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Everything posted by GraemeA

  1. Good guess, I did indeed upgrade to CMSF2. I had seen the post you linked to and thought I had followed the instructions, but who knows, maybe I screwed up. Could I have "used up" my activation codes ? Do you only get a limited number of tries ? Just curious about it.
  2. Thanks everyone... CMBN, CMFI and CMCW are all working with the right modules. CMSF however is proving troublesome in spite of the 'green lights' on the activation page. Think I'll raise a help ticket, as my poor old head is spinning with activation codes. Thanks again.
  3. Progress stalled CMCW works, but CMFI and CMSF don't. I activated both of them successfully (and the modules were shown as active on the activate page), but they don't run. They just give me the activate screen. This may be related to the fact that I only have one activation code for CMCW but have multiple for the others (4 for CMFI, 4 for CMSF, 8 for CMBN). Does anyone know if I have to apply all the activation codes in the right sequence?
  4. Previously I just copied the Battlefront folder from "C:\Program Files (x86)", then I guessed I might need the "C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Battlefront" folder. Once I copied that CMCW works. Progress!
  5. Thanks Vacillator. I copied the Battlefront folder from the old machine to the new and successfully activated CMCW. However there were no scenarios or campaigns, so something isn't right. Think I'll try doing what you did.
  6. After my old Windows machine died, I'm now up and running on a new machine - what's the easiest way of installing everything I've bought (CMBN,CMFI , Red Thunder,SF2, Cold War and an assortment of modules) ? I have the disk from the old machine. Thanks
  7. Hi, I tried to buy CW using Vivaldi browser and hit problems: after selecting the product and providing Paypal details an error message popped-up TypeError: $.cookie is not a function and there was nothing I could do -- other than switch browsers :-) (I have screenshots if you want them.) Graeme
  8. Support sorted this out and everything i s now working. Thanks everyone
  9. I installed 2.10 and activated Rome to Victory, but some of the units are not appearing. For instance this screenshot from "Casili Road" In "Smokey's Challenge" no Allied infantry units are visible. In "Flames in the Mist", the vehicles Archer and Carrier Wasp are visible, but M1O Wolverine,Scout/Carrier and Otter are not. The menu reports v.2.10, Game Engine 4 My guess is I missed a step, maybe an upgrade.
  10. Just a thought, but maybe you did buy it from battlefront. As Steve said in this thread: >The old store went live shortly after CMSF was released. Anybody who placed a CMSF order in those early days definitely won't see it in their profile. It wasn't there in the old store either. I'm in the same situation - I have the activation keys for all the CMSF modules, but nothing for CMSF itself. Graeme
  11. I noticed today that the state/province of my delivery address is "Aberdeenshire" . I'm in Liverpool, UK, my state/province should be "Merseyside", but my guess is the I had left this optional field empty and in the data migration this has been changed to the first entry in the list of UK states/provinces. Or, I could be completely wrong and totally confused. I am getting on in years :-) Graeme
  12. I was hoping the smoke would be nearer to the vehicle so that I could use it for cover, so I was suprised. Then I got to wondering how I would know for any vehicle, where the 'pop smoke' command actually pops smoke. (The 20m indicator didn't help.) ​ I guess if I need to lay down smoke at a particular point, I should use 'target smoke'.
  13. Playing "Taking the town" I needed to pop smoke and this is what I saw: ​ ​ ​ ​What surprised me was the distance of the smoke - the 20m indicator line can be seen on the left but on the right the smoke is over 90m away. ​I couldn't see anything in the interface or the manual telling me the "pop smoke distance" for this vehicle - am I missing something ?
  14. ​Could someone please give me some idea about the mix of scenario sizes - are they mostly big ? I ask as someone who bought CMRT and only played 2 or 3 scenarios and then gave up in disappointment. Nothing wrong with the game, but if I load a scenario and am confronted by a sea of icons, I lose the will to continue. ​Thanks ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
  15. Looking forward to playing them. Thanks for all your effort.
  16. Platoon formation orders would get me playing again.
  17. When the scenarios are listed in the (default?) order, small -> large, I've played the first three and loaded then quit the rest. Can't check the names at the moment. Please don't think I'm saying there's anything "wrong" with the scenarios
  18. I've pretty much stopped playing because of the battle sizes. The three smallest battles are ok for me while the campaigns are way too big (again, for me). Partly it's the setup phase: I open a battle and on being confronted by a sea of icons, I mutter 'oh c**p',and hit Control-Q. If the scenarios came with a sensible setup so that I could start immediately, I may be more patient, but spending a heap of time getting everything into position just drains all my enthusiasm. I've read posts where people report spending hours on the setup phase, but for me it's something that has be done before the interesting stuff happens. Most times I just want to get into the fight. Graeme
  19. I see they redistribute some Qt libraries. (Which is definitely platform independent C++).
  20. Googles ngram viewer suggests that "to gift" has been on a steady rise since the 1920s with a bit of drop in popularity during the '70s. Go to http://books.google.com/ngrams and have some fun.
  21. yes, I liked the emphasis on military tactics as against CombatMission game tactics
  22. To quote them: In the Combat Mission computer gaming series from Battlefront.com soldiers react as their real-world counterparts would, and the game rewards the use of real-world tactics. In this series of how-to videos Lt. Col. (ret) Jeffrey Paulding, longtime gaming editor for Armchair General magazine, draws upon his 11 years as an active-duty infantry officer in the U.S. Army and a quarter-century of experience with computer wargames to help you maximize your tactical skills in Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy. http://www.armchairgeneral.com/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy-tactics-a-video-series
  23. I understand that work is being done on the UI and was wondering if any use was going to be made of the dead areas to the left and right: (It's not that the empty areas bother me, I don't even notice them any longer. ) I'm guessing that there may be technical reasons why nothing too dynamic should be in there and also that people playing real time won't want to have to look at both areas of the screen for transient info. Mind you, having just spent ten minutes playing without realising I had turned off trees, I can think of one piece of info that would be useful. And maybe something about the status of mission objectives (achieved or not) might be good.
  24. Free software worth mentioning includes ImageMagick and FFmpeg Imagemagick is particulary useful if you need to do the same thing to many images e.g resize. ffmpeg is astonishingly powerful software - in this context you can use it convert between video formats, extract slices of a video or generate images for each frame in a video (and tons of other things). Both are free and there are links to Windows binary downloads on both sites.
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