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Lt Belenko

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Posts posted by Lt Belenko

  1. I didn't read beyond the first few posts so don't jump all over me if this has been said.

    What would be cool in 2 player pausing would be a set number for the battle.

    For every 10, 15 or 30 minutes of game time each player gets 1 of each of the 3 types of pauses. The agreed upon number would be a setting on the QB setup page.

    Also the fully locked pause should be permitted at any time without the other players input. Real life occurs and a time out may be needed immediately. Slaughtering someone while their 3 year old is in crisis and they took an emergency AFK is not a fair thing. No time to ask for anything - run now. Or hit F12 and run.

  2. Lots of times for realism I play with my reading glasses off to simulate fog of war so I have not been noticing all this stuff thanks for the info.

    I don't have speakers only head phones. Sometimes I forget to put them on - yup this causes gaming problems too. :(

  3. About the only concern I have is that within a very few years I plan on semi-retiring (YAY!) and moving to a location where only dial-up is available (BOOO!). I hope the various upgrades and content DLC will be available on a physical disk.

    You can always drive to the big city and use the WiFi at Starbuks for your down loads.

  4. Does casualties on one squad had effect another squad in the same platoon even if the 2nd group is being shot at? Squads 1 and 2 are laying down suppressing fire and the assault team from squad 3 all die in a grenade blast are 1 and 2 affected? In real life if they saw 4 men go down at once they probably would be.

    Sgt Smith just got sniped in his tank, would the other TC button up. They would in real life. Even for a few minutes.

    Is any of this factored into the game?

  5. That would mean the upgrade is not optional for those that want the MG module. The module will most likely be the same price as previous modules, the 2.0 upgrade will be a separate charge (I'm thinking about $10), and there will probably be a bundled price if you want both.

    I think I'll just post my EX wife's visa card number on the forums and everyone can enjoy the upgrades. :D

  6. You'll need to purchase the upgrade for each title.

    I can answer number two as well. They are doing 4 East Front titles. One for each year of the war...plus appropriate modules. If you judge by CMSF's content and CMBN projected content that will be 4 titles and 12 modules.


    41, 42, 43, 44, 45 = 5 years. Should this be 5 titles or will the games go approximately June 41 til May 42, etc? With Bagration being 1st game and if they follow June to May time frame, this will include Berlin. :)

  7. ......as the CMx2 game engine continues to produce games at an ever faster pace.

    I had figured at the 1 module a year pace I'd be playing "Back to the Volga" in 2036 or later. But it looks like it could be happening 2014 to 16 or so. This is really good news.

  8. Hehe......i'm more concerned about the vineyards, if JK finds a scenario where a grape is present from the wrong region there will be hell to pay ;)

    There was a thread about tanks immobilizing when running over a wire fence. Someone said grape vine wire would get caught in the idler wheels of tanks. Was this taken in to consideration for CMFI.

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