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Everything posted by Lethaface

  1. Agreed. They are however churning out ships faster than USA was during WWII. But if one picks for example the carrier issue, how much actual experience with massed sorties in a 'real' combat environment do they have even have? At the same time we expect our militaries to not assume they are incompetent and actually (also) prepare for the eventuality they somehow are competent enough to pose a real threat. What else should they be doing? ;-). China understands that afai can see. They are also playing the long game of fighting for what they think is their place under the sun though. They're not trying to lose any opportunities asserting their dominance, testing out 'the waters'. Miscalculations aren't unthinkable, from either side.
  2. One thing which imo could be improved is clarity of expectations. For example regarding the CMSF2 patch, was there a chance that some bugs which have been with us for quite a while (Syrian ammo, GILL, Syrian radio issues) would be fixed? Perhaps in reality nobody knew for certain until the patch was released. However any patch for CMSF2 comes out, (some) people will have expectations/hopes that it will include their favorite fix. Personally from RL experiences I've learned to manage my expectations in such a way that I'm not easily disappointed. So unless I read a commitment that a patch(or whatever potential expectation building concept) will receive certain content, I don't have expectations to see certain content. I still have hopes though, also for some CMSF2 improvements/fixes/bugs. How to communicate clarity / manage expectations is another question. One could be: 'CMSF2 is, apart from engine improvements and major/critical issues, most probably EOL and won't see future patches'. Now I don't know if that's true even, more of an example which could perhaps prevent people building unwarranted expectations. Plus nobody would probably complain if a patch does come out even though it was communicated it wouldn't.
  3. Lol I think there was some miscommunication. Elvis asked whether those that had problems with the tournament used CMH, one said he uses Whose Turn is It. Since I knew IanL developed that I thought to tag him. It's certainly NOT recommended to assign CMH / WTII to any PBEM++ file. I use CMCW Steam for PBEM++ and a BFC install for CMH. Accidentally but seems like a good setup to keep around. I did once have issues with CMH as well but managed to fix it somehow. I forgot how though, but I googled and this came up: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/cm-helper-problem.31584/ Maybe that's of use to fix CMH for you.
  4. I'm in favor of a 'Full send': Load up all military vehicles gathering dust and or rust anywhere in the Western hemisphere and throw them out of the back of a C-17 right above Russian positions in Ukraine. Load m up with some gas and ammo for good measure.
  5. Indeed well said. And chapeau to all the excellent content you create!
  6. For longer range suppression and or killing power I think the area fire options are indeed great. Getting solid spots is usually an issue at that range as well. However at shorter ranges with solid spots I don't have any complaints about the HMG42/32 accuracy or deadliness.
  7. China need chips producing machines from either ASML or Minolta/Kodak (I forgot which one, at least it's a Japanese company). ASML doesn't sell their latest tech machines (EUV) to China, but does so for the previous tech. Recently there was a meeting between US and NL, it is reasonably assumed that USA wants to hinder/block the supply/maintenance on those machines to China as well. The outcome isn't fully clear AFAIK, although I haven't followed it very closely. Point in case is that Japan supplies these to China as well, so while ASML obviously would like to continue it's business with China I guess the NL position is that it's pointless to have only ASML stop supplying China if it can get it from Japan/somewhere else. This is a multi-Billion per year business, so interests are high and any outcome comes with geopolitical consequences affecting national strategy. The current war could well have it's effects on this business in the long run, especially if China is found to be too much catering to Russia. Edit: the economies of the World are so interwoven that I don't think you can speak of 'who has the leverage'. Everyone has some leverage (some more than others but things are continuous in motion), where it's not always clear how things are interconnected or what even would be the result of certain events. Economy is not an exact science.
  8. I meant you can carry over the casualties 'manually' as in use the same core file and apply the losses suffered in previous battle. AFAIK there is no other way apart from in a campaign to do that?
  9. My pleasure! Hope you will be happy with it! Show us some screens when your playing CM on it
  10. I wasn't specifically referring to US policy.
  11. One thing I don't get is why Israel is let of the hook because 'interests', while other countries who also have 'interests' are bashed upon for doing the same. But I'll leave my opinions about Israel out of this thread.
  12. I think you have succeeded in creating the vibe! I'd vote for keeping the air as it is (non-reinforcement), nice variety of spice trying to evade enemy air instead of trusting on air defense (which does a rather good job usually if not overwhelmed and with enough ammo).
  13. @Bulletpoint himself has once stated he is not fun at parties , although I had a good time playing some Hell Let Loose with him once.
  14. So far only positive feedback! But still have quite some time in both. Perhaps make it clear in the Russian briefing / designer notes that USA air support has been heard overhead so they better run / keep that in mind. I knew from the mirror aspect and have been lucky to evade the first set of flights, after which part of my CRP met with an enemy combined arms force on the flank. But no decisive engagements yet. On the other hand my opponent wasn't that lucky and has suffered at the hand of my air force, so his feedback might be different :D. But he'll have his reinforcements still to throw in the fray.
  15. I think it's @George MCs work. 'All is quiet on the Eastern front'.
  16. It's an ugly war, Russia has shot up half the country. It's to be expected that Ukraine will also take gruesome losses. That's the cost of war. Obviously some units in some places will not be glad about high command. There will be places where the situation is SNAFUBAR. Expecting anything else is naïve. Ukraine high command is controlling the information on this subject, which is probably wise. They also employ propaganda to control the group psychology, also wise. They are trying to win this war and it seems that the majority of the population is in it for the run. I think I've read or saw here, a Brit who'd imagined how orderly Britain would be defending itself when it had just been invaded by Russia. Bloody chaotic was what he was thinking. Ukraine needs to learn on the spot, so far they have shown to be rather good and creative students. Steadfast as well. That doesn't mean they are supermen that can't die. Sometimes I think or am reminded of fellow countrymen / western people probably living lives in such 'soft conditions' that they are more scared of Ukrainian losses compared to Ukrainians themselves. 'They'd better not fight too hard or their country will get destroyed and a lot will die'. That maybe so, but that's their own choice. I feel the same about speculating how sustainable the casualties Ukraine is taking are. Their country is getting destroyed, of course that's not 'sustainable indefinitely'. However they have a large population, plenty of men of service age. Speculating about when exactly the will to fight or pool of soldiers will dry up, while we don't have any real info about it, is pointless. Major defeats on the operational battlefield would be an indication of problems, but I haven't seen those.
  17. plus who sends penal units through the open field with little support?
  18. What changed is that the endorphin ran out.
  19. There is also the small difference that Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq were all USA invasions of foreign countries (for better or for worse, I'll leave that up in the air), while this time the USA is helping another country (Ukraine) defending against an invasion.
  20. Could be because the 43rd Mech Brigade was already quite a while part of the 1st Pz Div, including the tank lease for the Dutch Battalion. As was the 11th airmobile brigade already integrated. So the news is that now also the 13th Light Brigade will integrate. There is even a shared corps HQ since quite a while: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I._German/Dutch_Corps Basically this latest news means that all Dutch brigades will now be integrated with the German army under shared command. Like @Yskonyn stated, KCT (commandos), the marines and other specialist personnel will not be integrated (at least not at the moment). In the naval area there was/is much cooperation with the UK. Agreed on the European army. But compromising will take a while
  21. Great mapping screens! As a mainly H2H player the master units sounds like something quite useful to setup PBEMs / mp campaigns that are between QBs and scenario's. I'm sure it will be welcomed at FGM / other mp enthusiasts.
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