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Lt Belenko

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Posts posted by Lt Belenko

  1. Will there be overlap between the East and West fronts game/module releases??

    Somefink like this

    CMBN -next week or so.

    CM Commonwealth

    CM: Ost 4XA - where is some unknown integer of 1-5

    CM: Market Garden

    CM: Ost4XB

    CM: June-Aug44 - Catch All


    CM Buldge1

    Ost different yearA



    Or will it be like this


    CM Commonwealth

    CM Market Gardner

    CM West Catch all

    followed by:

    CM Ostfront 4X

    CMOF 4XA

    CMOF 4XB

    CMOst4X-Catch All

    Just asking :confused:

  2. Why would it be more important in Market Garden?

    If you are talking about the street fighting in Arnhem then it wouldn't matter would it as t\it would be the para's using the PIAT which has no back blast.

    Of course then elevation becomes a problem because you cannot aim the PIAT "downhill" as the bomb will fall out.

    Serious design flaw if the bomb falls out. Imagine moving to a new location taking some rifle fire, diving for the ditch, and the bomb fell out.

    "Fire the bloody thing, he's in range."

    "Can't do it sir, the ruddy bomb fell out back there on the road."

    If you lived thru it, your next vacation would be to visit a PIAT factory, find the nearest design engineer and relocate his gonads.

  3. There are scenarios that are historically accurate where one side over powers the other very easily. Just as it happened in real life.

    Failure?? Not much fun, but it's just what the designer ordered.

    Gamey scenarios with mass quantities of flame spitters (I know none yet in CMBN). These can be really goofy but loads of fun.

    Failure: The true grog wouldn't even down load a battle like this.

    The answer is: whatever you like or don't like.

  4. I think it would depend on several factors.

    a. When the ships ran out of bullets

    b. When the troops advanced out of range.

    c. When the generals figured enough army artillery was on the beaches.

    Delete item c, you can never have too much arty support

    A quick Wiki search on the USS Texas said out of range on 15 June. But they returned for Cherbourg 25 June.

  5. The game is just a representation of a real life event. When you are sitting in front of your computer trying to get in to the spirit of the battle just close your eyes and imagine there following scenario:

    1. Steve, Charles and all the BFC folks, sitting around a table or in front of their computers using a virtual meeting program, discussing the penetration values of a Sherman 75 on the lower hull armor of a panzer MK IV at 800 yards.
    2. Then imagine the artist using photoshop adjusting the color values to get a shadow affect under the gun as the turret slews.
    3. Then think about all those little 1s and 0s travelling across the room via WiFi to your computer to form a PBEM turn.

    When viewed at this level you can fully comprehend how CMBN is only a representation of real life.;)

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