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Lt Belenko

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Posts posted by Lt Belenko

  1. ......

    They also eliminate the game's spotting mechanic - which, whilst realistic, is not well represented in game ie. you have no idea whether your spotter has observed the spotting rounds or not - if not, the spotting can go on and on, well beyond the 5 mins ( for example )initially estimated for the barrage - but there's no indication in the artillery UI as to what's happening.

    Yes, CMx1 would indicate how long until the rounds fell. Timing an assault with the arty has been the difficult part of my learning curve.

  2. Modifying Artillery orders.

    As of now atry can be shifted and cancelled. I like change of Mission and duration available as part of modifying orders..

    When you call in a strike for less then MAX duration/ROF and it turns out that's the perfect location but it's going to run out in the next minute. Having an option to change the intensity and ROF (other than cancel). I'm pretty sure "Keep it coming and give'm hell" would not be proper fire mission protocol but the guy on the other end might get the gist of what's being said.

  3. ....

    Actually, some times players try to use good tactics, but they execute them poorly.

    Same results, they then become poor tactics.


    This is how I play good intentions but poor execution.

    The most difficult thing I've yet to execute is timing of an assault right with a barrage.

    In real life the assault platoon is crunched down in a gully. They know the Company CO just ordered some arty in on that cluster of trees. Nobody moves till the rounds start to impact. In the game, sometimes my guys jump out too early and get mowed down.

    In real life the platoon leader can issue a move order right as the arty starts falling. My platoon leader (me) waits until the Mickey's hand is pointing at twelve (next turn) to issue the order. By this time 3/4 of the rounds have already hit before moving out. This ensures there won't be enough rounds left when they are needed later.

    In real life when the platoon starts getting too close falling mortars he issues a hit the deck command at any instance; again without waiting until Mickey's second hand is pointing to the 12 (next turn). My troops continue forward in to the barrage and suffer greatly not pausing until the turn is over, but promptly stop at the beginning of the next turn.

    Then once the mortars have stopped, the real life platoon leader can issue the assault order, without waiting for Mickeys second hand to come around and allowing the enemy to recover and open up. My guys are either too far away from starting late or were cut to ribbons by their own arty. Or they are hidden at the right location but fail to move until the enemy has remanned the MGs and Mickey's hand has swept around again.

    Timing is everything. Frustrating indeed.

  4. There's an old CM joke that the game is 'fundamentally flawed' because there are no health crystals hidden under waterfalls.

    They are there, always have been. But they are only accessible when fighting off the Space Lobsters of Doom with a Bren Gun on a Tripod. Your best cover/concealment at this phase of the game is a Dead Cow.

    Now for a real question:

    When CM MG comes out will we need to purchase the V2 upgrade first or will that automatically be included with the MG module?

  5. Let us see what the options are:

    Get a job to buy the upgrade and STFU.

    Collect cans and bottles for recycling and use the money to buy the upgrade and STFU.

    Drink less beer and use the money saved to buy the upgrade and STFU.

    Smoke less cigarettes and use the money to buy the upgrade and STFU.

    Skip a meal a week for a month, use the money to buy the upgrade and STFU.

    Don't get the upgrade and STFU.

    But if there are delays between preorders and release I doubt I'll be STFU.

  6. Just an observation. 3 BFC posts yesterday. Either all 3 subjects were of high importance, or BFC is really close to releasing CMFI giving Steve time to cruise/comment on the forums.

    I vote Steve step into the lobby and make an announcement about the imminent (early) release of CMFI.

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