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    fireship4 reacted to billbindc in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Here's the thing...Xi holds every single card here. Russian gas is badly situated for China's market and years/billions in investment away from being...even then...a pricey alternative to what they have. Russia doesn't have much of anything China wants and is a shrinking percentage of China's foreign trade...especially compared with the US and EU. Russia is also a would be competitor in Central Asia and has differing interests in Southwest Asia, Africa, etc. 
    Russia's value to China was as a distraction to and a thorn in the side of the US and the EU. Xi needed the latter to have a big, dangerous security threat that could be activated to disperse their forces. In short, Russia was supposed to be Xi's pitbull. The dog might be still vicious but it's turned out to also be decrepit and the US is, through Ukraine, knocking its teeth out.
    So what does Xi do? I think close to nothing. A Russia that is more Austria-Hungary than useful is not worth investing in. China will do the bare minimum to maintain Russia's territorial integrity while asking the world in return in terms of trade deals, diplomatic access to the -stans and ultimately economic control in the Russian Far East. Unequal Treaties can go the other way, in time.
  2. Thanks
    fireship4 reacted to alison in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Not directly related to the recent military offensive, but something that might be interesting to people looking at the Kremlin palace intrigue is that there is a meeting of SCO (China's wannabe NATO) coming up on September 15/16. Despite increasing COVID lockdowns at home, it's now been confirmed that Xi will attend in his first foreign trip since the pandemic began. Putin and Modi are on track to be there too.
    There's not much concrete news about the summit yet, but a lot of rumors. Putin has said he will meet Xi one-on-one, and surely Ukraine will be part of that discussion. My guess is that Putin might seek support from Xi in cementing his grip on power. I still don't think China will step into this war, but the party is good at propping up foreign dictators, and could spin it as some kind of benevolent regional security agreement (see Solomon Islands). I don't know enough about domestic Russian politics to understand how that might be received there, but I'd be interested to hear from people with a stronger background in the topic. I also wonder what Xi would get out of any potential deal. Certainly not good press in the west. Flip side - Xi might prefer to play hardball with Putin to try earn enough goodwill to see some of Biden's sanctions and tariffs dropped.
  3. Like
    fireship4 reacted to Grigb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    RU (Pegov) reports that UKR might enter Belohorivka

    me looking at map

  4. Thanks
    fireship4 reacted to Huba in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Couldn't choose better 48h to go (mostly) offline. Let's get started with a bit of humor:

  5. Thanks
    fireship4 reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yes, but that intervention would quite likely occur before any nukes were even launched. And possibly with Russian connivance.  Make of that what you will.
    ....Escalation is a deep rabbit hole and my appetite for such what-ifs is pretty limited.  But here is my own view, worth everything you paid for it:
    1.  I see no signs that the actual men in actual charge in actual Russia today are up for nuclear war, collectively or individually.  The evil is banal, not mad.
    2.  Intellectually, Putin is a product of the Soviet technocracy (their 'PMC'). He has amassed supreme power by coldly and systematically pulling its levers for the benefit of his clique. Those levers include using the legacy Soviet military machine in his own backyard, with its adventurism fueled by cyclical resource windfalls. Why not, it's sitting there idle and rusting?
    Like most such apparatchiks (not just Russians btw), he has no actual notion of how to create capital, only how to scheme to control and expend existing capital.
    3.  Philosophically, while Putin is clearly in earnest about '(re)gathering the Russian lands' (a standard Russian view, not something he invented), and also believes the Motherland is by default menaced by the rest of humanity, there is nothing at all in his emotional makeup or observed personal behaviour to suggest a Hitler monomania or messianism, Russian flavoured or otherwise.
    The man doesn't especially enjoy speechifying, kissing babies, or the sound of his own voice in small crowds, or the company of others. He does get a smug satisfaction from triggering others, but it's a catlike kind of emotion, carefully bounded.  He's INTJ, a calculating introvert.

    4. Putin knows now he miscalculated terribly when Ukraine didn't fold on Day 3. His Martingale double dow bets with the war machine had worked up to then, and finally they didn't.
    Since then, he has been scrambling to salvage whatever he can by using up the rest of what blood and treasure he started with, bluff and divide his enemies wherever he can, and hoping he can outlast ________________. 
    5. Putin is 70 and ailing. I suspect he is resigned to dying in a couple of years, and like most of us old folks does not especially fear it.
    Again, there is nothing in the man's visible persona to suggest he wants a legacy that includes triggering doomsday -- or more likely failing foolishly if he tried -- even if he had nothing else to lose. He is not the Mad King.
  6. Thanks
    fireship4 reacted to Grigb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    No significant updates yet. But there is interesting post
    It describes possible UKR intent for the whole Izum offensive operation:

    UKR capture/block Kupyanks UKR Advance from Dolyna area toward Oskil cutting several roads from Izum UKR destroy few bridges And the whole RU Izum grouping is in zh*pa.  
  7. Thanks
    fireship4 reacted to Grigb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Fresh map

    Another assessment
    [UPDATE] RU source reports the situation is extremely fluid today. The frontline will jump back and forward. He is going offline so most probably the next update we will see tomorrow.
  8. Thanks
    fireship4 reacted to Holien in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Excellent article and a good reminder on how to interpret maps. Thanks for posting it here.
  9. Thanks
    fireship4 reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    This is sign of "Bratstsvo" ("Brotherhood") party, established by Dmytro Korchynskyi, excentric and  scandal  firgure in UKR politic in 90th. Korchynskyi was one of UNA-UNSO founders - nationalistic paramilitary organization, which was very popular in right spectre at the begining of 90th. Later inside UNA-UNSO conflict is happened, because it leaders had each own vision of paramilitary national movement and Korchynskyi left this organization. 
    His political credo is "permanent turmoil" - he believs, permanent well-being and satiety of society lead to degradation of passionarity and this as result lead to degradation of the nation, so to keep society in tonus, it need in permanent stresses - protests, revolutions, wars etc. Korchynskyi positioned ideology of own "Bratstvo" party as christianity revolutianry national-anarchism. Also he adheres (or adhered in not far past) to the ideology of pan-slavism, but unlike Russians he believes that exactly Ukraine have to be a center of slavic world, so from there are "third Rome" and "Byzantine cross" as their party signs. Interesting that in 1992, during the war in Transnistriya, Korchynskyi personally led UNA-UNSO fighters, which fought on the side of Transnistriya, together with Russians , "protecting Ukrainan population against Great Romaina ideology". But during the war in Georgia in the same 1992, he supported Georgians angians Russians in Abkhazia, "protecting Ukrainain interests and friendly Georgian people against Russian imperialism".  
    Need to say at the begining of 2000th Korchynskyi was an ally of Russian Euro-Asian ideology of Dugin. And interestingly, that deputy of Korchynskyi in his party was Oleksiy Arestovych, who also had maney meetings with Dugin and his  folowers. There was information, that "Bratstvo" was hired by Viktor Medvedchuk, but it is a fact during Orange Revolution in 2004, Korchynskyi and his party actively fought against Yishchenko and pro-western course of Ukraine. After Orange Revolution won, in the frames of own "permanent turmoil" philosophy (and likely for Medvedchuk and Yanukovich money) Korchynskyi has made a political bloc with the same loud-crying marginals from "Progressive socialists party of Natalia Vitrenko" - radical left anti-Ukrainian party. In next several years they together had been conducting many anti EU and anti-NATO actions in Ukraine. 
    But close to 2013 either Korchynskyi turned ot unnecessary for Yanukovich regime or he, followig to "permanent turmoil" ideology decided to change a side, but in 2013 his force supported Revolutin of Dignity, though in own manner - exactly his people provoked force variant in first day of revolution, wich finished with bloody beating of protesters. When the war began in 2014, Korchynckyi's paty established volunteer unit  "Rota Isusa Khrysta" (Jesus Christ Company), which fought together with Azov, libarating Mariuopol. Further this unit was converted to special police battalion "Sviata Mariya" (St.Mary), which was disbanded in 2016. Now "Bratstvo" probably established air-recon volunteer unit, but I don't know under which subordination. 
    Interestingly that in 2016 Korchynskyi said  "Main crime of Russians - they didn't let us to complete our revolution. We havn't played enough barricades yet. So, now insurgents are forced to waste own energy, fighting eith intervents"
  10. Like
    fireship4 got a reaction from SteelRain in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A final solution if you will?
    You guys don't know what you are saving.
    Everything you and @kraze are saying about the Russian ex-pat population could be right in general, and similar things can be said about other populations - 'Muslims' for example.  They can be said about the Ukrainians - infected with the Western ideology, they cannot see how it harms the Slav.  Harsh measures are necessary.
    So you've imported a large number of people and they have their own culture, and they largely stick together and don't atomise into the larger culture.  They don't seem make themselves available to the ideas and mechanisms our culture has which influence behaviour.  Ideas like human rights, freedom of choice, open criticism, advocating the truth over the interests of your tribe - changing ideas which can always be improved.
    So you made a mistake and think you have damaged this Western culture by importing too many who act upon different principles.  Bad luck.  You do more damage to it by throwing them out.  Fix the problem another way - if they have citizenship they are now part of you, and how you treat them is how you can be treated.
    [And as far as I can see it McCarthy was not a hero and did damage which echoes until the present day, even if he was right in some cases about Soviet agents.  A committee to scrutinise the political beliefs of workers which then bans them from work if they fail?  It is against the very notion of discussion and criticism toward better ideas.  It sounds more Soviet than anything else.  And you guys sometimes sound like the other ones.]
  11. Thanks
    fireship4 reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Nice on the ground reporting, though dated 18 August, from the battered Black Sea city of Mikolaiev and the nearby Kherson front.
    (I have no idea how to insert a quote box unless it's a quote from another post) 
  12. Thanks
    fireship4 reacted to Grigb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It is gift that never stops giving - UK is silently taking over not just UKR but other countries as well, for example US.
  13. Thanks
    fireship4 reacted to Grigb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    UKR are using missiles that are not announced. RU is in pain - letter to Putin from front line
    Current HIMARS are causing a lot of pain to RU. I do not know what HIMARS are hitting but it is extremely painful for RU. From the same letter (pay attention to part with hitting several warehouses at the same time
    Another example
  14. Thanks
    fireship4 reacted to Grigb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    There is new and unexpected development with Sahih al-Bukhari saga. Previous I discussed two outcomes:
    Reversal of the decision means Putin while somewhat weakened is still in charge No changes to decisions means power struggle is happening, and Putin is severely weakened However, today Kadyrov announced over Telegram he needs - indefinite and long vacation from his post Head of Chechnya. Text of post:
    For those who is unaware of RU power games - Kadyrov would never leave his post voluntarily. He is a notorious war criminal with many enemies inside and outside of RU. There is no a happy quiet life for him after retirement. And he is the only protection Chechens have against another attempt of genocide by RU army.
    Let's look closely at the video of announcement:
    Full transcript is below (Yes, he talks like this in RU and "don" is parasitic word in Chechen language)
    If we pull the most useful phrases out of this mess and correct them, we get the following:
    Kadyrov got a message from somebody who is more experienced in seems to be political games than Kadyrov Kadyrov was told he might be kicked out unless he himself leaves He had to publicly announce it to prove he got the message Important point - Kadyrov seems to be sad, disappointed but not scared or under distress. That gives us additional food for thought
    The other guy: himself is not a threat to Kadyrov and kadyrov can trust his word Kadyrov might not be just threatened but most likely was additionally bought (promised supposedly higher position but out of power)  Working theories:
    Putin got pissed off with Kadyrov Somebody very close to Putin is making a soft coup Theory 1 Pro 
    Most simple explanation Kadyrov trusts Putin Theory 1 Against 
    I do not see anything Kadyrov did that could piss of Putin Does not fit Putin most likely course of action - Putin would make meeting with Kadyrov with cameras and directly offer Kadyrov what would look like better position. No fuss and everybody happy and quiet.  Putin needs Kadyrov now more than ever Adding the book to extremist material list does not fit the theory that Putin is in charge (why piss on all Sunni Muslims if you have issue with one) Theory 2 Pro
    The book story fits here nicely Overall way it is done (secret meeting) and Kadyrov announcement of TG fits as well kadyrov most likely trusts Putin inner circle as well Putin strange public behavior (rubber butt) Overall hardening of RU position (for example decision to disconnect gas)  It is about time Theory 2 Against
    It is a complicated explanation It is simply very difficalt to pull off unless Putin is, for example, mentally unhealthy My opinion - Theory 2
    Let's think about the possibility that Putin is mentally unhealthy (for any number of reasons). For example, he is just talking head for TV now. That's why Kadyrov is not making a big fuss. He just did not see it (Putin mental problems and following soft coup) coming. That's why he says he (Kadyrov) is still so unexperienced - he was outmaneuvered and offered the way out.
    Interestingly we saw reports Shoigu was sidelined (so he is out of hierarchy). And Shoigu was one of the heirs (according to Girkin). Now we see Kadyrov is on his way out of the game. Too many coincidences to believe in simple explanations.
  15. Like
    fireship4 got a reaction from quakerparrot67 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A final solution if you will?
    You guys don't know what you are saving.
    Everything you and @kraze are saying about the Russian ex-pat population could be right in general, and similar things can be said about other populations - 'Muslims' for example.  They can be said about the Ukrainians - infected with the Western ideology, they cannot see how it harms the Slav.  Harsh measures are necessary.
    So you've imported a large number of people and they have their own culture, and they largely stick together and don't atomise into the larger culture.  They don't seem make themselves available to the ideas and mechanisms our culture has which influence behaviour.  Ideas like human rights, freedom of choice, open criticism, advocating the truth over the interests of your tribe - changing ideas which can always be improved.
    So you made a mistake and think you have damaged this Western culture by importing too many who act upon different principles.  Bad luck.  You do more damage to it by throwing them out.  Fix the problem another way - if they have citizenship they are now part of you, and how you treat them is how you can be treated.
    [And as far as I can see it McCarthy was not a hero and did damage which echoes until the present day, even if he was right in some cases about Soviet agents.  A committee to scrutinise the political beliefs of workers which then bans them from work if they fail?  It is against the very notion of discussion and criticism toward better ideas.  It sounds more Soviet than anything else.  And you guys sometimes sound like the other ones.]
  16. Like
    fireship4 got a reaction from LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A final solution if you will?
    You guys don't know what you are saving.
    Everything you and @kraze are saying about the Russian ex-pat population could be right in general, and similar things can be said about other populations - 'Muslims' for example.  They can be said about the Ukrainians - infected with the Western ideology, they cannot see how it harms the Slav.  Harsh measures are necessary.
    So you've imported a large number of people and they have their own culture, and they largely stick together and don't atomise into the larger culture.  They don't seem make themselves available to the ideas and mechanisms our culture has which influence behaviour.  Ideas like human rights, freedom of choice, open criticism, advocating the truth over the interests of your tribe - changing ideas which can always be improved.
    So you made a mistake and think you have damaged this Western culture by importing too many who act upon different principles.  Bad luck.  You do more damage to it by throwing them out.  Fix the problem another way - if they have citizenship they are now part of you, and how you treat them is how you can be treated.
    [And as far as I can see it McCarthy was not a hero and did damage which echoes until the present day, even if he was right in some cases about Soviet agents.  A committee to scrutinise the political beliefs of workers which then bans them from work if they fail?  It is against the very notion of discussion and criticism toward better ideas.  It sounds more Soviet than anything else.  And you guys sometimes sound like the other ones.]
  17. Like
    fireship4 reacted to BlackMoria in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Some humor....

  18. Upvote
    fireship4 reacted to Butschi in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I'd say that's called being civilized, not soft... Anyway, yes, the Baltics could throw out the Russians but what would they gain from that except some measure of satisfaction. I mean, half the conflicts in the world are about someone having thrown out someone else. For good measure let's start by "relocating" all the Russians to some camps. For their own safety, of course. While we are are it, let's just confiscate their property to pay for our expenses in this war.
    We (the West) can rationalize each and every of these measure. Maybe I'm just naive, I mean we could just go full realpolitik and do whatever we feel necessary, morals be damned, but that would hurt our already damaged credibility and that is a kind of capital that should not be underestimated.
  19. Like
    fireship4 reacted to akd in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  20. Thanks
    fireship4 reacted to Grigb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Update from Girkin
    Battle for Pisky is finally over
    A bit confusing description. Arkhangelske village is not exactly between Davydiv Brid and  Vysokopillia. It is much closer to Vysokopillia and part of Vysokopillia (East) battle.

    Initial reports were that UKR pushed overland from Ivanivka. However, it is possible that UKR made another crossing bypassing existing RU defenses and looks like kicking them initially from the village (RU claim they counter-attacked yesterday and push UKR somewhat back).
    It looks like there is Schrödinger offensive at Kharkiv - RU defending with artily against UKR offensive that is happening for several days. I suspect UKR are making disinformation operation there to pin RU forces.
  21. Thanks
    fireship4 reacted to Grigb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    They are about to cross the field (after the ridge) toward the settlement. The field is possibly littered with RU petal mines. So, APCs drive forward (behind tanks), detonate mines, drag away any wire obstacles and infantry run along the APC track to avoid mines.
    [UPDATE] It is what UKR author of video said.
  22. Upvote
    fireship4 got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    You have summoned me once again, this thread is no place for the bearer of the jeweled crown of Aquilonia!
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    fireship4 got a reaction from danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    You have summoned me once again, this thread is no place for the bearer of the jeweled crown of Aquilonia!
  24. Thanks
    fireship4 got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    You have summoned me once again, this thread is no place for the bearer of the jeweled crown of Aquilonia!
  25. Like
    fireship4 reacted to Beleg85 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    True, Lenin was not perfect yurodivy (Rasputin was much more) but his hagiography and folk memory nonetheless retained several crucial characteristics. He was a figure from outside rotten and decaying social order that managed to destroy and renew it, bringing new, fresh sacrality of authority- which is one of the functions of Trickster/God's Fool figure (being outsider/destroyer/creator of widely accepted meanings and power relations). Since he can create order, he is not bounded by existing one, including common morallity; unlike settled priesthood that belongs to sinfull world, adored with its burdens, jewelery and subservient to rulers, yurodivy can move between Outside and Inside. Now, one of qualities of Lenin is that he also rejected all material pleasures like richness, food, women etc. (not exactly true of course, but in folk memory- "Lenin at least was modest and never steal" still ring with Soviet population up to 2000's); was persecuted and haunted, played "dressing games" to outwitt his opressors; was forced to living in exile for long time (desert caves/wild woods= cheap living quarters in Zurich, doesn't matter) where he finally reached an Enlightment. He preached the whole time. Then he arrived triumphally - in April 1917 was his Parousia; he left a train at Petrogrod, after which he started his reign (well, almost- but Revolution for such a figure is piece of cake, especially against morally bankrupted power).
    From that point it more follows the story of Priest King/Triumphal Prophet rather than God's Fool, i.e. charismatic, selfless servant of total cause. And marxism-leninsm was indeed TOTAL...oh boy, it was total at every possible level- logical, historical, eschatological. Its followers strive to create New Man and finish History. It had its own concept of time, dedicated priests, scripture, cathedrals, highly developed secret language, rites of passage, inquisition etc. It purged infidels, opportunists and all kinds of "undecent" people harder than any other ideology or religion for a long time. And Lenin was its Prophet. After his noble death from overwork (in reality it could be syphilis) he was mummified, put on display just next to Kremlin walls so future generations could still enjoy his sacred presence...And renewed power order, now led by acolyte Stalin (who by a twist of fate was deeply spiritual wannabe priest in his youth) could bath in his everlasting glory and follow his noble path to bright future.
    Treating him (often mockerly) as religious figure and comparisions of Lenin to Christ, Mahommet,Chomeini, Savanarolla etc. are rather common for many Russian intellectuals; there were even some intersting s-f/fantasy books with this topic.
    Generally figures of Holy Man of different iterations (yurodivy/prophet/prest king), bringer of esoteric Truth that will enlight rotten and doomed world (= renew socio-political order) are still very popular in Russian Orthodox hagiography and even secular popculture today; Russian movies, books and even games are full of such personas (note it resonates very well with official ideology of new Russian state- russkiy mir should be kingdom of spirituality and true meaning as against western materialism; up to a certain point, of course). I can bet many Russian nationalists for example still adore and mimic them, if only on esthetic levels:

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