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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Kieme(ITA)

  1. Let's keep it on topic and out of discussion what happened or is happening in ukraine. As a suggestion to prepare for what CMBS will be like: I'd say read as much as you can about modern vehicles, weapons, UAVs, artillery etc. and I mean the single assets. Scroll the contents list, for example you see a BMP-3 with ARENA active protection system, Google that and see what's about it. This way you'll know what is such an asset when you see it in game. As regarding the gameplay itself or the TO&E just wait for the game and see what's placed on the field for you, there will also be a traning campaign to test some new stuff for sure (UAV?). If you want to exercise a bit consider that CMSF while being old and less complex in terms of some simulation, can actually let you play T-90 vs M1A2 (although in CMBS will be a different thing), or infantry vs infantry with decently modern weapons. The infantry fights won't be much different in my opinion.
  2. Sincerely, being a competitor or not or whatever, I don't like this kind of stuff when I read CMBS forum. I am sure your intentions are good, but, personally, I don't like this.
  3. Thanks for sharing MikeyD, seems we will have the usual then, 2 paved roads, 1 highway, 1 dirt road (seen on screenshots). Maybe the usual gravel road. Highway was a mess to create in old cm titles, I wonder if the system will be the same with 12+ Tiles or different.
  4. Some examples of ukrainian roads: Highway, if BFC keeps the usual highway systems with Tiles here is what it could look like or to be modded as: Not much different than a highway we have in western eu. This secondary road sure looks much more rugged: This could be done without causing too much clone effect. This: Sure would be nice, but it's not feasible in game without a horrible clone effect.
  5. Fuser is right. I have been modding roads of all kind for CMSF and CMRT, and I can tell you that it's impossible to add specific details such as holes etc. because the repetition/cloning will be horrible and unbearable when looking at a certain distance. Not to mention the difficulties to match the sides of each tile so that they snap correctly with all the odd shapes/turns. I managed to make some higher quality textures for roads with masks and layers so that they look rugged and damaged without single specific details, I'll try something like that for CMBS. What could be useful is to have some pictures of real ukraininan flat signals (Painted on roads). Either way don't expect anything different than the previous CM releases in terms of road textures, they are basic and in low res, and it's a very hard job to make them, especially considering the developers have to model all 2d textures in game.
  6. You can mod all of that, but for the dates.
  7. DMS I belive you are misinterpreting common american slang with political/ethical implications that have nothing to do with steve's remark.
  8. From one side tradition is very important to any army, being it positive or negative in terms of victories (although few wars in history let you put a real victorious side, most of the time it's just convenient to pick a winner because there "needs" to be one). Tradition of an army anyway trascends the number of victories, as it's more tied to number of wars fought, variety of fronts seen, and age of the armed forces of a given country. I belive modern turkish army has a very strong tradition, as few Others can say in the world. But on the other hand turkish army has little experience in modern times, as many other armies do miss. Few countries have small units of what we could call veterans thanks to their participaton in peace corps/missions etc. around the world, but even those see little action on most cases. A good portion of IS fighters have no tradition on their background, I belive very few fought in Iran-Iraq war, which is out of the joungest ones. They have generic or no training, you can see it from their phisical conditioning, which is very casual. Their best fighters are former Iraqi/Syrian/Iran armies, maybe even saudis etc. But despite all of this they have something they truly belive in, and this is by itself a strong argument and incitement to fight and in combat; and many of them have seen armed combat during the last 10 years, maybe are guerrillas, criminals etc. exactly at the same level they like to fight: in a close combat rough battle, with low technology, no real tactical indoctrination, no strategic layers. It's asymmetrical warfare all again, we thought that the last 50 years teached us about it from Vietnam, to Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel etc. and yet it's still there, and winning (or at least causing a lot of troubles). A kind of fight that is evidently too tied and rooted in something else that strategic and tactical analysis is not sufficient to understand and counter it. Maybe it's time to find out what's asymmetrical warfare is really about, and I would start talking with sociologists.
  9. General pourpose ammo should work best, but you'd need some testing with the editor. Anti personnel ammo should be the one doing the less damage to a concrete wall so I wouldn't recommend that.
  10. I suggest you to contact battlefront for support, if you bought the games in the past I am sure there's a way to play them again, in no way you should not be able to.
  11. Seems the M60 is the most common turkish MBT, in various versions. But we could use the Leopard II and the YPR as main vehicles.
  12. I have seen M113 very close to the dutch ypr we have in game now (NATO module). And I remember seeing turkish YPR with 20mm turret too in other sources. Saferight has done a turkish camo for the insurgents, might be possible to convert one of the NATO module armies to Turkish, what kind of personal weapons do they use? By the way some time ago I saw someone here on the forums saying that he regreted the fact that CMSF modules did not include turkey... well, that would have fit too well now, even for BFC.
  13. I'd really like to see a far east setting for the CM series: pacific, japanese islands where large battles were fought etc. For what I know and my impressions, the engine is capable of showing thick tropical forests and jungles, trees can be modeled, doodads can be done in a fashion to show a thick growth, so the terrain does not seem to be a problem. As mentioned soldeirs and vehicles are not a problem either, since they can be modelled or ported from existing CM games. What is limiting the possibility, in my opinion, are dynamics directly linked to the environment, for example: beach landings. As we stand now you can see how hard it is to model a realistic beach Landing within CM normandy... and wonder why: -ambient with a seaside -realistic representation of a large water seaside area (different depth) -interaction between units and water -behaviour of vehicles and troops in water We can make a decent normandy Landing scenario, but we can't represent the Landing itself without a lot of tweaks and hard coded stuff within the game engine. So this is what limits the development of such a title in my opinion, you'd have to represent some kind of dynamics which are practically not there in actual game development yet they seem to be essential for the setting in question, and I belive that adding such features would require a lot of work, more than it would be needed to add another CM title in an easier or more standard setting. I also dreamed of a Vietnam title, there you'd have a similar problem: helicopters and their interaction. Sure, you could make a Vietnam title adding helicopters as supports only, such as they are now in CMSF, but hey, would you dig a Vietnam title without the possibility to disembark a cavalry unit out of a overhanging huey? I'd not.
  14. I also don't belive that someone won't buy CM games because they are not on steam... I mean: I wanted a mustang so bad that I had no problem going to pick it 250km from where I live (and it's still very close), if I said: "I want it, but unless it's in a walking time radious I won't get it", forget it! Back to games: I know of people who wanted some titles that were exclusive of Origin, for example (similar to steam, but horrible), and they did the 5 minutes registration to get such title, then didn't use the said Platform fro anything else. Same goes with steam, some people I know registered only to get a title that was only on steam and then they just didn't buy anything else there. In conclusion: I really don't belive people who say: I don't buy CM games because they are not on steam, it's something so out of any logic that can be read only as a not really interested person or a praise to steam and as a poor way to promote steam in here.
  15. Please note that top sellers list is based upon the cumulative revenue generated by the sells and not the number of single copies sold. Therefore highly priced items have more chances to reach a higher top list level than a very low price item, since the latter will need to sell a lot more copies to cope with the difference in price and reach the same level on the top sellers list. Moreover, a strong factor to reaching the top of said list stands in the number of highly priced items released every day: if on day 0 a 50$ product is released and on day 1 to 10 only 5 to 10$ products are released then you most probably find the 50$ product on top, unless one of the low priced one sells more than 5 times the numbers of the highly priced one. If on day 1 to 10 more 50$ titles are released you will find more competition for the day 0 released title. All in all being on the top seller list right after release has little meaning, being on the top seller list for a long time and long after release has another meaning. An indirect system to check sell numbers (which is in truth Always a secret information), is to check steamcharts, which tells how many people are playing the game at any moment. Despite this being, as I said, an indirect and partly faulty source of information it's still the best approximation of how well a product has sold on steam. So here it is the steamchart for the above mentioned title: http://www.steamcharts.com/app/321410 You can cross reference with another information source: the number of reviews, given again the fact that the data is faulty because not every owner gives a review, yet you can add another piece of information to the view. Taking the data with the necessarily sized pinch of salt I'd say the numbers are quite low. This is an example of a product similar to combat mission series, in terms of niche/genre, with even lower pricing: http://www.steamcharts.com/app/275290 Again, the numbers do no support this. All in all only a developer can assess the advantage or disadvantage of being on steam, as we miss too many information especially when it comes to pricing and quotas of such pricing. Many products passed on steam without having any strenght to create a real player base there, therefore falling in a forgotten, huge space of old titles.
  16. You might find some useful information in some of the last parts of the manual. Other than that I have access to no other source but maybe some player compiled a list in the past.
  17. Damn right, I Always have the hunch that the best soldiers just don't like cameras and reporters, and want them to keep away from fights.
  18. Maybe I understood, is your problem the fact that you can't directly select equipment for your units and therefore you'd like to see a chart where the quality of the unit (conscript/green/regular etc.) is linked to the equipment they have on map (Javelin/AT4 etc., or M1A1HA, M1A2 etc.)?
  19. Excellent, can't wait to compare real photographs with our mods combined.
  20. There's a good variety there. I wonder how the Whole lot looks like and if it is compatible with Mord's fighters/Mord's civil war, should be ok with the last since it changes syrian infantry afaik.
  21. Thanks, I have a folder with the IS decals for the same vehicles. It will replace these, as we have no tags yet in cmsf, the weathering is the same, they just sport the IS flags on. I'll release the IS version Tomorrow.
  22. Not sure the older uploads worked, so I reuploaded them a few days ago. Glad to see the file got loaded now. Anyway this file has: -taxi [desaturated, weathered, new wheels] -pickup [weathered, new wheels] + added second pickup hull with TOYOTA decal -UAZ [weathered, new wheels] -pickup zsu [White version, weathered, new wheels, mud camouflage] -ZIL [changed color of tarpaulin to brownish tone, weathered, new wheels] All textures in HD since they have 2x texture size. Wheels were made from scratch using real photographs (from the original vehicles in uaz and zil cases).
  23. We get stuff later on in europe, unless it's made here.
  24. I agree, we costumers are on the other side of the barricade, nothing we can do about it other than empty speculations.
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