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Lt Belenko

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Posts posted by Lt Belenko

  1. In addition to that, both sides were moving formations around to different parts of the line as new formations became available, or old ones needed a rest, or the main point of attack was shifted. Any time a formation with its supporting artillery was moved, the new units would need to go through the TRP acquiring procedure all over again.


    I think an Arty unit in WWII would stay in place with a few exceptions. Threat of being overrun, being out of range as front line moved forward, being subject to counter battery fire/bombing, or getting ready for an offensive. In WWII units were pushed pretty hard and stayed in the line for a long time.

  2. The trick to email being fun is to get enough games going so you do not have to wait for turns, anytime you want to play, turns are waiting for you. So you add opponents until you get to a point that the game turn flow is about the level you want to spend time on it.

    Concur with you evaluation of multiple games. Keep a few in the inbox to stay interested.

    It helps me to be good at sending turns no matter if I am winning or losing, if the game is good or not. I normally see whoever I play when they start to lose, their turn around time for turns get slower and slower. Just human nature I guess.

    Instead of slowing down when losing I tend to play a lot faster. Open game...Click Done without reviewing action...Click Done again with no orders entered...Send the damn turn on its way...:(...Then ask for a rematch ASAP.:D

    It is after all just a game.

  3. I've often thought the about those scenarios where 2 of 3 platoons are ready for the attack and platoon #3 will arrive in 10 minutes. It seems like Captain Smith would rip Lt Jones a new one for arriving late. "What part of 0700 hours don't you understand Jones?"

    Also when the 4 Sherms will arrive in 15 minutes. I think Cpt Smith would say "Stand by men until the tanks get here. I'm not sending my men out without any armor support."

    Arty being delayed, I can understand, they are not part of your unit and not in the immediate area.

    I haven't really tried not starting an attack until everybody arrived, but I've thought about it and it is just a game. Also in the game if you don't attack at the beginning you will be short of time at the end of the scenario. But in real life the attack doesn't need to end at 0810 and no later, it can go till 0915, provided everybody still has bullets and the casualty rate isn't too high.

    Basically waiting around for the full compliment of forces would reduce casualties in real life with 30 more rifles, 2 MGs and 4 tanks blasting away from the start.

  4. I bought it at pre-order and probably played 5-10 games total between then and the start of the new year. I continued CMBB with my Panzer Blitz buddy (yes from the late 70's) all along. He came over about a month ago and I did the lan thingy with 2 machines and we played the demo. Band of Brothers playing on the TV in the background. A real beer and pretzel day. That convinced me to jump into CMBN deeper. I now have 4 H2H games going and I realize how great this game is. I've got CW on pre-order too.

    I still can't convince my friend to buy the combo pack CMBN and CW. But I'm refusing to play CMBB.

  5. I'll answer my own question from above.

    I ran a quick test on a 2 story house. Surrounded it with 3 breech teams. I ordered blast on 3 sides level 1. Big holes in the house.

    I ordered all the men out side and did another series of blast commands. 1 unit did a blast on the previously intact side. The other 2 teams entered the house without using a satchel.

    I ordered them to do several more and even tried a blast on the 2nd floor. They just moved to the locations ordered and would not pop one off. The building remained intact.

  6. I hadn't played an opponent until lately. I'm noticing INCOMING PBEM file names with a ~ tilde in front of them. When I get them from email or dropbox they are normal. Then when I launch the game and open saved game window they are on the list. If I look in Windows explorer this seems to be random, could be turns from a few days ago or current turns.

    My gripe is it screws up the order in which the games appear. "A Lonely Village 015" and "~A Lonely Village 017" do not appear in sequence. The ~'s files appear at the end of the list.

    I'd love to see a sort in the saved game window by date, name, type (ema or bts) etc just like in Windows Explorer.

    I searched the forums but couldn't find a reason.

  7. This whole ammo sharing within platoons only, reminds me of the movie Zulu Dawn where the troops are requesting ammo and supply SGT is demanding justification for the need. I also believe that supply SGT was the inspiration for the soup nazi on the Sienfeld show. "No bullets for you."

    I would think if 2 guys meet on the battle field, one guy has bullets and the other doesn't and they happen to we wear the same color uniform they would share bullets. Especially if they are mortar bullets. "Hell yeah you can have them I tired of lugging them around."

  8. I've noted this before, but for those who weren't around for the original discussion, a easy way to quickly find the gaps in bocage:

    Lower the game graphics level of detail (you can do this quickly by hitting SHIFT + [ repeatedly in-game).

    Pop the camera up to a high level of view -- about "5" level usually works for me. At lower level of detail and high altitude viewpoint, Bocage is rendered as a 2-dimensional green wall, and gaps are very obvious.

    Once you've noted the gap location, you can bring your level of detail back to normal by SHIFT + ].

    I've been doing this along. I figured it was a undisclosed feature. I keep my graphic settings on low just because of an old/slow computer machine.

  9. Add to that: toggle to remove trees/underbrush around units. IMHO more useful than the way it currently works.

    Toggle to make ALL trees stumps/trunks - is what I've asked for in the past.

    In CMx1 when all trees were turned off you could still see the ground type indicating that trees were present. In CMx2 with all trees off you cant tell ground type - very confusing. Thats why all trees stumps/trunks is needed

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