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Everything posted by souldierz

  1. Finished the second mission. SPOILER Outcome -Brits 8 KIA,11 wounded, 2 other vehicles lost. -Syrian 68 OK,184KIA/WIA, 15 missing,4 tanks lost, 8 other vehicles lost. I really enjoyed this one and the map was incredible.It was a unique mission that required a set of different and simultaneous tactics and i really liked that the map was big enough and gave a lot of maneuvering room.Was an intense firefight and i didn't expect the enemy to assault the town in force.The mission took an unexpected turn and played differently then what i anticipated leaving me to quickly adjust my plan in the beginning. I mobilized the scouts, 2 sniper teams, FO and some Javs to secure and hold the South flank and take up positions on the 2 big hills.The town was more fortified then I thought and i had to take a very aggressive assault to capture it.I used the Maneuver support Company to disembark its infantry and form one big line west of the town near the long grass.I held a line until more reinforcements arrived to give me superior firepower and more vehicles to assault the town with.In order to assault the town i laid a huge smoke screen with the vehicles to mask my approach.The wind blew the smoke into town so i was able to follow the smoke in and get a foothold on the town with 2nd platoon and the Maneuver support Company.As the smoke flowed through the town, I made sure every house was hit by Vehicle fire as my inf and vehicles proceeded to clear the town out in an aggressive line constantly moving forward laying down much area fire. 3rd and 4th platoon formed another line West of town and covered the Brits who were moving into town, providing a base of fire in a line formation also.Just as i finished sweeping through and clearing the town, that's when the massive Syrian assault came and kind of caught me off guard, because i thought they would stay in the forest and wait for me.As they flooded out of the forest i was able to hold them into place by ordering vehicle area fire to hit in front of them so they became pinned near the trees.The Syrians became clustered and then air support was called in and bombed them good.What a show.I really enjoyed watching this firefight and it was fairly intense.After the initial assault, the Brits were in good positions to deal the Syrian assault plan a big blow just before they swarmed.If i hadn't took the town swiftly it could have been a different outcome.The firefight lasted a very long time and i should note,that i only took 1 casualty (WIA) fighting for the town(that's the last time i disembark my troops without smoke cover).I must say i was fairly proud of the low casualty fact and of the highly aggressive area fire tactic that saved my pixel troops. The firefight between the Brits located in town and the Syrians firing from the forest lasted until there was about 20 minutes left in the game, then i figured i needed to get a move on.I used 3rd platoon to Assault from the west the house that was west of the 1st path and to secure that path objective.I used 4th Platoon to mobilize all the way South and move up through the forest to assault the other town at the end of the route from the west.A few recce guys took the hill the Syrian Observer was on.In order to push through the forest i formed an armored column with the 2 Challenger tanks leading in front and 2nd platoon was mounted in vehicles behind the tanks.The armored column had about 8 vehicles.2nd platoon dismounted inside the forest and moved through the forest to secure the North part of the path, while the armored column continued down the path. As time was ticking down i rushed a bit leading to the majority of my casualties going down in the forest,but I kept pushing and assaulting as fierce as i could making the Syrian forces surrender with 1 minute 5 seconds left.A few casualties i took were kind of hard for me to explain what killed them.2 jackals were destroyed and i think 1 was due to a mine.Another i assumed a recoiless rifle got it.Another jackal crew vanished on me.I never heard a shot but the vehicles crew i guess got shot.1 minute they were fine the next they were ghosts and the vehicle was empty and i could not mount any1 in them even though it said it was dismounted. I rated that one a great mission, I personally enjoyed that 1 a lot, but its to bad i had to really rush through the forest.I had only 20 minutes to get through it and my original plan was to go through the forest in an arrow formation.My tanks being the tip of the arrow and the other vehicles being the base or the wooden part of the arrow.My troop were gonna form a wedge to safely guard the flanks but regardless of that, like i said i really enjoyed this mission.
  2. Finished the 1st mission. SPOILER Outcome -Brits 4 WIA 1 vehicle lost -Syrian 174 KIA/WIA, 62 Ok,31 missing, 17 vehicles lost. First mission i found to be a good fun firefight to watch, but many of the Syrians were caught in the open on the road near the pine trees (East).The Syrian assault from the bush area (North) formed a good firefight until they ran out of the bush area and got picked off in the open.I occupied the Border station with the recce squads and 2IC squads.Moved Acompany and Demo squads as well as the vehicle(warriors) to take positions on the crest of the hills South of Border Station.From there the Brits were locked into a firefight for the majority of play.When i looked at the timer i had about 15 minutes left and i haven't even got to the farm yet so i decided to form an armored column to push down the road.The armored column stopped at the farm and 1 brit vehicle was destroyed by the Syrians on the Reverse slope of the hill they past.I was surprised i suffered no KIA because when the Brit crew bailed out of the vehicle, they were pelted mercilessly by 2 squads with AK fire.Not long after, the Syrians Surrendered with 12 min and 13 sec left. Rated it a good mission.I enjoyed it and it seemed to be a small appetizer to get the campaign rolling.Firefight could have been tougher if the Syrians stayed in the Bush's or stayed in good firing positions and that probably would have forced an increase in time limit.Will post another reply when i finish the second mission. Edit:forgot to mention, I suspected there being an IED on the way out of the Border station, so i made a hole in the wall to move the vehicles through so I wouldn't have to go back and around.Good thing i hit the trigger man, because i manged to avoid the first IED, the second IED would of had my name on it, i think i would have been in the blast zone.
  3. Not sure on the scenario, but it just might mean eliminate all enemy that formed the road block.If it says hold in the briefing then maybe have a few men hold it or race back to it when time is almost up,but i would clear road block of enemy, move men at the road block to see if it activates a capture trigger and then move on with the mission.Demo charges are generally only used for breaching walls and killing vehicles when close.I haven't seen any demo this type missions.
  4. Those bunkers are tough stuff.I will always suggest using anything else but troops to assault it.Next time use the 155's or Cobra cannon even if you need to pull your troops back to safety.I find it's better to waste 5-10 minutes calling in support, then it is to waste pixel lives.Plus it is extremely satisfying when you watch that pesky bunker get destroyed, that's what the big guns are for:).The best way i found to kill them with troops is to sneak up behind it,but usually there's another enemy covering it's weak side being the rear so if i got support, chances are the bunker is getting pounded mercilessly,plus it doesn't take much when hit by heavy rounds.
  5. Try getting to the Bunkers back side.In several scenarios i could not kill a bunkers crew unless i got to its rear an unleashed hell on it from about 10 meters away.I think u basically need to be so close to it that the soldiers will be able to lob grenades in the little open area where the enemy shoot from or lob grenades at its door.Bunkers require an extraordinary amount of fire power to kill its crew.Unless u got air support or Howitzer support, I suggest assaulting its rear where the bunker crew is blind and weak and unable to defend itself, but keep an eye out for other enemy positions who are covering the back door with good LOS.
  6. Declares all snakes as terrorists from here on out and any country harboring a snake is an enemy.The snake will be caught,played with, let go, then caught again.All snake activity will be condemned and from now on this day will be known as International whacking day.Snakes will be put on a no fly list under the supervision of Samuel Jackson who will verbally and physically abuse any mothaf....ing snakes found on any mothaf...ing plane for about 1h and 30 minutes.
  7. Very Intense ambush.Extremely intense firefights.Very nice map. I followed the plan that was mentioned in the briefing, but found it to very miss leading because it leads to slaughter and not safety.Just like Bodkin I restarted avoiding the plan mentioned in the briefing and tried my own way, being holding ground for now get vehicles in bush's and dismount, then try to pull out of the kill zone.It made for a spectacular show and like i said very intense.Cobras were awesome to have and arrived on scene in time when my men had little to no ammo.At times if it was animated there would have been hand to hand combat. The reinforcements have arrived now and I understand where the enemy are and another tense scene is on the rise.I stopped for now because on my computer the game starting to get laggy messing up a lot of commands.I'll give this mission a try again.
  8. Thanks AKD your sound mods are great.Hope your having a good time in Costa Rica while I'm stuck in Canada shoveling snow. LOL:)
  9. Yeah I'll second that, Filefront says its unavailable and i would love to download AKD's Brits sound mod,i seemed to have missed it when it was posted, but i was lucky enough to get the arty one.I hope these files find their way into the repository, a lot of people would want to download them.
  10. Id love to see a little preview with some pics of the troop uniforms and weapons that made it into the NATO mod.I'm also curious as to how the tactical play is going to change with the NATO Module considering the Marines and Brits both brought a different style of game play.I for one am looking forward to this Mod.
  11. Thanks for that verification TheVulture. Lucaswillen05, you just got to use your imagination a bit.When a man goes down, his squad mates help patch him up and gets him to a safe area.From there the unseen stretcher bearers run to him and then get him back out of the area of operation(map) as quick as they can for his Medevac.The Commander (the player) shouldn't have to directly command this situation ,because it should be a medical system that's set up to run itself leaving the commander free to concentrate on the fighting. But with all that said, for increased simulation purposes,i'd agree with you.It would be nice and a good logistics challenge if the commander(the player) could set up medevac areas with first aid stations and command medic squads to bring back the wounded for further medical care and then call in helo's to evacuate them.Its a whole other tactical situation that would require a great deal of focus and attention that i would like to see in game, but i'm satisfied with how it is now.At least there is buddy aid, when i played the game for the first time i was pleasantly surprised when I discovered this feature.Now knowing that untreated soldiers can and will die, made the setup great the way it is.
  12. Combat Mission Great Crusade has a little truth to it, but it sounds like a Medieval game and most people would think about middle east area and the Pope. Combat Mission Allied Expeditionary Force is not bad Combat Mission Beyond Overlord i think is good Maybe Combat Mission Brothers in Arms Combat Mission 1944 Combat Mission Allied Powers Combat Mission European Theatre or Front or another good old saying Combat Mission War to end all Wars I'm sure BFC will come up with something clever(I think:D).The ways to name these events are infinite, maybe we should get a contest going, just kidding:)
  13. Here ill chip in, How about Combat Mission: Allied Advance Combat Mission: Allied Operations Combat Mission: Fall of the Reich Combat Mission: United Front or the good old Combat Mission: World War 2 fight for Freedom:) as for those pics thanks for posting them.
  14. Clavicula Nox Nice Bradley picture.The soldiers on the ground come out with a lot of good pictures and nasty ones to, like that VBIED one.Good to hear that you weren't injured in your close call with those improvised explosives and hopefully no one else was hurt it that blast.It be nice to see a thread of pictures that some of you Soldiers have taken from your experiences overseas or anywhere and share them with us, as long as they're censored or not to gory for BFC sake,I personally don't care, but we don't want BFC to run into some kind of censor problems with their site. I think a lot of people on here would appreciate seeing the pictures of the lands and the military hardware from your points of view.After all, the situation you Soldiers out there see is a very unique one that most people cannot imaging without the help of your words and pictures.Id encourage more if possible. I tried to read the centerpiece of your FOB, but couldn't make out the words.
  15. When a soldier takes a hit and requires buddy aid he is out of the battle for good because hes either killed,severely wounded (missing,broken limb etc) or wounded enough(gunshot, shrapnel etc) to require a hospital.His ammo will be taken for the rest of the squad by the guy doing buddy aid.There's also a situation where the soldier got hurt in some form but did not go down and does not require buddy aid.He will remain wounded for the remainder of the battle. I always get my troops to buddy aid as quick as possible and try to never leave a man behind, but i often wondered if a wounded soldier never received buddy aid, would he eventually bleed out or become a KIA at the end of the game?
  16. Maybe true, I'm not going to try and pretend that I'm an expert on current military developments but here's a small article with 2 other pictures. "New camouflage to help British troops blend into Afghanistan's varied terrain has been unveiled by the Ministry of Defence following computer modeling of the Afghanistan environment. It is the first time since 1968 that the British Armed Forces have changed the camouflage pattern. The Multi-Terrain Pattern (MTP) will eventually become the new look of the British Armed Forces. The new MTP camouflage will work across different terrains in Helmand Province, such as compounds, grassland, crops and woodland, all the areas our troops encounter on patrol. Uniforms in the new pattern will be issued to troops from 4 Mechanized Brigade who will deploy to Afghanistan in March 2010. It will then be introduced across all three services from 2011. The new camouflage uniforms were trialled in laboratory tests and field evaluations to assess overall performance with pilot trials held before the final testing. This included aerial and scientific photography to provide the right colours and brightness for the new camouflage pattern. The colours were fed into a computer and computer modelling was used to represent the Green Zone, deserts and mixed environments in Afghanistan. A number of camouflage samples were then generated based on the colours found in Afghanistan and via the computer modelling trials. Research into the Multi-Terrain Pattern (MTP) started six months ago and was funded as an Urgent Operational Requirement, costing £250,000. Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth said: "This new camouflage will help our troops blend into different environments in Helmand Province to stay hidden from the Taliban. "Patrols take our troops through the Green Zone, scrubland, desert and arid stony environments and it is crucial that the camouflage can work across all of them. "We are striving to provide our brave troops with the very best personal kit and equipment and the new Multi-Terrain Pattern is just one example of how we are supporting our troops on the Afghanistan frontline." Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Tresidder, Chief of Staff for Defence Clothing, said: "The new camouflage has undergone extensive trials to ensure we have the right pattern to blend in a host of environments troops encounter while patrolling the frontline. "It is an important development for both troops on operations and also for the British Armed Forces as a whole once this pattern is adopted across the three services. "It also keeps our sense of being British which was something the Junior Ranks said was important to them during the development process for the new camouflage." The samples were tested in the UK, Cyprus, Kenya and Afghanistan by the Infantry Trials Unit and it was found the Multi-Terrain Pattern offered the best performance over the widest range of environments." The new MTP camouflage (two centre) will work across different terrains in Helmand Province – such as compounds, grassland, crops and woodland – all the areas our troops encounter on patrol Picture shows the design of the new Multi Terrain Pattern (MTP) uniform (left) alongside the old style uniform (right) [Picture: POA Phot Amanda Reynolds, Crown Copyright/MOD 2009] Below is what some are wearing in the field now. Either way,all these uniforms would look good in game in my opinion:).
  17. Any chance on someone creating these new Multi terrain pattern camouflage uniforms for the CMSF British Mod so we could use them? I think they look very good and they would be great to have in game.What do ya think, what do ya say?
  18. TheVulture,That was interesting to read and good job on the DAR you took time to type.Most of your screen shots were amazing and worthy of a CMSF poster to be displayed in full human form.Good eye for the artistic value in some of the pictures and for showing the overall situation.Also this looks like a well put together Campaign that Snake Eyes spent time creating so kudos to him as well.To bad the campaign didn't work out so well for you lol, but thanks for staying honest and not lying and erasing tragedies that happened.You stated there's a few parts you played over dew to screen shot value so that's OK, we can let it slide lol. I would call this a sad story,one of great loss, but also a story of great strength, it shows the determination the Marines had in overcoming and completing their mission no matter what the cost's, even tho the cost's were high.For this story, a sad but yet gentle uplifting tune would come into play that hits the soul. In the first mission you described what you thought was a bug, but how i see it,it was a 1 in million chance.As I was reading about that miraculous m203 grenade round that the sniper team fired at the enemy killing 5 men, reminded me of a time in Armed Assault when i was palying on the TG server.The exact same thing happened and it was caught on Fraps by some1 and put on youtube.There were a lot of new people in this mission and things got unorganized and turned for the worst.All the vehicles were destroyed and all leaders were KIA and people were going down.What made it more tense was that we had to run out of the village on foot back to a FOB that was a good distance away with the enemy hot on our tail, almost like the Mogadishu mile.In many cases people wanted the glory on saving an allies life that the whole fire team would forget about the threats and swarm the downed man.This video shows what was called the "epic grenade"and why not to stay crowded.I kid you not, the phrase " man It would suck if a grenade hit these guys but then they would learn the lesson"just entered my head when... In the second mission that near Blue on blue airstrike had me breathless so to speak.I'm happy there were no casualties as a result of that, that was tense.Keep troops away from Airstrike areas lol.The high noon showdown was one of my favorite parts good pic to go with that situation. In the 3rd mission it looked like there was some real tough and restricted terrain.This one i found it to be heartbreaking for both sides.The title massacre would fit well.The Syrians were getting slaughtered in the open and that charge the HQ spec ops tried to pull ended up being a bloody mess for them.For the Marines the one squad that was hit hard and almost wiped out going for the radar station was their massacre and moral dropper. In the 4th mission in looks like the Syrian forces got themselves some payback.That arty raining on the Marines in the opening scene was way to costly and that's why i learned to keep my men in the vehicles at first or in some form of hard cover.Mission designers like to hit you with arty right off the bat.The Marines took many loss's and in this mission the Abrams tanks are glorified to being the ones who pulled through and saved the day for the Marines. These pics i thought were top notch from the DAR campaign.
  19. I hope you plan your attack well and as an unexpected move if all works out for ya:). The major advantage Mike has, is that he has the momentum on his side and can dictate the battle at this point, Since you will be falling back to try reorganize an attack, Mike can take advantage of this by pressing on keeping you disorganized and on your heels by skirmish attacks or a continuous attack, or he can take this time to move his forces into better firing positions, but it seems like after hillfarm he would have to cross over wide open lands and there's a good chance that he could take loss's and be halted and pushed back by you. Mike has one other main advantage and that's knowing where the attack will be and from where it's coming from so he will know where to defend, so chances are he dug into some defensive positions in and around Hillfarm and is holding waiting for you while he plans a counter attack or a move from somewhere. Good read.Like most, i also want to see how this proceeds and ends.Seems like we turned this thread into a War council.Keep it up.
  20. Ill drink to that. I agree with Para,that's well put Leathaface. To get a clear view on world events and what makes them turn, you first need to clear your head from all bias views.With that done, people will gain a better understanding of the overall picture. Its still considered cool to dominate and conquer in our times just as in the ancient times.Human nature hasn't changed much, if not at all and people will always feel their views and ways are superior to the next mans views and ways and will fight to the death for it.Its a matter of who is stronger for that time.Our part of the world for some of us might be peaceful from these things for now, but if any power gets a chance to dominate or conquer any other power that seems to be weak, they will jump for it just as quick as our ancestors in ancient times did, militarily or politically .If you conquer in our world in the physical form(Alexander of Macedonia) or mental form(Jesus of Nazareth) your name will shoot straight to the top on the all time high scores list of our little planet and that's what a lot of people in power aim for,legendary status.The thing with today's world is, the webs we weave are so intertwined that a hick up can effect the rest of the world quicker then ever before.Look at the economy troubles now and how many nations are involved and dragged into this struggle.Also its very easy nowadays to mobilize armies into position so there's a lot of stand offs and people of power are waiting for their chance.
  21. Hcrof, seems like your in major trouble lol:p. Hope u have some tanks overwatching your inf positions in the open, could be nasty if the opponent rush's his armor up at them.
  22. Thefightingseabee has it dead on with his points.Those vehicles are also your troops ride out of the desert, they would not want to be walking in the hot sun all day because they lost their rides to a commander that doesn't value them.In some scenarios my vehicles dont fire a shot unless its to come out of hiding, pulverize the enemy location or pin down then go back into hiding.When i feel like i have fire superiority over the battlefield and know where most enemy are,I then mobilize my vehicles to form a heavy firing line in hull down positions if possible to overwatch the operational area.So if the enemy takes a shot, the vehicles retaliate at the same time and pepper the enemy very quickly and accurately with maximum force.
  23. Well, honestly i believe the estimating part is up to the commander and that's us the player.Hes the one who needs to figure out the Train A leaving from B station at xx speed while Train B leaves A station at xx miles away at xx speed type of question.Its part of the tactical decision making and i would prefer to calculate all those factors myself.Makes it enjoyable for me.(Don't like trains think fighter planes:)) After a while you'll get closer to your pixel troops and know how far, how long and how tired they will get in a certain amount of minutes and when to push them or let them rest. What you wrote is the one primary reason why I play Real Time instead of WEGO,so I can pause when I want and have full control over my troops at any time so they are not sitting there waiting for the ticker to finish.
  24. Like in real life there are moments where nobody knows what hit them.Leaves you with a 'What the hell was that' thought.I find the only way you know what hit you is if your troops identify the enemy AT team or you see the missile flying through the air.That or rewind in WEGO.I had a tank take 3 missiles before i knew what was hitting them.Honestly, Ive never seen a vehicle hit a mine, (luck on my part i guess but IEDs is a different story big and small)but if it did, it would have to be an AT mine and i would think that they would be strong enough to at least leave a small pot hole near the tank, but in some cases AT rockets leave a hole also. If the vehicle suffered through a blast, my bet would be that you got nailed by a well placed AT weapon and better start looking for where they could be hiding.If no enemy is identified and no one is under fire and also no more explosions happen, then it could be an IED or mine, but like Smaragdadler wrote "never underestimate these recoilless thingies for instance..." that 9 times out of 10 is your culprit.Silent and deadly and hard to detect and spot.
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