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Everything posted by souldierz

  1. LOL Nice pic. Will BFC be handing out kidnapped kittens with the NATO mod??
  2. That's what I suspected.Unfortunately I don't have the Brit's now, but I will get them very soon. It be a cool little feature if the M203 grenade launcher on the rifles could shoot out some red or white smoke using the target smoke command.
  3. In the targeting options there's a target smoke command under the target arc button and on the right side of the face button. It's always grayed out and unusable for me.I suspect it might be for the Brits mod because they got mortars that certain units can fire ,but is there a way to use it with the army mod?
  4. After looking through the threads Lomir posted,It seems like everything i asked was already answered and this problem has been talked about from A to Z, covering mostly everything. Thanks for the links, i was looking for those threads, but couldn't find them. I wonder if Battlefront is going to be making some tweaks, so our men can detect mines as well as IED's. Most of the suggestions that are made i feel are good ideas, like giving the troops or just engineers a spotting capability to represent some kind of tool used for mine detection.Give them a Hunt command and when they approach a mined location,they can halt on the spot and throw up a red sign.You can then choose to get your engineers working on it or start looking for another way around the mined area.Maybe also have their ability to detect mines, be based on their experience level,so the rookies will be less likely to spot them and disable them quickly compared to Elite troops. I understand that there might be a lot of coding work and hours to get the whole mine process to function in a brilliant way,but maybe these smart guy's working on this game can find a quick and dirty solution that would work.
  5. Is the mine spotting a little bugged or am I missing a key fact? I think i saw a while back on a thread someone explaining how to clear a mine field, but after using the search i couldn't find anything on it, just people with the same problem i hit. I just recently had a very nasty run in with mines in a trench.It seems the only way to detect mines is to have your guy's step on them and blow up.There's no other way they will find those mines and this is a little frustrating.I lose to many pixel men trying to figure it out. I had my Engineers go into the trench and made them hunt from 1 end to another.Then when they almost reached their destination, the 2 last guys got blasted by stepping on mines(1KIA,1WIA). A red sign appeared beside my downed men marking where the mines were.For the first time i actually got to use the mark mines order with the engineers and when i used it they stayed there hiding and spotting until the sign turned yellow.After that they gave buddy aid to the downed troops and the mark mine action order was no longer available. I remember someone saying when the sign is green its clear,but it stayed yellow and i didn't know what else to do so i told my men to Hunt further then it happened again, 3 other men went down in the same mined area(1KIA,2WIA).Now 1 guy found himself alone in a mine field with his whole squad dead and dying. I can't seem to find the proper method of discovering and then disabling the mines without casualties.There's no mine detectors or troops digging in the dirt with knives and also no single file path following so what else can i do? I know hitting hidden mines is the reality of war,but it seems like there's no way to spot mines or IED's in this game in order to disable them without harm no matter what info i have. I know that avoiding mine fields is the best strategy but how would you go about to clearing them without loses? Also, Is artillery able to clear a mine field in game?
  6. I got a question for you guys testing this situation. Is it a single designated guy who throws the satchel, or does it vary and any soldier can throw it? For example, Maybe only the SL can throw it and he needs to be in the right spot for his LOS like an AT guy in order to execute the move or use the weapon.
  7. I remember playing TF Narwick campaign a long time ago.I actually have it and was going to try it again with the 1.21 patch. I can't remember details about the campaign at the moment,but i remember that i really enjoyed that campaign and wanted to play it again.I do think there was 1 mission that was unplayable for me,because there was to many reinforcements and my computer was lagging bad. Bardosy, TF Narwick campaign was very well done.I liked how you tied it in with the main story line.It was very interesting to play out the same war only in a different part of the country with true to life maps.Campaigns like that help bring the war story of invading Syria to a whole and makes me want to pay attention to the hypothetical situation even more.Great work all around in map making,mission design and story line. Ive never beta tested anything before and might have took your beta testing offer,but i don't have the Brits yet.I might pick them up in the future and when i do, i guarantee I'll keep my eyes out for your campaign.Thanks for the offer. Good to see a creator of a what i thought to be a very good campaign, make another.
  8. That is sweet!Very cool little feature. Now i know Engineers could be a very useful tool in hitting Tanks in urban areas or other close quarters.That is good to know. Thanks for the pic and laying this little mystery low to it's grave.
  9. Battlefront is like a drug dealer.They keep you hooked and wanting more, their product takes time away from your relationships and can cause arguments, you can sometimes find yourself fighting for possession of their product and constantly thinking of it, They come around saying to you "you think this is good, wait for my next batch" and always keep you guessing and interested in what they got. But the 1 beautiful thing about it all,It's a cheap inexpensive habit guaranteed to feed your need for a long time.At least for me it is, until they get some heavier stuff on the move. Just a little humor LOL.
  10. John Kettler, that's another fine point you made on fatigue.Fatigue always needs to be looked after by the leaders and they must also keep it in mind for themselves because lives do depend on their decisions.A tired man is not much of a match for a fully energized man who's spirit and mind is keen and yours weakened by fatigue, that's the same with armies facing each other in the field.I face this reality in my martial arts. I'll tell you straight up, it really sucks having to fight a fresh opponent when your depleted and ready to collapse,It's one of the worst feelings, But yet i constantly make myself face this challenge by going to class for the pure enjoyment of hand to hand combat and also the weapons.It ain't easy and far from sexy.It's hell sometimes and endurance is always a factor. Fatigue in my books is one of the most critical factors to consider and should always be looked after, both mentally and physically.Endurance is your friend and should be held close, fatigue is your rival and should be kept far away,but it's a hard balance and the nature of war and battle does not allow for that, fatigue will be constantly be on you like a shadow at every aching step. As John Kettler say's "it is the bane of combat effectiveness".I like that saying,whether u made it up or picked it up from somewhere, that's well put. As for smoke, I always use smoke.Constantly in every way.I dump it on enemies,use it as a screen and make use of it where ever possible in whatever creative way i can think off. Michael Emrys you'd be right about using smoke in the open,there's no question about that, but my situation didn't need the smoke to block the enemy view.The high wall that surrounded the compound did that and all the enemies on the upper floors were KIA or WIA. The part where i knew it was gonna be fatal was in the close combat area inside the compound.I knew there were enemies hiding in awkward places and waiting for my troops to get close, so they can hit them hard at close quarters.I would have won the firefight, but it was a guaranty some of my men would go down in that clash. I noticed in SF(and I'm sure it's like that in real life other then IED's) i get the most casualties at close quarter's.I now try to avoid it as much as possible.That's when i thought to myself I'd better just pound the compound with arty instead and maybe knock down some walls.My original plan was to assault it and keep the whole compound intact, walls and all as required, but enemy resistance was to fierce and the grounds seemed very deadly. All in all I'm reminded of the same lesson we all forget from time to time.Don't be hasty when victory is in sight, Don't let your guard down or take short cuts when you get tired and always be thorough to the end. Even tho only 1 man got severely wounded I was a little disappointed in it, but somewhat amused that it actually happened in game. I almost had a perfect game, but over all, the operation was a major success despite the projectile with the 'to whom it may concern' address on it.That was sent to the enemy,but it came back in the mail and my poor SL got stuck with it.
  11. Play real time and pause the game every 30 seconds.LOL.Jk.
  12. Good info and everything John Kettler and Ryujin said is true to the bone and sound advice. John Kettler, it looks like your a man who really does his homework on military affairs and you come up with some good info.I looked at all you displayed and must say it was interesting and your point on shrapnel and shell fragments is not lost on me.Same as you i always try to focus on the little major alternating details, so that i can get the full picture in true reality form and not be deceived by certain events or in this game not get my guys killed easily. When it comes down to it I always try to keep my soldiers safe and play true to life.Unfortunately as the commander you can say i dropped the ball on that one.I got tired and little sloppy at the end of that mission,it lasted a little over 3hrs and was getting late.( fatigue is always a good excuse LOL) Every move before that one i tried to be thorough and was successful because none of my men were shot even after some chaotic moments.Even on a couple compounds, i took heavy fire from an awkward angle and pulled my troops back to level it. That last compound i had completely surrounded, all other enemies on the map were dead or wounded.All enemies occupying the higher floors in the surrounded tall walled compound were dead or wounded.It was just the few enemies on the main floor to deal with.I also had to keep these buildings intact so i couldn't just wipe it off the map. I know what your all thinking and I know its not a good call in this situation, light air burst arty won't really do anything to those enemies on the ground floor and in thick buildings, but i just tried something new and tested to see if it would work because i was getting tired after 3hrs of careful play. I was gonna have my men assault the compound and it would have been fatal for some troops, but then halted the troops in the grass and thought lets see if i can scare the enemy to surrender and save some pixel lives of mine.I thought maybe Since all the enemy would be pinned at the same time by howitzer fire they would give up.Never happened. I was thinking about pulling my troops back but being tired and sloppy i tried to get away with it.After about 10 arty rounds hitting the compound, i figured my troops were safe where they were even tho it was pushing it. To add more insult to my command i also had 2 more teams in the long grass with them.There was a total of around 27 troops in the tall grass watching the fireworks and the 1 poor guy out of all of the troops, all the space in the world and on the second last arty shell strike (and there more then 10)207 meters out, got the cursed lotto win. As for the compound,It was a school, but in my mind they made it a barracks and ammo dump so i said to hell with it pulled my men back and leveled it.
  13. I called in light air burst rounds from 2 howitzer guns with my spotters 300 meters out.It was an area fire targeted inside of a tall walled compound containing about 7 buildings,some of them were attached and 4 floors high. I had a squad of troops hiding in tall grass at 207 meters out.They took no fire and were watching the arty strikes without problems, then all of a sudden on the 2nd last air burst, one of my squad leads went down. He got hit by shrapnel from a friendly arty light air burst from over 200 meters out.Unlucky for him, he was the first and last casualty, But lucky for him, he didn't die. What a fluke.
  14. I'm gonna jump in and say that I am very happy about BF and the oncoming tittles in the making.These guys are some smart individuals that really answered the calling of making good tactical military games for us to enjoy. I like the ww2 style of play and will never get tired of it, but I was very happy to see a game like CMSF in modern times with modern weapons.I feel there needs to be more tittles with other nations in the modern era like Canada, Israel, Egypt ,China ,India, Turkey,Brazil and so on.Basically any major country with good weaponry. BF has struck a good cord between 2 worlds.The ones who like ww2 and the ones who like modern era. As it says, Keep it up BF!
  15. Allah Hu Akbar is what the guy firring would say. The guy sitting in the back will be yelling "you stupid infidel,my freaking ears man,watch where you shoot that thing.Damn amateurs.Here's a vest for your next mission.Where do they find these donkeys! now go! and bring back my turban! you Dog! Go!"
  16. I could have swore i seen this one time.Never seen it after or even tried again but a troop fired a Javelin from the hatch in the back of the Stryker.I gotta try to do it again so i know I'm not going crazy.Like i said tho i seen it once and I'm not even positive about that,it was a while ago.
  17. Toyota the #1 choice for extremists, Taliban would be screwed if the Toyota dealerships ever went out of business.Maybe the auto bail out wasn't such a good idea after all lol.
  18. The only time i see my troops use satchels is when i give them a blast command.I never seen them throw it on bunkers or tanks,all they threw were grenades. If other people said they saw it then I'll watch out for it.It would be good to know what the conditions need to be for this to happen.Next time i come across a bunker I'll get my engineers to go and see if they can throw a satchel at it or blast it.
  19. bardosy thanks for the correction,Aleppo was the city i was referring to. Aleppo seems to be a very interesting city.South West of the airport there's what seems to be a water plant.West of the airport there's an ancient citadel in the middle of the city with a mosque near it, also East to that are a couple stadiums and a whole lot of other stuff scattered around. It would be a good challenge to secure Aleppo in a small campaign.Its got multiple important objectives to secure and keep intact and those areas would make for some interesting firefights. bardosy what mod are you making the mission for?Army,Marines or Brits?
  20. I seen this.I had US troops hiding in the 4th floor of a medium sized building and then a Syrian tank rolled up right beside the building.He turned his turret into the building aimed at my troops and fired away. How on earth could he see them and better yet how on earth could he hit them? My squad was wiped out completely and my jaw hit the ground while i was scratching my head.
  21. The Gurkhas are an under appreciated force to the outside world.Never knew what a Gurkha was until a while back.Now knowing i give those true warriors much credit.Gurkha's seem to be a very loyal bunch especially to the British who haven't always been kind to them or rewarding to their deeds. They almost seem like modern day Gauls fighting for other kings in other lands like back in ancient times.The Gauls were good body guards and kings kept them because they were loyal and battle worthy.
  22. MickeyD i can imaging that plate got bigger after some IED strikes.Its seems to me to be a 2 inch or less thick steel plate.Those stryker's are i hear around 32 tons, maybe a little more with ammo and fuel and whatever else they can throw in there. I would have liked to have that plate under my car back in the college day's.Those speed bumps they had were brutal.
  23. The people on this forum are right. It is a Canal in the making. Zoom out and keep moving east.You will see a big city there called Najrab or i think that's it's name anyway.At the EAST end of the city you will see an airport. You can't miss it, it has 2 long runways. Near the airport South East you will see the same kind of terrain and design of the canal in the making as the one your all taking about. Continue going East or follow the path and not far you will see the Canal with water in it. Seems like they are making a canal from the east to past the city and some small towns and end up in croplands to the west.Looks like a big landscaping project and i suspect the picture is old so they must have done a lot more work on it.
  24. Man i gotta get a new video card and Arma 2.There's no more good arma1 mp games anymore and i feel like I'm going through some kind of mp withdrawal phase. That's all i need for computer games,a game like shock force and a game like Armed Assault and occasionally a game like BCT commander. I wouldn't want anything else unless they are improved versions of these genres or all mashed into 1 game. Its a little off track but i cant wait to have a go at some more paintball war and firefights.That's where the good old human teamwork is really at when it comes to war games. Those are Fun times that need to be re-lived.
  25. Here's more... M107 sniper squad in US army uniform. MG squads on second floor...man down on left. Syrian troops tried to use everything on that corner.
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