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Lt Belenko

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Posts posted by Lt Belenko

  1. Once you build up a resistance to mind altering drugs, if you really want to bend you mind you have to go to extremes.

    Now normally I might throw on Birds of Fire, Surrealistic Pillow, Animals or even The Grateful Dead at Fox Theater Atlanta 1977. Once in a while though you need to really go for the ... oh who am I kidding even completely whacked out of my mind I can't listen to that crap.

    Okay so you are stuck in an elevator with no means to hang yourself and they start playing Kenny G....

    Get off on the second floor and climb 9 flights of stairs to avoid the KennyG

  2. As a long time map maker, I've acquired the habit of looking at terrain around me and half-unconsciously deciding how I would recreate that terrain in CM. :eek:

    Soon after getting CMBB in 2002, I was driving down the road and was looking at a wheat field. I said to my 10 year old son "You could deploy a full battalion of Russian infantry in that field." He replied "Dad you need therapy."

  3. Off and on I've read the comments about how the American replacement system sucked because the vets couldn't trust the green replacements etc.

    My question is more regarding the British and German units. I understand that a division would enter a battle then when it was reduced it would be pulled off the line and rebuilt.

    1. At what point was a unit pulled off the line, with regards to percentage of fighting capability left. Or was there a plan like combat for 60 days then to the rear?

    2. What if they needed to stay around longer (particularly the Germans). Were severly reduced units used as a lower level unit? Such as a decimated battalion used like a company?

    3. What went on during the rebuilding phase? All new equipment? Were the corporals all made sargents and some top sgts made lieutenants? Just overall promotions? And all the newbies were the privates ? How long did a unit stay out of combat?

  4. 2. CAS was not effective in the pitch of a battle - to call a strike on a particular spot - rarely happened. But nobody's was. Anything that moved behind the lines was hindered, destroyed and holed up by day.

    3. Subpar? Maybe in the opening of the bocage war, but they soon learned to coordinate tanks, arty, and inf. It was difficult terrain. Many historians have questioned the replacement system used by the US, leading to a slightly less effective fighting force.

    7. Supply lines - the best line in that terrible movie Battle of the Buldge isd where the German commander has the cake from the captured American and its fresh. The American logistics was fantastic despite its length. Long supply lines are only an issue if they are interdicted by bombing, subs, or partisans. The Battle of the Atlantic was won by mid 43. The short German lines were hassled non stop.

  5. I have learned to not use my eyes in the game while turning tree on in the game as a way. You normally cannot see anything.

    I find the best way in the game for me is to turn it to tree trunks, take the line of sight bar and see if I can get a view to anything in the general area that I think the enemy is. with any unit I am trying to see from a certain area. If I get the blue line, then I know windows of view are possible, then the trick is. Trying to find spots that might let you see out.

    Just didthis last night. Enemy tank was 300 meteres out in a open field firing into the woods killing my infantry. I had 3 tanks in the woods, none could see the tank. but line of sight was possible for infantry.

    So I looked for low spots on the ground to move the tanks to, so that maybe they could see under the tree limbs. It worked, lost one tank to his, but the other two paid him back.

    The point being, managed to find line of sight out of the trees, never using the trees turned on to figure out if it was possible

    I love to see an "<Alt> T" setting added "ALL trees displayed as trunks"

  6. As you can see,in the picture above the gun barrel is pointed directly at the house at the time of fire.You can see the shell come out at about almost a 30 degree difference to nail a direct hit and kill.Is this an abstraction?I thought gun barrell trajectory and alignment to target was supposed to be more of an exact representation.....

    Its called the dreaded Peyronie's disease cannon barrel manufacturing defect.

  7. So how old is Mr Buffet - mid 80s or so. What the guy should do is put his money where is mouth is. Sell all his assets put away about $20 Million - a mil a year for the rest of his life, if he made it another 20 years. Then take the other $8 billion or so and donate it all, I mean ALL, to the US government. And then SHUT THE FORNICATE UP.

    Let Ted Turner and Bill Gates join in the "Formerly a Billionaire Club".

  8. A while back there was a thread where BFC actually admitted to a semi-load of metal boxes being delivered.

    Do the math:

    53feet long X 96inch high X 102 inch wide {size of 18 wheeler} / 6inches X 8inches X 2inches{per box} - volume taken up by pallets = whole freaking pile

    Careful calculations indicate: 64,872
    This of course doesn't take download only games and games ordered after the metal box supply was exhausted.
  9. I woud like to have a fourth tree option:

    Only tree stumps around my units. Similar to 'only stumps around viewpoint' but around all friendly units, too.

    Reason: I mainly use the treestump option but more often than not the unit I want to look at is in the woods and I'm just too far away. So I have to move there to get rid of the trees.

    IMHO that could as well be the standard behavior for tree stump view.

    I'm thinking only tree stumps every where. This setting just like No Trees in CMx1 would not increase spotting ability just open up the map and let you know where the trees really are.

    In CMx1 with no trees selected the ground type still indicated the trees were there. In CMBN with no trees you really don't know where they really are - not good. Stumps local is good but everywhere or all a round all of your own troops would be better.

    Maybe making this feature available on the lower settings but not on Elite and Iron

  10. When ever I see a sporting event in less than ideal weather conditions, I just think both sides are playing on the same field and there should be no advantage.

    So, when playing the less than perfect CMBN just remember your opponent is playing the same game with the same less than perfect CMBN.

    And by patch 1.03 or the Market Garden module it should be nearing perfection.

  11. <Alt> T is the secret. However there are only 3 settings to this option. What is missing is the "all trees are shown as trunks".

    In CM1x trees when turned off (how I mostly played) still showed up on the map as dark green patches, however, comma, in CMBN when the trees are off it is impossible to see where the trees really are. This is beginning to flusterate my old eyes too.

    In a recent battle I had trees off and was thinking my limited LOS was due to some unseen elevation glitch. Nope the trees were off and terrain does not show trees I was unable to detect them..

    I think a simple addition to the <ALT>-T option setting of ALL TREES SHOWN AS TRUNKS would solve this. With my limited knowledge of programming I don't think this needs to wait till CM3X. Hopefully it makes patch 1.01.

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