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Lt Belenko

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Posts posted by Lt Belenko

  1. Correct, CM is not for everybody. My advice for someone who's gone through the manual and the Tutorial, but still can't figure out how to do much with the game, probably needs to move onto something else. I could stare at differential equations all day long, with some sort of Math for Dummies book in hand, and I'd still not get it. And why would I want to when there's so many other things to do with my time that I would enjoy for sure. Math just isn't my strong suit. Fortunately, this is not true for Charles and Phil :)

    Being unable to play CM says nothing about intelligence. I'm sure there's rocket scientists, nuclear physicist, and nobel prize winning biologists that couldn't do squat with CM no matter how hard they ry. There are plenty of extremely stupid people that play CM quite well. Of course I speak of the Peng Challenge thread as prime evidence :D (I kid because I care!). Therefore, there's no shame in finding CM to be too difficult to play, nor pride in finding it to be easily mastered. It's all about finding what is enjoyable to one's own sense of self and tell the rest of the world to feck off if they don't agree. That's what we wargamers have been doing for decades :)


    Does any one remember the little post cards that came in the Avalon Hill Games. They started off something like: "If you have the necessary gray matter to play our games, mail in this card and we'll send you a catalog..."

    Just saying

  2. As a long time CMx1 player I too was/am a bit flusterated by CMBN. The best advice I've seen on the forums for the new game.

    Play with your self on a hot seat. No wait I mean that didn't read right.

    Play some "hot seat" games against your self...better... You will see the damage and suppression your troops on both sides. You'll see the mistakes you are making.

  3. The game definitely has a learning curve. A bit embarrassed to say, so far I've played nothing but the tutorial campaigns 3 or 4 times due to time constraints and to due getting slaughtered.

    I've dropped every mortar round in the demo on the AT gun and still lost 3 tanks and a full squad to it.

    I've cleared the farm, took out the first MG. Then rushed the AT gun from the farm with 2 squads, while supressing the with mortars, only to have the attaackers cut to ribbons by the 2nd MG.

    It hasn't been fun at all, but I'll heed the words of Winston Churchill“Never, never, never, never give up.”

  4. First post since 2007 and arty is too slow - LOL.

    Besides all that, he missed the thread on lurkers a few weeks before the release.:D


    (1) French aiming circle.-(a) He subtracts the announced

    Y-azimuth from the declination constant of the

    aiming circle (adding 6,400 to the declination constant if


    (B) He sets the remainder on the azimuth and micrometer

    scales of the aiming circle.

    © He releases the compass needle and centers it with

    the lower motion. After clamping the needle, he lays each

    piece reciprocally on the aiming circle (par. 57).

    (2) American aiming circle, M1916.-(a) He measures the

    magnetic azimuth to the base piece and to this magnetic

    azimuth adds the declination constant of his aiming circle.

    (B) He subtracts the announced Y-azimuth from this sum

    (adding 3,200 if necessary). The result is the firing angle

    for the base piece, using the aiming circle as an aiming point.


    NO. 1 (base piece), DEFLECTION (SO MUCH) (as determined

    in (B) above).

    (d) He then sets this announced deflection on his aiming

    circle and lays on the base piece.

    (e) He then lays the other pieces reciprocally on the aiming

    circle (par. 57).

  5. I'm having a hard time getting in to CMBN vice CMx1 a different reason.

    While playing CMx1 massive casualties were expected - 30, 40, even 50% as victor. My limited CMSF gaming (less than 20 AI games total - even as a pre-order on CMSF) made me think about every causality. With CMSF 5% causalities or less seemed like the norm.

    Now with CMBN when a squad assaults across a field that takes 3 hits I'm freaking pissed off and morning the losses - ALT-Q. @#&%^#$. So far I have yet to readjust to the higher causality rates.

  6. I understand game mechanics to get the ammo bearer next to the weapon (MG/mortar) they will share the bullets/bombs.

    Obviously I keep the mortar bomb guys back near the mortar well off the line.

    My question is more for MG ammo carriers. In the course of the game to you hold them in reserve, 20m back or so, or put them on the line near the MG as part of the base of fire? Do the 4 extra rifles putting out lead make that a difference and is it worth the risk of losing the extra MG bullets?.

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