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Everything posted by Lethaface

  1. I forgot weekend starts early when it's 7+ hours later Sure reads more pleasant than about the nukes but not sure if Kraze can get warmed up listening to Bulgakov while getting a Russian massage. Nothing impossible though. Salut!
  2. The same song also goes 'always look on the bright side of death' .
  3. I don't let those garbage spouting puppets ruin my sleep, I think it's not even worthy listening to too much. Unless you work for intelligence and get paid to record it ;-). But indeed whole Europe/EU/NATO and obviously Ukraine need to make sure they have the power to prevent future (hybrid) special operations, incursions, peacekeepers, green-man; the whole playbook.
  4. If they manage to successfully brainwash large parts of the new generations, that doesn't bode well indeed. Who knows the usual corruption will also undermine these efforts. At least Putin will have a good chance of dying in 5-10 years.
  5. Japan is still stuck in China and hasn't attacked USA yet. ChinaUkraine will hopefully soon be able communicate to JapanRussia that they've lost because they weather the 'storm' of the coming 'father of all offensives' and counterpunch right through the spend Russian forces at Bakhmut / Vulhedar, while HIMARSing the rear. But I don't see anyone attacking into Russia proper let alone occupation or nukes, so the end won't be like the end of the war with Japan.
  6. At least it will be a sight to behold, I advise looking directly into the light because the aftermath won't be as pretty. I guess the city I live in would be directly targeted because there is a military base. It will be quick. If they go crazy there's little we can do about it anyway, apart from trying to kill m. But doing that might be a trigger in itself. So not much point to worry about it I'd say. Plus I don't think they are that crazy.
  7. That's just because you need a rule for everything
  8. Yes China imports a lot of electronics / semi-conductor stuff from Taiwan, as does the rest of the world. Although IIRC China's exports to Taiwan aren't that big. But still ~50% of China's export goes to western aligned nations, if not more. Risking all that in a trade war, let alone hot war, is not small change. Is China's internal economy strong enough to come out such a conflict, assuming it wins, anything other then a pyrrhic victor?
  9. Regarding the rumors about increased airstrikes, Russia does seem to be increasing it's tests of AD recently. At least we saw the balloons above Kiev, but that could also just be a recently inspired idea. Today I read that Russia fired missiles during the dark hours of the night for the first time in a long while. That could also point to they're testing out the waters regarding Ukraines AD capabilities. Theorizing, if the coming attack is supposed to be the last large operational level attack they are capable of in order to achieve an acceptable status quo for Russia, that might mean they are willing to take extra casualties with their planes compared to the usual stuff. What is a last ditch effort without fully committing? It could be time for the airforce to show color and solidarity in taking heavy casualties. I mean what is 6% for Russian standards? That means they haven't tried hard enough ;-).
  10. Exactly, just like different people need to learn to work together. Some people get anxiety to do things they have never done before, but help them once and they will be happy to do it a million times. Other people love trying out new things but get tired of it after doing it a couple of times. Accepting those differences is a good start. Perhaps not the best analogy, but it has some resemblance to some of our European 'issues'.
  11. Some proof that this doesn't only feature in CM
  12. My view it's a bit of a double edged sword. If Russia goes for a massive air operation over Ukraine AD, there might be many (civilian) casualties and destruction. At the same time I'd too expect a large number of those airframes to get shot down, which would indeed be a big defeat for Russia, especially internally and for morale I guess. And would make it a one time effort. I'd almost feel that I hope they try something like that (and see how it fails utterly), but the saying is be careful what you wish for. Are the Patriot systems already operational? I haven't seen anything about that.
  13. Indeed I have met plenty from all over the world :).
  14. The funny thing is that the squabbling is mostly of political nature. When you travel/meet (reasonable) people in real life there is little difference. at least in my experience.
  15. Good to see you around! I should also have all the old content on my home PC, but seems you have everything already.
  16. Don't forget you are using google translate. He didn't call you a beggar, he used a saying (прислів'я). And yes people here understand that Ukrainians are now in a difficult place. But we can't fully imagine it because we aren't experiencing it. At the same time we also still have our lives with the normal problems, small compared to Ukraine but that doesn't make them smaller for us. Anyway in my opinion there is too much politics and stirup by media (крамола) going around. If three months ago it would be known that Germany would allow all tank transfer to Ukraine and deliver 14 Leo2A6 end of March, it would be good news. From my point of view the support is not 'mockery'. Inflation 20% is not mockery, gas price going through roof is not mockery. One of my friend company was on point of bankruptcy because of the gas price. Compared to Ukraine it is small problem. But not for him, he has everything in it and depend on it to eat with wife and two children. At that time he think same about Ukraine as your last 3 words. Back to support, Germany is setting up a factory for production of Gepard ammunition. A vehicle they don't have in service anymore. Is it *all* you need? No, but it is something. Of course if you are under daily attacks, nothing can come fast enough. And yes if there would be rocket falling here also, things would go faster probably. But they aren't falling here.
  17. "Bill Gates (...), don't you know?" Anyway they really made a mess of that here as in scientifically debating the facts but still go for the masks policy. I can't remember it exactly but even after the decision to go for the masks 'our Fauci' persisted the decision was motivated politically rather than on medical facts. Found it (translates fine should you care to read it): https://nos.nl/artikel/2350709-van-dissel-blijft-erbij-gewone-mondkapjes-hebben-weinig-effect
  18. LoL the tank saga continues just now: Soon after post is a reply from our MoD saying it's incorrect.
  19. I think you actually succeeded in that with 1 round against a BMP-2, I was like how he got hit. But being 25mm HE-I it just degraded the radio a bit. Agreed it's quite a challenge. I was thinking that if Red could get the heavy artillery a bit more early, so that it is falling while the FSE arrives, could be helpful to keep momentum and prevent BLUE being able to react to much to the REDs deployment of the FSE. Some ATGMs could indeed help with making sure BLUE doesn't get wild idea's, like you with the flank. If I hadn't chosen to move there as well, you might have been able to flank my CRP and ambush the bridge / ford which the FSE needs to cross.
  20. I read today Ukraine get it's first support from an international fund for Ukraine. That seems like the way to go for me, no more measuring who has the largest 'support stick' plus Ukraine can decide themselves what to buy with it. At least that's how I understand it. "First military aid to Ukraine from international fund For the first time, Ukraine will receive support from a new fund for military equipment. The fund, which was set up at the end of last year, is a British initiative. The Netherlands is one of the participating countries and has invested 100 million euros in the fund. The equipment is purchased directly from the industry. Minister Ollongren announced in Brussels that Ukraine will soon have access to new ammunition, spare parts and air defense systems. "As fighting intensifies and Ukraine prepares for a new offensive, speed of deliveries is literally vital," the minister said. According to Ollongren, by joining forces with other countries and with the industry, Ukraine can be supported more and faster."
  21. Without every having lived in a communist country (and no desire to do), the basic point is quite understandable. Why are the 'workers' slaving away 12hours a day without offdays for a small wage that allows their families to eat while the factory owner and his family become filthy rich? If that imbalance is too large, some day people will revolt. Now that's probably way too oversimplified but that's how I look at it more or less. But things don't have to be black or white. Communism in practice was never like the theory. There was still an elite, the workers still got ****.
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