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Everything posted by noxnoctum

  1. Well it'd be nice to know what SORT of thing to buy. RAM, video card, what? Cause apparently it's not the CPU.
  2. You talking about AI planes? Cause shooting down a bot is about as satisfying as eating dirt compared to de-winging a human opponent with mad skillz. There's nothing like the feeling of being in a rolling vertical scissors with some guy where one wrong move and you're a dead man. And there's nothing like getting him to make a mistake and then blasting 20mm up his ass. Or just diving on some poor spitfire in a 190 at 800kph and killing him with a perfect deflection shot and getting a "Wtf was that???" response . Not sure about how good the FM is in BOB too... The reason cliffs of dover has taken soooo long to come out is because Oleg and the team are obsessed with getting the flight and damage models as accurate as possible so I'm putting my money on them.
  3. Ya Europeans get ripped off by steam, but it's all good for us in the USA . A game will be $35 for us and 35 euros for them... pretty retarded.
  4. Good Old Games is a great website too. I got Freespace 2 (one of the greatest games of all time) for five bucks.
  5. They're both evil, but Activision's worse. The CoD series by itself is enough to warrant that. At least the people at DICE are innovating what with destructible environments and such. But ya the DRM stuff is the big thing. Also raising prices... Starcraft 2 was $59.95 at release... crazy. Activision's raised the standard for video game prices. Don't get me wrong, SC2 was worth every penny, but still... EA's at least SAID they're going to stop absorbing small companies that make unique games (Westwood anybody?), firing half their team, and then forcing them to work on some generic shooter... don't know how well they've kept their promise though, haven't looked into it lately.
  6. IPO? What's that? Intellectual Property Something? New franchise?
  7. EA's cleaned up their act a bit lately... Activision are the real bad guys now. A shame, they were involved in making some of my favorite games a decade ago.
  8. I just think his extremely negative view of Steam is a bit... weird and completely unjustified. I don't care if BFC ever sells on steam, that's not what I'm talking about. Yeah, it'd be nice and convenient, but I won't die if they don't .
  9. Man you guys are cynical and sarcastic as hell. The "steam prisoners" line had me rolling though :D Because having a bunch of really easily damaged DVDs and CDs lying around is much better . And the more places you have to download your games digitally from the better! I feel like I'm arguing with a NWO/911/Illuminati conspiracy theorist.
  10. Yes the publicity would be a huge factor seeing as how you can see what your friends are playing. Someone asks me "What's Combat Mission dude?" and bam, you got a sale.
  11. I think he must be talking about the summer sale they always have. 33% off on most stuff. Great deals. And Valve isn't responsible for all the ****ty games released over the past few years you know. If you wanna blame someone for all the terrible clone craptastic games that have come out, blame the console industry.
  12. Cheaper? The standard has risen from $49.99 to $59.99.
  13. Who said I spend all day on facebook or that I don't meet new people? . Like I said earlier, most people have it on their phones now, so they just do it while they're going about their jobs, at the house, shopping, etc. As for keeping in touch with very old friends... well I guess we're got different kinds of friends from high school and earlier. I'd take a bullet (literally) for many of them. Part of that comes from my high school having ~150 people and before that all my schools had fairly low numbers as well. Never above 500. My circle of friends were closer than brothers. And ya commercialization of private info is bad, but hey, people have complete control over how much information about themselves they want to post.
  14. Least this gave the so-called news something to cover other than Charlie Sheen's private life .
  15. France is in favor of a no-fly zone last I heard... Dont' forget, they've got a pretty far right guy in charge. U.S. intervention would be a terrible idea... we've pissed off too many Arab countries too much already. It's gotta be handled by the Europeans or the other Muslim countries. And abneo, a committee of 30 Muslim countries came together and condemned Gaddafi and essentially demanded his resignation, as well as supporting the movement for a no-fly zone. It'd be great if Egypt could do it, would I'm sure be encouraging to the freedom fighters in Libya, Iran, Saudia Arabia, etc... but they've got a lot on their plate already.
  16. Maybe I'm naive but why doesn't France just send a few jets over and bomb the crap out of wherever Gaddafi's hiding. Kill the head of the snake and it's over. Or better yet, an Arab country with modern jets.
  17. Ya I really don't understand it at all. Valve is the least "evil" of the major gaming companies probably... I would have said Blizzard before but they've aligned themselves with the Antichr-errr I mean Activision. They release free stuff for their games all the time (TF2 and L4D2 atm) and provide a free platform that lets you organize games that they don't even sell. People on here are just too cynical about anything beyond their limited "grog vision". Not to mention the games you DO buy on steam you can download, install, uninstall, and reinstall forever. None of this one year stuff or retarded DRM stuff that other gaming companies are using. (thank you BFC for NOT using DRM) I too would re-buy all my CM games on steam if they were released on there so I could never worry about losing my backup CDs and DVDs. I mean, just a few months ago they released a completely free high quality game, "Alien Swarm". Basically top down co-op team shooter (think Left 4 Dead but not first person and with hordes of aliens coming at you instead of zombies and crazy weapons and landscapes to fight on). Why? Because they want to encourage the mod community to experiment more with their engine.
  18. Don't think there was much snow in most areas of France from D-Day till Cobra I think . Though I'd LOVE to fight in snow. Looks so pretty. Probably will have to wait for Bulge methinks.
  19. You can turn the popups off. Go to Steam>settings>friends and there are all your options. Problem with relying on the group chat is that someone comes in, sees no one in there, and leaves; ad infinitum.
  20. Right durh... lol thanks. So what's #2 for CMBN? SS formations?
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