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Everything posted by Arzok

  1. Thnak you for the feed back. I will check defeat triggers, cause there is no time limit... The ally AI troops just represent your headquarter. You have to protect them, but it is not written in the briefing ! I will add this point.
  2. Perhaps the problem is only for TOW2-3
  3. Yes, 64 bits is the problem, mine is 32bits I read that there is a solution for 64bits, on this forum.
  4. Do you speak about TOW 1 ? I did nothing special :confused: It works, that's all ! I have a french version of TOW 1, but I don"t think it is the problem.
  5. This tank was not made for Afrika. It is made for Tartar for a big mod. But it was more convenient for me to make it with Afrika. The solo mission is just to test if all is working properly !
  6. Thank you ! Help is very appreciated. Test is very time consumming, and as you know the "trick" of the mission, you never play like players will do... I sent you a PM with the link If all is OK with this tank, it will be included in a much bigger mod...
  7. I need a volunteer to test this unit, in a solo mission. TOW 2 afrika / centauro + balance mod 1.5.2
  8. Our mod is working with MP mission and new units. We will prepare some MP missions
  9. More and less... uchronic mod for example...
  10. delay is in ms. So 10 minutes is 600000 ms delay 600000 SetWorkArmy ( ARMY , 1 ) ReinforcementLand ( Group , "renfort_joueur" ) http://translate.google.fr/translate?hl=fr&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.39-45strategie.com%2FPartie-D.7177.0.html
  11. Here is the link for our mission module. This new map is the number 31 39-45 mission module
  12. Thank you for the feedback ! For prisonner stats, it does not work as you can't really make prisonners with TOW 2. This feature works only with TOW 3. So I use a trigger instead, so you can make prisonners, but there are not counted in stats unfortunatly. On another hands, with this trigger, it is more realist than how it works for TOW 3... I will soon deliver this mission !
  13. Is it OK, did you finish the mission ? No bad surprised at the end ?
  14. Thank you to try our mod If you have the russian version of TOW, you can rename the folder : C:\...\data\local\en in C:\...\data\local\ru Names will be in english with that.
  15. Fine, thank you At the end, it takes some time for prisonners to regroup themselves at the center of the village. You can regroup your soldier also at this point. Normally, crew should abandonned their gun/tank. If not, it will take a lot of times for them to come with their guns ! So I hope that this trigger is working well.
  16. you need 1 or 2 hours. If you want, send me a PM with your email
  17. I made a single player mission, german side. There is a supply vehicule also, and I improved the "animation"... There are some difficult triggers inside too (you have to make prisonners), so it needs to be tested to check if all triggers work properly. A volunteer ?
  18. I made 2 missions with a supply vehicule to replennish ammo in game. It can be made with triggers only.
  19. Thanks for feedback Hi Dr.Jones, your tools were very useful for this mod
  20. Setworkarmy ( army , 2) RunCommand ( army , 2 , STORM , rect , "rect_1" ) You can read this (with googole translation) http://translate.google.fr/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.39-45strategie.com%2FPartie-B.7175.0.html
  21. The only files that are replaced are in these directory : TheatreofWar/data/settings TheatreofWar/data/local So make a back up of these 2 folders.
  22. If you use JSGME, no need to make back up, JSGME is doing this. Just removed the mod when you want to come back at JSH alone with this tool. No units are removed, but their names are removed from the filesid.ini As far as I understand, this file is mainly needed for MP, so I think that for SP, there is no problem. You can of course back up this file (in data/settings). You can look at the file "modif files id.txt" to know which units I have removed from the filesid.ini
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