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Everything posted by souldierz

  1. Looks like Steve's school photo is coming back to haunt him lol:). Never knew BFC had a cheer leading squad.BFC would get more attention if they got them to post their pics along with their Modules:eek:.Id love to beta test those.
  2. Looking good Snake Eye,nice map and nice pics. I'm definitely going to try this mission out and see if i can get a perfect game:D.I'm completely in the dark as to what happened in this battle, so everything will be unexpected for me as I play it.Then after wards I will look into this real life battle to see what those brave soldiers were up against and what kind tactics they used. BlackMoria the whole point of playing these missions is to guess,speculate,plan and wonder in a unnerving way on what lies in wait or what is going to be approaching your forces.If the mission designer designs his plans right you will never know whats going to happen.I suggest playing the mission to the end before asking the designer on what's going to happen.You don't want the designer to spoil it for every1 and tell us what to expect do you:D.Where's the fun in spontaneous chaos management and tactical decision making when you know what to expect.
  3. The tanned Marine LAV was a downloaded Mod from the repository.I just added those in on the last quick mission I played.I was going to mention that change with the pic ,but I guess it slipped my mind when I posted.Now after playing some missions with the Brits with much appreciation for all the art work put into these Modules, I'm going to check out and see what Mods those lads got and give em a whirl.
  4. I just got the Marines and Brits bundle and I'm very satisfied and happy that I got those 2 Mods.Completely different game and a whole new world of tactical play opens up that allows you to try out different maneuvers,at least that's what i find.I'm loving it so far and I think it's well worth the buck. Marines have awesome troop firepower and many men to scatter around the map.Makes them very effective at assaulting and surrounding enemy positions and forming multiple firing locations quickly.Playing with all that fire power makes for 1 hell of a show and is very fun to control and watch.Glad i got it. British are more of a challenge for now and I'm still trying to figure out how to use all their assets properly.Ive only played 2-3 missions with them.The Brits deployable MK19, MG's, Snipers and mortar fire provide good suppressive fire for the assault teams to move in or flank.With the Brits, the moves need to be very precise and cautious because they do not have overwhelming fire power, but enough to win the firefights 1 on 1.I like this because it forces me to be more clever in my approach to problem solving. Marines can do it fast and sloppy where as the Brits can do it slow and thorough but it all comes down to your style of play.You can be fast and aggressive with both or slow and thorough with both but its obvious that 1 can be more aggressive then the other.The tactical variety is what makes me give 2 thumbs up to BFC for these Mods.Both Mods are a good buy for tactical lovers and i would not be able to tell you which one i like more.I recommend anyone who likes this game and does not have the mods to get them. Here's a little somethin quick and dirty for ya
  5. Will there be a time limit in the Normandy game as well?
  6. Howard941 In game i had the same problem and learned the same lesson,now my men spend very little time in vehicles, even in the open.Get them out and keep them out unless arty comes down on them.You will have more eyes and guns to hit any threat that comes up.Rushing vehicles around with men in them is trouble in this game. I hope they can clear and secure Arghandab.If the Strykers were pulled out, that means that Taliban are still there and probably taking time to preparing the fields for the next assault that will be done by the Airborne.It might be to soon to tell, but I wonder how current operations are doing?
  7. Wow this thread took off like wild fire. Despite some of the spiteful comments in here, i would like to see an Israeli mod.It would match the scenario but I doubt it's going to happen.NATO is the last MOD if I'm not mistaken. Now a days and like every other day before it, this world is bubbling to a heating point where anything political will cause the nastiest and biased attitudes to emerge.Time to throw some water down on these attitudes so the bridges that connect us don't burn out of control and beyond repair.
  8. Those cats are like little ninja insurgents. But us dogs are waiting for the nightly bone :cool:, a real good one and BFC being a good friend, will bring us back something for the pack that will make our eyes pop out:eek:,we'll all be saying as we stare at this beauty "WOW, nice gunz! i cant wait to use my hardware to play with that software":D(to dirty? LOL) About the hockey part it's road,ball and or street hockey whatever ya want to call it,but in their case it's war hockey.All are rough and tough to play, that's why the guy on the right has armored shin pads and both are wearing gloves.lol It's a contact sport that allows fighting, so the guy with the gun came prepared.That or seeing as how hockey guy's like going fist to fist and blow to blow in a fight, the guy with the gun might be the referee and they are short on whistles right now.:)Goalie if hes crazy enough would be wearing the bomb suit.
  9. Cool, That 1 soldier might of had a chance to get outta there but those Syrian's kept coming and coming.He was against all odds and was a Brave man for standing his ground, very brave. Just recently i had the same situation happen to me that Wiggum described, but opposite teams.I had 1 Syrian RPG team in a trench and another in a house.The Abrams was about 10-20 meters from both RPG teams,the house was at the tanks 11oclock position and the trench team at his 3oclock position.There was only 1 man in the RPG team in the trench, the other was WIA. The RPG team in the house shot a rocket at the Abrams hitting its front corner, the Abrams turns the turret and the body around now facing the house and was about to blow it away.The 1 guy with the RPG in the trench then shot his RPG nailing the tank in the side and getting the tanks attention right away.The tank turns the turret quickly, pointing it at the man in the trench.The Abrams was so close it almost looked like he was gonna shoot the RPG soldier at point blank.I cringed as the Syrian was looking down the barrel of the Abrams and thought to myself oh no this is gonna be nasty and there goes my RPG guy.A couple of tense seconds went by in this stare down, then all of a sudden the Abrams crew started bailing out.I couldn't believe it and was relieved when i thought my RPG guy was sparred.My RPG teams start to unload AK rounds at the tank crew as they bailed and it looked like the 1 RPG guy in the trench was going to throw a grenade,but the second one of the crew members boots hit the ground,he turned and shot my 1 RPG guy in the head with the 1 and only burst from his rifle and then got his crew to safety evading AK rounds without firing another shot.All this at extremely close range.
  10. I also made up my mind that i will be getting the British Module after Christmas.This game is great and I don't think we should miss out on the Brits mod or any other mod to be honest. I never really play Quick Battles,there's to many good user made missions and campaigns to download and play, so quick battle for me is basically untouched.
  11. I stumbled on a Russian war movie called 9th company.It follows some young men fighting for the USSR through training and then to the battle field in Afghanistan. I thought maybe some of you might be interested to see it if you haven't already. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFFtkLT8O44&feature=related
  12. Well this was an unexpected thread that came straight out of left field.
  13. This is an old, very old ancient repetitive process taking place. In ancient times people adopted and were trained by the ancient Greeks in tactical warfare and physical combat with the phalanx formations.Lot's of major powers adopted this kind of fighting technique for armies to use in the field.There were also many Greek generals scattered all over earth who would give advise to foreign armies much like America is now. In turn the enemies of the Greeks were also trained by the Greeks and also adopted to their ways of fighting because it was superior.Alexander's era and the kingdoms after it is proof to this. History repeated itself again after the rise of the Roman Republic.Now this new major power is up and coming and dominating in warfare and is now taking the role of the Greeks. In time they will be training people all over the world in the arts of war,with new and improved tactical warfare methods with short sword, shield and pila, along with machines for war and fortifications.Also advising other nations and also other nations adopting to the infantry methods and armor and weapons as the superior Romans. In turn once again, the enemies of Rome were trained by Romans in warfare,fortifications and building.Later on the enemies of Rome used Roman tactics and weapons, as well as siege works against the Romans. Most of Roman history and Attila the Hun is proof to this. History repeated itself again and again same scenario over time and we can make a long story short by jumping over the dark ages and Medieval times and so on, into the British Era where gunpowder is starting to find it's niche. Same thing over,training armies,advising them and supplying them with superior weapons, only to face them as enemies later on in life just like all the other major powers before them. The lessons of history is not lost. America is facing the same situation and has done the same as the other major powers through out history.Train, advise, supply influence and fund.So to see America facing a foe that they trained is not to surprising giving the cycle of our world,it's to be expected.The thing that makes it worry some, is that's exactly how all those former major powers lost their edge.Their foe was trained by them, giving the foe an insight to how they operate as well as access and knowledge on better weaponry. Only time will tell how this is gonna play out for America.History doesn't shine to brightly for major powers, but history is to be made and not followed. Your friend of today can be your enemy for tomorrow,treat your enemies with care, because tomorrow they can turn out to be your friend.
  14. I've been told that there's a Combat Mission Shock Force 2 in the making.There's your sequel, but it's a way's down the road and i know little about the game engine they will use. Better graphics is always a plus and welcomed in any game, but i think BFC did a fantastic job with it's available resources. There are some spot's that could use a little visual improvement but overall I think the maps and units and bombs going off look spectacular and fun to watch.This game has aged a little, but in my opinion it's not getting old and gray or outdated ,but it's now hitting it's peak.If it's getting long in the tooth that's because its growing fangs.Plus they still might be able to squeeze some more juice out of the game engine. With the 1.21 patch, i find it got stronger,faster and wiser and became very enjoyable to play.Me personally, I still want to spent time and continue playing this game before moving on,plus there's still more mods to come that I am eagerly waiting to try. For me,realism will always conquer visual appeasement but the sales market plays it differently.If the game is stunning in graphics, but unrealistic in game play,chances are ill pick up the game that's not so great graphically, but is very realistic in play.Simulation is what I aim for so I'm thrilled when i find these kind of games. You know the saying,"different strokes for different folks".Some get tired of it and others can't get enough.It's a Win Lose situation.
  15. As you can tell in the picture, those men know which team OWN hockey.The Montreal Canadians have won 24 Stanley cups and that makes them the undisputed grand champs with the highest ranking record in the history of the NHL.(How's that for glory talk lol) Yeah, yeah, i know they suck right now and are always found on the wrong side of a highlight, but they dominated and set the stage for greatness. Come on,you knew that was coming:D If I'm not mistaking that man dropping the ball looks like Peter Mackay the Minister of National Defense.If so then the "dropping the ball" part speaks volumes.
  16. I'm not to familiar with the mission, but if possible, Search and clear the whole map, buildings and all and make what ever enemy that's left, surrender or dead.Maybe there's enemy reinforcements yet to enter the fight. I also played a scenario where i finished all objectives, killed the enemy,searched and cleared every nook and cranny on map and couldn't find nothing.After a while and after passing the 2 hour mark in game,I asked for a ceasefire and when the end results came in there was 0 enemy alive.All enemy were KIA or WIA.The game never triggered an end. Maybe the same is happening to you.
  17. Good video, MikeyD Watching the plane sweep in and then watching the missile being launched into the UAV camera as it was being engaged was spectacular. First person look at what its like to have an AA missile coming at you. The message is clear,Russia is in control of that airspace.
  18. There's no question about it , we love our hockey.It's our greatest export. As you can see, ice or no ice, It's game on.If hell freezes over Canadians would be taking over,that's why Satan keeps it hot, so he can keep the Canadian ice devils away. As for Santa, he moved down to Canada ever since the North pole started to go soft and melt away.As you can see he's doing good and losing weight. As for those green guy's,well i think they were some brave soldiers who ate the local food.LOL just kiddin.
  19. When I split my squad using the split squad or assault team option both A and B teams get the binoculars, but when i use the Anti Tank split command, my 2 AT guys don't get the binoculars. I noticed that not having the binoculars effects their spotting, even with the javelin. I usually have my 3rd squad lug around the Javelin launcher, when armor is spotted I use the AT split command and get the 2 AT guys with the Jav to go where the armor has been spotted.Most of the time they see it, but often enough they don't at further distances. I had my 1st squad split up and moved the B team (not AT team) on a roof.They spotted a BMP at about 650 meters out near some bush's.I then got my 3rd squad to split into Anti tank team with the Javelin launcher.I rushed the AT team from 3rd squad onto the roof where 1st squads B team was, so they can hit the spotted BMP 650 meters out. The AT team was now on the roof and could not see the BMP.They were shoulder to shoulder with 1st squad B team who continues to see it, But the Jav guys from 3rd squad were not able to spot the bmp after several minutes. I thought in this case that 1st squad would point out where the BMP was to the Jav guys,but they couldn't coordinate their info. I was a little puzzled,I even moved a Bradley back because i thought maybe the noise was to loud and also moved 1st squad B team off the roof because i thought they were denying the proper positions to my AT team. After i realized my AT troops didn't have their binoculars with them, I merged them back with 3rd squad to form a whole squad.Then i split the squad again into A and B teams.A team now had 5 men with the Javelin and the Binoculars.I moved A team on the roof and in no time they saw the bmp at 650 meters out and hammered it with a Javelin shot. I feel like that the AT teams should get the binoculars as well.Sometimes i also use the 2 AT guys as scouts to check out a roof top or to look over the crest of a hill. I hope BFC can give the AT guys some binoculars when they split off into teams in a future patch or so.I'm not sure why they don't have them but i think they should have a pair so they can view targets at a greater distance. I could also be miss reading the situation, but i think thats exactly what the problem was with my AT team.No binos. Any thoughts on this?
  20. In today's world,its getting to the point If a General is not aware of the exploits of computers and technology and has little knowledge of them, he will find himself in a serious situation if the opposing generals do have an understanding of these things. If the hack could be done and has been,I'm willing to bet more powers got a hold of this and not just the foes in the field of Afghanistan or Iraq.All those rivals of the western powers like Iran, China and Russia to name a powerful few, are no doubt watching to.
  21. I used photobucket to post screen shots,then I copy and paste the IMG code into the forum. You can also change the size of the picture, but i haven't figured out all the details yet. On another note putting up a Please ignore sign just brings in more attention.It's like the saying don't think of a pink elephant.... but you did didn't you.LOL
  22. O well, the kittens would probably get lost in the mail anyways.LOL Good to hear a Christmas bone present is coming our way,that's gonna be better then coal.Can't wait to see some pics and squad layouts of the NATO mod.Especially those under appreciated Canadians.Good job on putting them in.
  23. Hacking a UAV.Now that's some serious business. Wouldn't look to smart if you have all these unmanned vehicles,then your enemy hacks them and is able to see everything,even take control or know your exact position.That's troublesome. Funny how a $25.99 piece of software can almost compromise a million dollar piece of hardware.
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