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Everything posted by Hev

  1. Realy good report mate, well written and nicely depicted with the screenshots. Im impressed with how well you did, only 3 kia even with the t55 hit. As a side note, what settings did you use for the battle?
  2. I to have seen this bug, whilst the forces for the Yanks are pretty much always the same, the syrians get some seriously random stuff. But the FO with no artillery, that is by far the most F*&^%d up thing. I had a scrap with a friend, i had 12 bradleys and he had 4 FO's and a UAZ!!! :eek:
  3. I too have seen this bug, quite a few times at that. Out of 5 games i managed to play my opponant had force that STOOD NO CHANCE of repulsing my attack
  4. So, have BFC even acknowledged there is a problem with the TacAI. Ive seen pathfinding, targeting and LOS issues allbeing brought up here. Do they accept there is a problem? Hev
  5. I noticed some awfull pathfinding on the $th training mission. I rolled a stryker up to the first house on the road and told my boys to assault the house. Not only did the second building NOT BLOCK LOS to my boys ( hence they got creamed by syrians that can see THROUGH buildings ) but when they didnt get shot exiting the stryker they decided to run AROUND THE HOUSE AND USE A DOOR IN PLAIN VIEW OF THE ENEMY OMFG This pathfinding is the worst i have EVER seen
  6. The one with the Mosque (with a tower next to it) Cant remember the map name
  7. Hi, i just tried playing an assault on the Village map, It seems that when you play an IP game on the map both forces have the same setup zones!!!!! I tested the same map and same options singleplayer and everything works ok, there is just a problem with 2 player.
  8. Ive also taken rounds after popping smoke with my strykers, but the incoming came from a roof top 200 meters+ down the road. In CMx1 you would need to be on a big hill to see over smoke, now you may be able to see over the smoke from the taller buildings
  9. take it slow is all i can say, ive failed a few missions because im taking it to slow but thats a price im willing to pay. Never advance to within 150 meters of ANY infantry! i allways wait untill i get no contacts before advancing ANYWHERE (or at least VERY FEW ) I will always sit for as long as i can in any given spot to SERIOUSLY suppress any enemy preasence before bounding to next location. Also, arty is your friend, sod any potential failures and drop any building that could kill your prescious boys, id rather fail a "protect homes" objective then risk boys. Hev
  10. I agree dude, alot of complaints and problems, but, at the end of the day, niggles aside, the game and the experience of ACTUALY PLAYING the game is AWESOME. I know im going to lose many hours of my life to this game. Please BFC, yes there are complaints but under all that lies a GREAT GAME. I THANK YOU SIR'S Hev
  11. Im having this problem WHENEVER i host and play as RED, the game crashes instantly upon starting the game ( ie after deployment )
  12. Howdy Nolloff, for me in that mission i proceded as follows. Im going to be light on details to avoid spoilers. I took the enterance by the tower, and after setting up a base of fire with all but one vehicle ( one stryker became randomly uncontrollable at spawn and both the vehicle and troops inside stopped responding to orders at that point ). With the base of fire down i moved a third of my force towards the Airbase building and the remaining two thirds to the Spec ops building then the Barracks . I lost one strker, one imobilised and suffured maybe 10 dead 10 wounded
  13. The problem with realtime is you miss the action, in a CMx1 game you saw every great shot, every lucky nade and every close call. In real time you miss all that. That doesnt mean you cant play qb's against the ai to soak in the eye candy, thats what im doing.
  14. I got tore to pieces the first time on that mission, second time i leveled half the compound with arty, let the infantry mop up ( id like to add that even that cost me a tank )
  15. Hi BFC, just thought id mention this as im not sure if its a bug or what. Today in the third campaign mission, one of my bradleys took two TOW shots at some infantry, they were at about 100-150 meters and the shots were succesive. I would have thought the bradleys should hold the TOWS for armoured targets.
  16. I was just curious how all you other Grogs out there are using you mechanised troops? Ive been fighting mounted, only deploying if theres a building i NEED to clear, i then roll my battle buss right up to the door (under overwatch of course ) and assault from the vehicle. If theres a risk of incoming ill pop smoke and deploy on force (multiple squads) Please let me know how youve been throwing your pixeltruppen about and i'd love to hear from anyone whos been fighting dismounted :eek:
  17. Yes, but you CANT play against the AI in quite the same way. No random maps, no purchasing units. Other than that its all good
  18. why buy two copies when its been known for ages you can install on two computers??
  19. In another thread someone said you could select the last waypoint THEN give the face command and that would work
  20. i think you have to fast forward to the end then hit the red button, but please dont quote me.
  21. I dont see why you couldnt be given three or so choices of varied Order of Battles
  22. The campaign is AMAZING so far and im only on mission 2 I give it a 2 (Edit It would be a 1 if there was even a tiny little bit of choice over your forces in quick battles)
  23. Ok after more testing i have discovered the game crashes WHENEVER (i as host) play as RED Force. Please battlefront i need a sollution to this PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
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