the situation. Now infantry already do this automatically while in trenches (unless they're getting shot at a lot), so perhaps that code could be used? But what do I know, I'm no programmer. Anyways... just a thought.
  7. Just wanted to bump this and see if BFC cares to comment... will any of these LOS issues be improved in CMBN right off the bat or should we expect to wait longer, possibly a patch, or even another module or something? thanks
  8. Hello! Looks like you're the nub here, I've got you by 600 posts!
  9. Haha, I cracked up when I saw the title. Most of the people here I'd guess are over 40... so you'll fit right in. Since everyone above 40 is pretty much the same .
  10. Well... one of the things I really like is the ability to give fire orders off of movement orders (as many as you want!) so you can setup a whole platoon in advance for instance to bound with suppressing fire on a building from a different squad every 50 meters as an example. I also like being able to change a movement order by clicking on it (and not having to click on the unit itself and re-issue the order) That said, I REALLY REALLY miss the ability to move waypoints by clicking on them. That's very irritating. I also wish there was some sort of "faster hunt" move... something you'd use for room clearing a lot. Like something that wouldn't be like "move to contact" but instead be "move cautiously with guns up but keep advancing"... if that makes sense. It got really annoying for me sometimes when I issued hunt orders to some squad moving through for example an orchard or something with minimal visibility and they would stop moving when one of my MGs opened up on some infantry unit 600 meters away they couldn't even see. Yes I know I can use hunt with an arc and so avoid that... but I don't want my infantry to only be lpaying attention to threats 60 degrees forward! (most of the time). Also I think the assault command is nice and a good shortcut in RT (as opposed to splitting the squad), but until the suppressing fire team doesn't get "suppressed" by the assault team getting fired on it's kinda useless. And though it still has plenty of issues, I look forward to seeing all the unique individual infantry units in 1-1... such a huge variety... I can't wait for all the modules and OSTFRONT to come out . I REALLY can't wait to look down and see my Ruskie mechanized SMG squad all toting their delicious PPShs. And of course seeing the vehicles rendered much more beautifully will be nice. I also GREATLY look forward to being able to put whatever units I want under the command of whatever I want in QBs (attaching a Sherman under the command of an infantry platoon leader for example). That's really really cool IMO. Oh wait but some of the above wasn't in CMSF... oh well .
  11. That's pretty interesting... I found out about it through a pretty interesting way... I heard about it via the chat sidebar in a Starcraft 2 tournament live stream between two Koreans with 20,000 internet viewers at night, no joke. "Osama just got 0wned by a Marine drop. He shoulda stayed burrowed. It's on the news. Terran is OP." You kinda have to have played Starcraft 1 or 2 to get it but... ya it, was pretty funny :cool:
  12. I like mostly CA battles with the majority of forces being infantry. When Bulge comes out, I hope someone recreates every damn battle of it, particularly the battle of cheneux: http://bcompany504pir.org/ (click on "History", then "Cheneux") I really want it all though, Foy, Bastogne, Stavelot, Stoumont, La Gleize etc. etc. etc. As close as possible to the real thing (by which I mean EXACTLY the same OOB or as much as can be ascertained)
  13. Red Orchestra: Ostfront and its west front mod, Darkest Hour CMSF: NATO CMBB IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 Left 4 Dead 2 Starcraft 2 Project Reality mod Silent Hunter 3 Freespace 2 Battlezone Thief 2: The Metal Age Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield Mass Effect 2 Online version of axis and allies boardgame Ya, I got plenty of games to keep me busy lol. Only games I'm waiting on really are CMBN, Red Orchestra 2 and Mass Effect 3. And I'm waiting for IL2: CoD to get patched up to playability before I buy it (and get more planes!!). Also possibly Battlefield 3. Might be a fun unrealistic FPS. I really enjoyed BF2142 and still play it occasionally.
  14. Ya the wild stuff though sucks . That's why I said a professional growing company would have the resources to release a much more quality product.
  15. Growing any plant isn't exactly easy, and cannabis is one of the "less tough" plants out there... what would happen after legalization is, my guess, everyone would very quickly decide not to bother with the effort after a month of dead plants and decide to just buy from the major growers (which would be taxed). No difference from tobacco really. You can grow your own tobacco plants but how many people do you see doing that? Not many. Likewise, you don't see many people brewing their own beer. The law that California tried to pass allowed for individual citizens (i.e. not companies) to grow as much as they wanted in their backyard within a 3 foot square space (I think that was the size) which is enough for probably around 8 plants. But ya, the vast majority of people would just go with "official" growers because the quality would be almost certainly be better and they could buy whatever particular strain they wanted. (out of hundreds, probably thousands) Growing your own plants would require a lot of equipment and effort. I just don't see most people doing it, unless they're already into horticulture. The argument in comparison to alcohol is completely valid even if you believe alcohol and pot cause equal harm (no doctor in the world would say this... 90,000 deaths yearly in the US from alcohol, zero deaths from pot in recorded history), because the drug cartels are the current version of Al Capone, except far more powerful, widespread in influence, and absolutely deadly. If you believe alcohol and tobacco should be legal (or guns for that matter), you can't deny another person's right to ingest a different (less dangerous) substance in the privacy of their own home. It's not "in quotes" unfair, it's unfair. It's an obvious violation of the constitution and an individual's personal freedom. Not to mention it being a gigantic waste of law enforcement's time. I'd rather see them focus all their attention on murders, rapists, and violent crime in general (a lot of which would go away with legalization---coke isn't anywhere near as popular weed)... wouldn't you? Not to mention the enormous amount of money we would save from and running prisons to house all the drug-related convicts in. Said it before and I'll say it again, the US has the highest number of incarcerated citizens per capita in the world. That's beyond pathetic. It's disgusting.
  16. ^^^ Pretty much said everything I wanted to say but better.
  17. Um.... no? Especially considering it should be out within a week anyways .
  18. And no way is he lying, look at his registration date... you guys need to lay off.
  19. I gotta say is this is probably one of the strangest problems I've heard of ever on a gaming forum . Good luck hope you can get it! I'd be willing to do it for you of course but I don't think I qualify as "one of the well known names" .
  20. I'll check it out astano thanks. That grey wolves thing sounds cool too, thanks for the info guys.
  21. EDIT: Posted huge post with a bunch of counter-arguments but decided it's silly to debate about. I won't convince you and you won't convince me. Agree to disagree my friend .
  22. Well keep in mind the vast majority of civil war deaths were due to disease too... So 1% for the bayonet out of all civil war casualties ain't bad.
  23. Anyone got some links to good sites with advice on this? Any mods for SHIII I should be aware of? I bought the game years ago and loved the atmosphere and all but I could never quite figure out manual targeting for torpedoes. And I just refuse to use the easier realism settings out of principal . Thought I'd reinstall and give it another shot if I can figure out how to hit damn ships!
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