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Everything posted by Childress

  1. Yeah, tell me about it. In our QB match he bombarded my setup zone, contrary to our agreement. In his defense, it could be a language thing. We worked through his interpreter who had limited English skills. That guy has since.... disappeared.
  2. Playing against the US it can be safely assumed that drones are in the air. And their presence is often mentioned in scenario briefings. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see this tactic working against any non-comatose human opponent.
  3. As anyone tried precision strikes in MP? Any success? It seems like a human wouldn't likely leave a valuable AFV asset sitting around stationary for minutes on end with drones circling overhead..
  4. Prefer Russian side but am flexible. Realistic battles are a must so, please, no 'Meeting Engagements'. And anyone uploading youtube AARs will be prosecuted. Or worse. Contact me at virtualczar@kremlin.com. можетпобедит сильнейший!
  5. My AA assets usually come through. Could be just a case of bad mojo. Have you tried prayer?
  6. Like Command Ops? I downloaded one of their demos. The Panther Games enjoy a massive rep but that one left me with a feeling of... detachment. A ballet of of swirling icons orchestrated by Tchaikovsky. There's something to be said for the charm of BF's 3D modelling.
  7. Even half destroyed Seoul would make Pyonyang look like Pompeii post-Vesuvius. Only more oppressively sterile.The invading NK troops may also wonder why the South Koreans are several inches taller on average than their own citizens. On the other hand, the communist regimes can't feed their people but they're aces at indoctrination.
  8. Seoul, by all accounts, is a throbbingly vital, 1st world city possessing every amenity conceivable. As a DRPK apparatchik I'd think twice before letting my troops get a glimpse of the place.
  9. Looks interesting but it makes my laptop chug. Odd, since although the map is expansive the foliage is sparse. The only other scenario to bring the PC to its knees was the 3rd mission in the Russian campaign.
  10. ...says, 'Komrad! Can I come to Amerka and work in government? With green card?'
  11. The base salary for police officers here in CA is 58K. Many retire in their 50s or earlier with 70% of their base pay. What's really killing the state are the pensions not just the police but teachers, prison guards, etc. Much of the blame adheres to ex-Governor Gray Davis. Public schools have become holding pens for bored or tumultuous kids. Outside districts like Beverly Hills or other premium areas they learn little. At least the cops contribute to the general welfare. And unlike public school teachers they can be fired. A public sector union is a misnomer. They don't aspire to divvy up the profits generated by business activities like normal unions. They prefer to glom on to the public fisc. They're actually lobbies. (Thank you, JFK)
  12. We can stray off the reservation from time to time. The French Revolution inaugurated the national levee en masse in modern times. However the British acquired their 19th century empire with a largely volunteer army. The tendency toward universal conscription accelerated with WW1 and thereafter. With national conscripted armies you get mutinies but rarely revolutions. The conscript considers himself a citizen. In the US you see a metastasizing of government on all levels. Unionized Police forces are acquiring heavy weapons. And the cops are now highly payed and endowed with lavish pensions. Are we seeing a caste in larval form? Presidents- not just the present one- haves arrogated to themselves unusual powers as the middle class shrinks. Elite sectors seek to disarm the rest of us. After the 2nd century Roman citizens gradually lost the right to bear arms. A two tier judicial system (honestiores and humiliores- look them up) emerged that bore down on the middle class and below. Emperors competed to overpay (bribe) the legionaries. So, yes, I see dangers. Sorry for the controversy.
  13. I recall reading that the T-90 series incorporated air conditioning, a Russian innovation late to the party. However these upgrades were mainly designated for high temperature theaters and the export market only. India found the add-on expensive and inadequate: http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htarm/20140317.aspx A bit O/T: Russia's philosophy implies that conscription constitutes a net benefit toward socializing young males. The downside with draftees is that you sacrifice a selective force composed of highly motivated soldiers. Is the trade-off justified? The Roman legions became a professional army under Marius in the 1st century B.C. In the short term this worked magnificently. However over the centuries the army became a disruptive element giving rise to usurpers and ambitious generals. Caesar followed Sulla. Soldiering became a caste distinct from the citizenry. Is conscription a 'good thing'? Debate.
  14. Let's put it this way. If BF provided or outsourced a match making service on a subscription basis how much would you be willing to pay? $5/month? $10/month?
  15. Who's taking about RT? Slitherine's Battle Academy is turned based and their lobby works, I'm told, like a charm. And no need to hunt down partners. You're opp may be a total stranger. That's OK! If he drops out, there's always another. Granted, the files are larger in CM. I've played a grand total of 3 PBEMs in CM2 and found the file exchanges clunky. BF needs to come up with server step-up that incorporates a utility like GAJ's in a seamless, effortless way. No more Dropbox. Yes, the majority of players do only single player. That's true of virtually all extant sims, including the Total War series. However, the MP guys drive, imo, the market in the sense of contributing excitement and energy. Their exploits dominate their respective forums. Hardenberger's online matches help sell BF games. He and his ilk are the baker's yeast of the series.
  16. I suspect that the importance of the quality of the game's AI will shrivel to nothingness once Battlefront comes up with their own in-house multiplayer lobby. If Slitherine can pull it off...
  17. It's very tough. I mean VERY tough. I was stunned at the number of blue icons present on the map after the rage quit. I got down to level one and the Ukrainian regulars seemed to be flipping the bird to my troops. As in Toleran's experience one of my T72 crews abandoned their perfectly intact ride after what appeared to be merely MG fire. The survivors were promptly gunned down after crawling around looking for... a place to die. I felt compelled to LIKE Toleran's posts. Also, if you want this battle to appeal to MP'ers I suggest your provide setup zones for Red. You're a meanie.
  18. You mean with Save disabled? Interesting idea, remove all temptations. 'Iron' has already been taken. Call it the Superman mode.
  19. Same here. Not only did the game crash on that mission but now BS will not load. I'm waiting since Monday for Tech Support to send a tool to reset the activation procedure. I have 6 GB of ram. WARNING
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