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Everything posted by Offshoot

  1. Thanks for your reply sbobovyc. I'm still glad to have it as it will enable UVs to be fixed and having the models means you can sculpt high-res details for normal map generation. I was just trying to find what I could and couldn't do. Would be great to have it for vehicles but I understand how these things go, especially as I'm not sure how many people in the Combat Mission modding scene would be set up to take advantage of it.
  2. Are you sure it is geometry? Turn shaders on and off: if they remain with shaders off, they are geometry; if they disappear when shaders are off, then they are done using normal maps, which can be fixed by a modder. I don't have the game to check myself. EDIT: actually, I'm starting to think I am looking at the wrong thing. I can't tell from the description what the actual problem is but saw differences bewtween the model and the photo with regard to the plates on the side of the tank.
  3. The bolts look very big too. I doubt they would have modelled this so it is likely a normal map issue - if so, it would be an easy fix for a modder.
  4. I've been experimenting to see what is possible regarding the models. All of the extracted obj's I have looked at have a lot of disconnected edges but if I reconnect these by merging vertices and repack them the models are messed up in-game. I'm guessing at this point that mdr_mutator expects that the vertex/face index is identical to that in the original mdr file, i.e., it can't overwrite the original index with a new, different one. Is that the case?
  5. This seems counterintuitive to me. I don't see a white empty square and a white square with a black dot in it - I see a filled white square and an empty square. To my mind a solid white square = a filled white square = a filled seat. A square with a black dot in it (especially on a black background) = a white square outline = an empty square = an empty seat.
  6. What you are forgetting is that the wall you get to place down in the CM editor had to be modelled in the first place and coded to be identifiable in the game as, e.g., impassable to infantry and bullets but destroyable by big tracked vehicles and explosives. The effort that you see in the video also had to be put in to make the assets you can use in the CM editor. The main difference is that those early stages are closed to CM modders. In the Valve editor, by opening up more of those initial stages it adds complexity but increases versatility. I also wouldn't be surprised that once you have made your wall in the Valve editor you can save it and load it, duplicate it, edit it, etc. and then place it just as one does in the CM editor.
  7. Damn, and I thought that was the straightforward version. A simple answer to your original question is yes, this tool could enable people to fix the stretching problems likely without causing problems in game.
  8. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Thanks sbobovyc, for the script and your help. Time to tinker. Out of interest, have you looked at the mds files as well (in CM:RT they are included in a folder labelled "Skeletons")? It looks like they include the model files for infantry heads, hands and 'bodies' and I guess, from the name, also rigging info.
  9. Theoretically yes, although the script itself wouldn't do this. To fix the stretching you would need to use this script to unpack the model files and then edit the UVs in another 3D modelling package. I say theoretically because until someone tries it we can't be sure, though my guess would be that changing just the UVs shouldn't have any effect on the model that could cause problems running the game. What might cause problems is changing a model by, for example, adding or deleting vertices, depending on whether these are associated with things such as animation or simulation that rely on pre-assigned vertex identities.
  10. I tried this on some CM:Red Thunder weapon files but got a syntax error: File "unmdr.py", line 4 <!DOCTYPE html> I don't have Black Sea to test if I have the process right. Otherwise I guess it is possible that this won't work for mdr files from earlier CM titles, especially as you have to modify the program to work with the different model types. Has anyone used this successfully with other CM games? I was using the 64 bit version of 2.7.9 on Windows 7 64 bit.
  11. &%@^ YES! If you can get access to the models and UVs, you can put them in a sculpting app and generate normal maps from sculpted detail. You could put them into something like Substance Painter/Designer and texture directly on the model then bake lighting into the texture. In those Software you could generate modifiable prodecural textures that could then be reapplied easily to other models with different topologies, saving huge amounts of time (perfect for vehicles). I'm really happy to see BF haven't automatically stomped on this but could understand their anxiety if this extended beyond access to just the obj data.
  12. Antidote needed for helmet overload.
  13. And just to even the balance sheet.
  14. Check out those meshes and that animation!
  15. Here you go (check out the FOV scaling methods section) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_of_view_in_video_games Nah, I'm not more knowledgeable but was intrigued enough to go looking. I use my monitors mainly for work and will hopefully never have to use 16:9 as I like to have the extra screen space. I also have the Dell U2412M (IPS) and have been very happy with it.
  16. I guess you could be using the word 'photos' loosely, but so there is no confusion note that I am pretty sure from the look of them that these are not actually photos but computer graphics 3D renders. If that's the case you'd need to know the source of them to determine their accurateness.
  17. Now called Vulkan - https://www.khronos.org/vulkan Edit: Oop - didn't read the last post
  18. The assumption is that "I'm a gecko" is also a distinct, self-contained phrase in Russian rather than an English-sounding part of a longer Russian phrase. My Russian is terrible now and I can't find my dictionary, but my guess is that words starting with a sound like 'I' of 'I'm' (аи) are quite rare. It is more likely to be inside or at the end of a Russian word (the Russian characters аи are used at the end of some verbs in one form of the imperative, which could be used when issuing orders).
  19. It looks like the max attachment space has changed too. Under my manage attachments section it reads 860KB of 500KB (100%) used. Does this mean that some of my existing attachments won't appear on the forums now (the majority of the attachments are file listings of moddable files in the game brz files).
  20. I don't know squat about the modern uniforms, but some of those close up shots are really highlighting the funky sternocleidomastoid muscle in the neck. It should angle from behind the ear to the inner part of the collar bone (rather than going straight down the neck from the back of the jaw). I think it is like this in the WW2 games too, but if you are revisiting the textures and have time, it might be something you could look at.
  21. Sculpted normal maps could compensate for that pretty well. The problem is that modders would need to reproduce the shape of the head as a 3D model first. I've looked at this for the heads and other parts but get fed up pretty quickly trying to work out outline shapes and wireframes from in-game screenshots. In the absence of getting hold of the actual models, is there any way that modders could be given orthographic views of some of the model wireframes or, at the least, copies of the textures with the wireframe guides overlaid?
  22. 1C, the people behind 'Theater of War' as sold on BF's site, made some medieval combat games. Titles include 'Real Warfare 2: Northern Crusades' and 'Real warfare 1242'. They have a more Eastern European slant and the very few reviews I found were generally positive, but I haven't played them myself.
  23. Is it? I mean, does this mean the wind is blowing towards the east, or does it mean it is an easterly wind like a weathervane? I guess the former would be a good fit with the backwards 'compass' To be honest, I think one of the few or even only reason I look at the compass is to figure out which way the wind is blowing so would be happy with just a wind indicator and ditch the compass.
  24. Really nice textures though I can't help thinking they would really come to life if we could normal map these objects. Is there some horizontal squashing of textures going on here (both ends of the right-hand stretch of brick wall and a strip towards the right-hand end of the left-hand stretch of stone wall). I'd never noticed this before but maybe I just hadn't looked properly. Can walls be less than just one action square in length?
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