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Lt Belenko

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Posts posted by Lt Belenko

  1. I have noticed in some Vid Replays that the tress seem to be swaying and there is longer grass etc.

    Is there a patch for CMBN for these things or do i only get them via getting the new module ?

    And are there any other things that are notable that stand out that buying the module would change the game dramatically besides the added side of the Brits



    I think the trees sway in the wind. Maybe their scenarios have wind settings of "gale force". Either that or perhaps they have better graphics card than you. My rig/video card barely meets spec and all settings are at low end. Its not about the eye candy - it's all about the game play.

    You need to find out "who's grass mod they are using?" . Remember to ask that question on every post with a screen shot.:D Either that or use the scenario editor to see the different types (heights) of grass available and find some good grass mods.

    The other game changes will be provided a CMBN (basic) patch. Typically out within a few weeks, when a new CW demo is also released.

  2. Historically speaking the Yanks lost plenty of Sherms. They just out numbered the Tigers and Panthers and overwhelmed the big cats. You will lose some Shermans...plenty of Shermans.

    As for P-47 being on call. It didn't happen all that often. Yes, they were patrolling and attacked when the Germans were spotted. But grounded directed close air support was few and far between.

    Buy the game and learn to minimize the Allied losses.

  3. In Band of Brothers. The scene where they go on patrol in Bastogne. The one guy steps out from the wood pile and gets hit in the neck. There are attempts at the medic command. But they return to base. It's been a while since I've seen it, I believe one more guy gets a less critical hit as they near where Eugene the Medic is waiting.

    In the game every attempt would be made to take out the MG nest with additional casualties. In real life they just waited for Patton before attacking again.

  4. A question for the experts: is it likely for BF to release the game in a week day (Monday to Thursday), or it will only will happen on Fridays? Just to adjust my monkey F5 rate...

    BFC has encoded the same memory eraser used by the Men in Black in all releases. All our furstrations, anxiety, and anger over any delays are immediately zapped the instant the download is complete. Based on this memory gap how could we possibly remember the day of the week any previous releases occur.

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