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Lt Belenko

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Posts posted by Lt Belenko

  1. I really love the first 20-25 turns of a battle.

    Then when things go south (pretty much every game) I curse the game, my computer, Avalon Hill for ever getting me into wargaming, Bill Gates for DOS and windows, and most especially Al Gore for ever inventing the internet.

    Damn you, Damn you, all to hell:D

    Then in a day or so, I start another and go thru it all again.

  2. Originally Posted by YankeeDog viewpost.gif

    I've noted this before, but for those who weren't around for the original discussion, a easy way to quickly find the gaps in bocage:

    Lower the game graphics level of detail (you can do this quickly by hitting SHIFT + [ repeatedly in-game).

    Pop the camera up to a high level of view -- about "5" level usually works for me. At lower level of detail and high altitude viewpoint, Bocage is rendered as a 2-dimensional green wall, and gaps are very obvious.

    Once you've noted the gap location, you can bring your level of detail back to normal by SHIFT + ].

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