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Everything posted by GraemeA

  1. Just played Byte de Ville and really enjoyed it. Not too many units to look after so you can focus on the action. Lots of rewind to watch it from different angles. Great fun. Looking forward to playing the rest.
  2. This quote from HMRC: "Some websites will offer to show a value on the Customs Declaration that's much lower than the actual price paid so that you don't have to pay duty and/or VAT when the goods enter the UK. This is wrong: if you're ordering goods over the Internet, it is in your own interest to make sure that the sender abroad makes a complete and accurate declaration. If no declaration is made, or the information is inaccurate, the package may be delayed whilst the UK Border Agency (UKBA) makes further enquiries, or in some cases the package and its contents may be seized and as the importer of the goods you will be liable for any charges." Which suggests that the buyer could be hit by charges if the Border Agency did investigate. I'll bet their "further enquiries" would not come cheap.
  3. Just finished this hugely enjoyable compaign. Loved the small-sized battles. Thanks for making it.
  4. Armchair General have a not-a-review here. It's a June 6th tribute based around D-Day Brecourt Manor AAR.
  5. Got in mine in the UK this morning - no VAT, no handling charge. Go figure.
  6. Seems the Germans were working on stealth technology in WWII: the SPW is equipped with some sort of cloaking technology that is only partially effective: Immediately after the SPW engages stealth mode, we lose sight if it;the effect can only have lasted for a few frames. (There is a video of it here.) Only noticed it because I play WeGo and enjoy zooming in on particular areas to watch the action. This was when playing Huzarr! - really enjoying it. Would never have thought that sending a jeep up and down country lanes could be so satisfying. (I have a saved game if it is of interest.)
  7. FYI, it works fine on my nVidia GeForce GTX 260 with driver version 266.58
  8. I think a javelin missile will bring down a yogic flier, so this is more of a CMSF issue...
  9. Hmm, I can see were this is going: (1) You kindly print off a manual for me (2) We play a PBEM (3) I get slaughtered basing my tactics on the info in the "manual" you supplied so I'll decline the offer...I can lose without any help from anyone thank your very much.
  10. Thanks for the suggestion. I have asked about the costs of printing PDFs from a local printer and was quoted a price of about 20 GBP for a 150 page book. No binding included at that price. I wouldn't mind so much paying the extra costs if the money were going to BFC, it's the middle men taking their cut for doing not very much that gets me so irritated.
  11. Good point thanks. As the poet said, "And time yet for a hundred indecisions, And for a hundred visions and revisions,".....
  12. My order confirmation has the shipper as DHL (Western Europe) and I have no idea what they will charge. For comparison, a recent package shipped from the US with a value for customs as 54 USD, attracted the standard 17.5% VAT and what was described as "Royal Mail International Handling Fee" of 8 GBP. The "handling fee" was a surprise to me; "extortion demand" seems a more appropriate term. The only thing stopping me from switching my order to download only is the printed manual.
  13. Thanks.....Was it one of your scenarios ? It was great fun whoever designed it.
  14. Big thanks to Other Means for making the preview happen (and supplying the beer). Starting at about 1.30, we played part of a Quick Battle with Other Means talking us through what we were seeing, then split into teams and played a LAN game and finally regrouped to play a scenario - which was still going on when I left at 6.30 (as was the drinking). That we didn't notice the time tells you everything you need to know about just how immersive the game is. The visuals are tremendous : the lush landscapes, the fields of wheat (ploughed or unploughed), the rivers, the collapsed bridges, the bocage, the Norman churches and the sight of the troops marching in columns across the landscape (with, in one case, the blast shield of his schreck appearing to catch the sun). Simply magnificent. And then there was the fighting. I can't recall the name of the scenario (Bachman's defense ?) that we played in the LAN game but it was gripping, pitting Blackcat and Sandy as the Americans against Kilgore and I as the Germans (we were defending.) A quiet start descending into mayhem with some great moments - we had what was left of one squad pickup a shreck from a wiped out squad and let loose at a sherman - a satisfying but futile gesture (he missed and died shortly afterwards). We forgot about rhinos (oops), so tanks appeared where they had no right to be and in the ensuing choas fausts were flying everywhere with our lone tiger destroying four shermans before being knocked out by a dastardly shot from behind. As you can probably guess, I loved it: the rich visuals pull you in and the fighting keeps you firmly gripped. One of us declined the idea of a second lan game because the first was too stressful....
  15. On the morning of the preview I will be helping setup the Camra Beer Festival in the Crypt; hope that provide some reassurance.
  16. Other Means, Sign me up for the Liverpool preview - and thanks for doing it.
  17. I would be interested in a preview in Liverpool.
  18. Here is an example of what the NVIDIA Disco Effect is like.
  19. This is a screenshot of the email I got (no names and addresses in mine):
  20. Here's a short video of a recent battle with a deadly grenade pitched at my pixeltruppen.
  21. Did you try the preview post button or does that not do what you require ? Now, about this pink elephant ......
  22. Just like to add my thanks and appreciation to Battlefront, the beta testers and the QB mappers. It just keeps on getting better.
  23. You use the img tag. The gory details are here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/misc.php?do=bbcode
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