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Lt Belenko

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Posts posted by Lt Belenko

  1. I appreciate that Battlefront is a bit busy for this at the moment, but can't they licence the CM engine out to 1C-SoftClub and Snowball Studios like they did for CM Afghanistan?

    I hope they do not do this... ;). Let me add that CM Afghanistan is a great little title, stunningly atmospheric. But I trust no one other than Battlefront to directly produce any Eastern Front title. After a wait of twelve years there is no room for mistakes and omissions. This one matters ;).

    Actually some combination of this would be best. Bulk development by 1C-SoftClub and Snowball Studios to speed the process up. With some fine tuning and adjustments by BFC. It would be like hiring another programmer or 2.

  2. Yep ... "With operation Market Garden, we should be able to take the Germans by surprise and open a direct rout to drive our tanks right to Berlin. Why, this war will be over by Christmas!" ....

    Those are about the same odds of you playing CM module by Christmas!! hahaha!

    Hail Mary Full of Grace, Hail Mary Full of Grace, Hail Mary Full of Grace,...

  3. The Xavier - Cincinnati basketball game ended in a massive fight.

    Did you watch the footage of the Cincinnati coach talking? Something like this: "I've never been so embarrassed by a team...Take your jerseys off you don't deserve to wear them...Don't talk about who'll be benched...We'll talk about who will still even be on this team."

    Well spoken Coach. Too bad the professional leagues can't treat out of control players the same way.

    In other headlines: Baseball MVP Tests Positive for Performance Enhancing Drugs - suspended 50 games next year. Why not pull his MVP award AND suspended 50 the games next year. Obviously the drugs helped him win it.

  4. That invisible stuff that kills you long after you thought you had made it through safely. In other words, the gift that keeps on giving.


    Sarcasm, right? You really needed to answer my last? And you really needed to answer the my 1st post about using the nuke bombs to cool the world down? (Those were sarcasm or humor too)

    Wait, I have a better response...

    - - - -

    You are correct Michael. My posts were totally in error. You are 100% correct.

    - - - -

    Feel free to add that to your sig line :rolleyes:

  5. Mean while Sgt Kelly was drinking with an old German Major trying to scheme about a great bank robbery. At some point in the conversation he asked the Major "Do you feel lucky punk?" As the plans were being finalized the the supply sargent was heard to say, "Hey hockey puck, can you carry the machine gun for me?" Kelly's tactical adviser, Telly reluctantly agreed to the plan provided an ample supply of tootsie pops were available. As the rag tag platoon approached the bank the song "Who Let the Dogs Out" was playing on the M4 loud speaker. The tank commander could be heard saying "woof woof" in sync with the music, while knowing his son had 24 hours to save the planet. When the caper was over General Colt would Bunker down in to a nasty old arm chair expressing all the bigoted beliefs in the world. The tank driver put on a Nazi uniform changed his name to Baron Von Stuebing and used his gold to buy a cruise ship. Not actually a cruise ship more like a Love Boat

  6. PanzerMiller - um, if you want to know why the allies won, you read Richard Overy's aptly named "Why the Allies Won". Not complicated.

    One of my favorite WWII books.

    Many good points in there:

    Lack of self-sealing fuel tanks on Japanese planes.

    Allied air campaign real difference was in the shutting down of German petrol supplies.


    Soldiers are soldiers - no real uber-menches. It just takes an army a while to learn to fight. Thus the poor showing of USSR in 41 and USA in North Afrika. And the Germans were way ahead of everybody at the start. But once the Allies caught up.

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