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Lt Belenko

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Posts posted by Lt Belenko

  1. It has always irked me a bit that I can have a single program for work (AutoCAD) that lasts for in excess of 20 years and a file from 1990 I can open today with the 2010 version but the games industry is very much "disposable".

    AutoCad $3995 CM $50 to $70 (s&h) Wow! I could get 57 games/modules of CM while still using that 20 year old version of AutoCad.

    As for compatibility between modules I'd like to see "US - Remagan to the Elbe" compatible with "USSR - Seelow Heights to the Reich Chancellery" so that Patton could meet Zhukov.

  2. Just to let you know things are rolling along nicely (if all the activity from us wasn't a hint ;)) and we are nearly there. We don't want to jinx ourselves with an exact date, but roughly speaking here's where we are at:

    1. Manuals are at the printers and should be back at the end of next week.

    Its just about the end of next week. Hear the Staples truck in the driveway and I smell fresh ink!!

    2. We have everything we need for the Demo, but we're still in the process of making/testing the special Demo EXE/App for the PC/Mac Demos.

    Im thinking demo testing should be done by now!!

    3. With the next build for the testers will be officially be in the Final Candidate stage of testing. This is after Beta but before Gold Master. Final Candidate is to catch any glaring rough edges, like a missing graphic or what not. We're "done" making significant code changes so we won't risk introducing new issues into the gameplay. We're actually NEVER really "done", but if we don't think that way then you'll never get to play the darned thing :D

    But we are ready to just play the darned thing.

    So... that's where we stand. For those of you trying to project a ship date... here's a hint. It won't be this coming Friday, that's for sure. How soon could it be? Depends on how Final Candidate and Gold Master testing go, as well as the manuals being ready and other standard variables.

    The "this coming Friday" Steve hinted at, is 7 days ago. If only we knew how the Final Candidate and Gold Master testing went. Beta testers want to provide any clues?


    P.S. Bone -> there are three scenarios for the Demo. One attack as Germans, one attack as Americans, one Tutorial as Americans. The latter is designed to give newbies a "cake walk" scenario to learn how to play the game before diving into the other two battles. It's an adaptation from the longer Tutorial included in the game itself.

    Ok, so when??
  3. Its only obvious the game will be ready when its ready.

    However, if the good folks at BFC can just post the time of day (GMT) they plan to release the game. That way each day at H-hour we could check.

    This would prevent refresh monkeys like me from visiting the site 36 times a day.

    Even if it ends up getting completed 30 minutes after the planned release time, just hold out until H-hour the following day.

  4. Heh... do you have any idea what the Military channel charges for ads? The prices are geared towards an entirely different breed of corporation than us. Out of all the ad prices out there, these guys rank among the top most expensive places (as do many other publications targeting the military market).

    Roll the dice. Place your bet.

    What the hell, Columbus took a chance.

    Sales could be several magnitudes greater.

  5. The first time I played CBx1, I sent 2 tanks across a field with a squad behind each one. The squads were both shot to hell. Then I tried a sneak command behind the tanks - same results.

    Then I read about the tanks just representing a point in space or something. I never tried that again.

    Now that tanks are actual physical elements, I'm really looking forward to that headgerow Rhino breach with the squad or fire team right behind.

    The ammo sharing is a wonderful thing too.

  6. December 21, 2012

    Here's my opinion on December 21, 2012.

    did you ever see the movie "History of the World Part 1" Mel Brooks?


    Somewhere an ancient Mayan had just completed the calender to 3148. His boss asked how its going. I've got it all finished to 3148. He then dropped December 22, 2012 thru 3148. His boss got mad and fired him. No further work was done on ancient calendars.

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