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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A co

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Everything posted by A co

  1. I'm not even getting a start page with a version number. Just an activation window or box. (PC computer)
  2. Hi everybody! I'm trying to activate the patch and it's telling me my activation code is invalid. I tried the codes for the original game, and for the 3.0 upgrade. Anybody have any advice, or can point me to something on the forum I've overlooked?
  3. My experience- After hesitating for months, I just bought the upgrade a few days ago. Installing it was quick and easy, making me wish I'd done it sooner. When I first fired up the game it didn't seem to realize I had the Market Garden module installed. On a hunch, I restarted the computer, and everything runs perfect from then on. (Before upgrading I copied the game to another folder to be able to continue a game with a non-upgraded opponent. That was quick and easy also.) So I say, go for it.
  4. Ha! Yes, the last evident remaining unit of your recon force is familiar with that target.
  5. DSHK looks cool. It's going to make thing hard on German recon vehicles. Nice to have an MG with a big shield like that, too.
  6. Is the system affected by getting wet with rain, snow, dew, etc?
  7. Ha ha- good point. To clarify, I haven't been tempted for a long time, and I admit my judgement is influenced by a habit of loyalty.
  8. The Tacops game, whose demo I played years ago, had the artillery recording all targets fired upon, as in real life I suppose. Basically creating a TRP every time you fire a mission. I seem to recall BFC saying they didn't do this in CM because they wanted artillery to be simplified in its function and not too overpowering- at least in the WWII games.
  9. Yeah, CM is the greatest. I haven't even been tempted to try other tactical games.
  10. Not to harp on this issue, but- I've just seen the same odd results with a Soviet 37mm AA gun being fired upon. Four 75mm HE direct fire shells hit so close it looked like they were impacting on the gun itself, without knocking it out. It's just hard to believe the gun would still function. No foxhole or trench involved. Sure, outliers happen occasionally, but something doesn't seem right.
  11. When a crew bails out of a bunker the results can be very messy. From the point of view of the tac AI of the attacking troops, it seems to be as if the crew appeared unexpectedly out of nowhere. Sometimes the crew gets mowed down, sometimes they shoot several attackers, panic, and flee.
  12. Didn't CMSF have scenarios where the victory conditions specified not destroying certain buildings? (PRESERVE objective I think). So these kinds of restrictions on firepower, based on the mission's goals, are already with us in CM. Of course nobody who's getting shot at wants limits put on the fire support that can save his life. But the higher-ups have a bigger strategic, political and diplomatic picture in mind.
  13. Nice. Perhaps in time we will see these and other lend lease vehicles in CMRT. I've read that the Valentine was popular for its mobility and quietness. (Harder for the enemy to hear it approaching.)
  14. Nice video. The dust cloud from the crab could be useful in itself. How does the petard get reloaded in the game? In real life I think the crew had to exit the vehicle and do a lot of work to reload it.
  15. Yeah, more stuff for CMFI would be great! I hope BFC doesn't feel like they got their fingers burned by some of the responses to the CMBN vehicle pack.
  16. I never noticed that. It's not because of different grass or terrain types under them? It would be good if the colors are indicating where the squad leader or assistant SL would go, etc. Another thing to test by experimenting.
  17. Also when you move a unit to a wall, observe which action squares are dimly highlighted when your movement command cursor is over the terrain, before you click to choose the spot. The squad will occupy the highlighted squares, so make sure the ones on the correct side of your wall are lit up, then go ahead and click. One, two, or three squares will light up, depending on the size of the squad, and where you move the cursor.
  18. 1) I don't know about building limits but if you have a building totally packed with your men I sure hope a random shell doesn't land on it. Are you doing it just out of curiosity? 2) If part of a squad is on the wrong side of a low wall, try giving a 'face' command toward the enemy. I think the men will get behind the wall. If it's a really big squad, they might spread themselves beyond the wall, to avoid bunching up. Have to see it by trial and error.
  19. Riverine and Airmobile operations would be interesting in a Vietnam game, but I don't know if they could be made to work with the current engine. In fact, riverine stuff- boats, barges, pontoons, ice flows, ice jams, and amphibious vehicles would be pretty cool to see in some version of CMRT too.
  20. Yes, hunching forward might even look better as well as function better for this purpose. I mainly suggested lowering their position because it might be easier to code. Pure speculation on my part, though.
  21. Thanks for the helpful links. I am not asking here about a case of the armor being penetrated, which would show a hit text if that were happening. Indeed, half-tracks are lightly armored. A good part of previous discussions was about the proper use of half-tracks as troop transporters. What I am thinking is that regardless of what the player is tactically doing or not doing with his half-tracks, the passengers' heads should not be exposed over the rim of the armor, sitting at attention. Or certainly not the heads of the entire squad, and certainly not after a bunch of them have just been hit. It would be nice to see something like their sitting position being lowered. For my part I wouldn't care if it made it look like their feet were dragging on the ground, if the limits of the coding causes something like that.
  22. I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I couldn't find the thread. I've just been noticing how vulnerable riders in German halftracks are to small arms fire. I don't mean the MG gunner but the passengers whose heads are all lined up above the rim of the armored side, regardless of suppression level. Yes, I know the halftrack is not an assault vehicle or an IFV, etc., but stuff happens when you leave the barracks. Does anyone recall whether BFC had any plans to position the riders lower in future, or has the thing been officially decreed Not A Problem?
  23. Would it work in the current system to have AI artillery assets arrive as reinforcements at certain time windows, and fire at the previously painted support target locations? I don't know if there's a way for a particular AI asset to be told to fire at a particular location as soon as the asset becomes available.
  24. The Soviets invaded Poland, Finland, and Lithuania, in '39 and until the Nazis interrupted their project, to crush the states, rob the economies, murder, deport and starve the peoples, and spread their brand of 'socialism'. This is a very straightforward fact. That's what they did.
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