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Lt Belenko

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Posts posted by Lt Belenko

  1. I'm not holding my breath on this one ever being implemented but it really is a good idea. Especially if the choice is there for 30 or 60 seconds...

    But I can see the thread of the future: 15 no 10 seconds that's what we want. Wargamers are never satisfied. :)

    Tac AI is supposed to take over during the game play. Could you imagine a platoon leader giving orders every 10 seconds no make that 5 yeah 5 seconds ..but 3 would be cool too.

  2. Not sure if you're joking or not, but just in case anyone wasn't aware:

    The UI shows 2 ammo counts for a unit. The first, towards the left side of the UI, shows the ammo that unit is actually carrying. The second, towards the right side of the UI, shows the ammo that is currently available to that unit -- that is, the ammo which it is carrying, as well as any ammo of the same type carried by any nearby friendly units it is capable of sharing with.

    So, in the case of two adjacent 60mm mortar teams from the same platoon, each carrying 32 60mm shells, the available ammo count will show 64 60mm for each, even though there is actually a total of 64 rounds available, between the two tubes.

    I was not joking. I think the counting was as you said. Some how he rounds were double counted for each. And the real total was 32 each or 64 total. It just appeared odd.

  3. I miss the canister rounds too, and am surprised they were not included. It really does make the M8 hound so much more effective, and do recall the rounds making all the difference in saving the day in a few PBEM’s in CMx1.Hopefully we will see their return along with flame weapons in the future.

    Yes, taking out 8 of 10 guys with a single blast. And the other two are straight to broken/routed.

  4. I recently upgraded my rig from a 6 year old Athlon to a i7-2700k/GT560. I never did much modding because I had all the video settings at faster/less quality. And I figured mods were eye candy and those details would never really showed up any way.

    I did use 2 mods - grid lines and no music at start.

    In my first game on the new machine, I zoomed on the sole of a boot. Holy cow! I am impressed. I was expecting to see a wafflestomper and was a bit disappointed by the pattern, but realized it was accurate for the time period.

    Who's the best modder and what do ya'll recommend?

  5. It's like eating pizza in a log cabin or the eating lasagna at the restaurant in Italy but only if they have beer in your cabin. If you spill the beer on the iPad its OK, because iPAD3's are waterproof. But if was really nice Italian restaurant you wouldn't be haveing beer you'd be drinking wine. And if you spilled the wine, it would be kinda like this:

  6. The first answer remains the best answer. The question was also posed "what if the battle had gone the other way" excellent point. But what if the battle had NEVER happened?

    So it’s Pearl Harbor. No Attack there means:

    1. The US enters the war later and by choice.

    2. does not angrily pass laws to change the manufacturing industry to full war footing nearly over night.

    3. Does not have the full weight of public opinion behind the war effort.

    If War is politics by other means, then Pearl Harbor is the Decisive battle of WW2. When Churchill heard the news he said (may not be exact quote), "thank God... now we'll win the war"

    Pearl Harbor for the reasons stated by above, along with production 80 million tons of annual steel production in America trumps 9 million tons for Japan any day.

    Battle of Moscow (failure to knock USSR out early) then pitted Germany against the combined UK, USA, and USSR production. Both world wars have been decided by attrition/production.

  7. Slightly off the wall, but I think the most decisive 'battle' of the war was that of the code makers vs the code breakers, and other spying. The Allies won that one decisively. Dont believe me? ..

    Not off the wall at all. Spot on. Germany/Italy also suffered major shipping losses while trying to supply Rommel due to the cracking of the Enimga code/machine. He may have never needed to stop at El Alamain with enough supplies. And the Middle East oil would be Hitlers. The German version of the Spruce Goose, Me323, was a disaster; in an attempt to supply North Africa most of them 24 of 27 were shot down on a single day, the Britsh knew they were coming.

  8. I would pay about 15% more for CM Fulda Gap than I do for current BFC products.

    Right around '75-'79. Maybe even earlier.

    I would pay up front by a year or so for the chance to fight those battles.

    Maybe send a copy of Red Storm Rising to Charles to read. :D

    Team Yankee or The Ten Thousand - both by Harold Coyle



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