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Everything posted by Lethaface

  1. Didn't have any problem firing hellfires I think it depends on loadout, perhaps the scenario designers can give some more info?
  2. AH! There it is finally, already tought the gunny juice was too strong for the stomach today
  3. Good questions, here's what I can remember and what I think it means: Arty Shot: Arty spotting round being fired? Flash: Arty spotting round incoming Fire For Effect: Carry out selected fire mission Air 30 secs: Closing in Cleared Hot: BOMBS AWAY (Proceed to release ordnance) Guns dry: going home Winchester (cant remember that one though): going home #2
  4. From what I heard, Lee is right. 1st game: CMSF Module1: Marines Module2: Brits Module3: DUTCH!!! (and Canadian & Germans ofc ) 2nd game: WWII West-front early '44 (USA vs 3rd Reich) Module1: Commonwealth forces (british in Normandy & Arnhem) ModuleX: ?? 3rd game: WWII West-front Bulge (late '44) ModuleX: ?? ?th game WWII OstFront '44 ModuleX:?? ?th game CM Temperate Modern setting ModuleX;?? Now what really interests me, will there be any new Red forces along with the Brits or CA/DE/NL Modules? I don't know if the Syrians pack anything we haven't seen yet hidden in their sleeves?? There are some interesting things going on though in the region, Russia sending Navy ships and placing AA systems there. Anyone can enlighten me on this subject?
  5. Thanks Everyone for this GREAT enhancement!!! Didnt even took any time to post my appreciation, I was busy playing the game Strange, since I basically did the same as you, only I chose Red. Drove my T-90's up in two big groups and there was a big armor clash (nice performance!). My two companies were almost destroyed with around 4 immobilized T-90's left when my 3rd Company game as reinforcements. The US still had some 3 abrams. I moved in the third company and they just took out remaing abrams with no real difficulties. I guess the biggest difference between the T-72 TURMS-T and the T-90SA is that the latter has got more staying power and targets much faster. It can absorb quite a number of M1 main gun rounds and so has more time to shoot of that deadly 125mm apfsds. In another level my T-90 took out abrams from the front while the abrams failed to penetrate it a couple of times.
  6. Oh, that sounds good! Ill accept any free license keys send to me I wont tell anyone bout who send it to me, so dont worry about your intended pun...
  7. hehehe i dont have any answer to this... I guess I should bite you in the leg as puppys use to do
  8. I thought this topic was about constructive ideas for the current QB's in CMSF. It has been stated over and over again that CMx1's QB system is better. It is however 100% sure that it wont come back so it doesn't have any value to mention this dead beaten horse over and over again.
  9. I reckon that a few more precisely defined parameters would indeed be very helpful. I support the suggestion to add the possibility to select mechanized or tank, perhaps more categories (AT?) could be added? Or defining fire support? If those are possibilities, I think the QB's could become much more valuable then they are now. Atm a QB CAN be a good battle. But for example there is a lot of difference between a static tank and a moving one. Not knowing what you will get makes it rather unplayable, unless you like to try 3 games to get 1 nice one
  10. hehe. i thought i had the only nephew who could wine with effect. My wining has been met with proper action, my parents knew how to 'cherry pick'
  11. Hehe, sounds familiar. Working with an internet business myself and being in between the business case and programmers myself, I do some coding when it has to be done. I must say though, that our new Object oriented package code and new Database design eliminates virtually all those nasty problems However, rehauling our whole code base was a MAJOR, MAJOR thing and it offcourse didn't bring in any extra sales (directly at least). While adding new features it is necessary to constant re-evaluate class design because its easy to let them become procedural and inter dependant again. Best thing is that web applications dont need to be installed, so a change can be online 1 minute from original dev checkout And if overhauling the system means that you wont be gaining any income for another * years, well, better start flipping burgers
  12. TempV, I think you are missing the point completely. I think you might know of 'The Enemy of my Enemy is my Ally. That was certainly the case during WWII. I dare you to say that Stalins regime was good for its people. If you do, please read the book "The Goelag Archipel" by your national hero, the nobel price winner Solzhenitsyn. The world, West Europe especially, has to be thankfull to the Sovjets during the WWII. It is true that Russia has fought of the bulk of the Germans. Without Russia there is a good chance I would be typing this message in German However, the fact that the Sovjets defeated the Nazi's doesn't make Stalin a better men, or it's Regime a better regime. Stalins regime was very repressive at its own people and had thoroughly corrupted higher staff. Hell, even Chroetjov agreed Stalin wasn't the greatest leader. To conclude, I think the East European countries were happy being freed from the Nazi's, but weren't so happy that this 'freedom' turned into a new occupation by the Sovjets. Which seems completely logical to me. And regarding Poland, may I remind you of the so called Ribbentrop pact? Anyways, I dont have anything against Russia. I see Russia on a similar place as USA. I dont trust Bush as much as I dont trust Putin. However, I think you should not feel harmed in your national belief. Everybody makes mistakes, nobody is perfect. Russia has been in good and bad times, like any other country. Fact remains that the Soviet regime, especially during Stalin, has been one of the most repressive regimes world wide. Its subjugation of East Europe has been bloody. I don't 'allow' USA to have influence spheres in the middle east, they create them. I did oppose the Iraq war. Russia has its own spheres as well and of course likes to enlarge them. But Russia aint no angel either, whether you like to admit it or not. Propaganda is used by all sides. So, how you feel about a little PBEM with me as RED and you BLUE?
  13. Steve, Alan is right (by my knowledge). While Georgia does hold the 'famous pipeline' between Black sea and Turkey, by my knowledge this doesn't go through S. Ossetia. This is neither mentioned in the article you posted. However, I must admit that Georgia isn't too big and those pipelines arent far from S. Ossetia (they were supposedly bombed during the conflict). On the contrary Russia aint so far away either. That pipeline there is offcourse a big strategical asset to some, and without doubt holds part of the reasons for this conflict. Funny thing is that, in first few days of the war, I read an article from the 90's about pipelines through Kazakhstan, Afghanistan (Georgia, Iran; the Black sea region) and the strategic values they hold to USA, China and Russia. All three aren't going to let the others take all the 'loot' easy. Afghanistan has seen action as well as Iraq. Both are important, one as a Oil source, the other as a host for an important pipeline route. Georgia holds another important pipeline. I wouldn't be surprised to see some more Proxy style wars in the region the coming 5 years orso. Who knows China is dealing secretly backdoors with Saakash and has a little influence in this conflict, while they're organizing their own Olympics ? It did got all the bad media coverage away from China, thats for sure. Perhaps there could be other goals for China in this. However I strongly doubt it, that would truly be an oth to the mastery of Deception, which has been well documented in ancient China Apart from the obvious possible reason that Georgia needed to get rid of it's territorial problems to join NATO, what could other reasons be for such an assault by Georgia. No matter how hard I think it will allways include USA for some part at least. Georgia could have maintained the status quo and even let Abkazia and S. Ossetia be independent if they wanted to join NATO so badly.
  14. I play both RT & WeGo, with a favour for RT when i do SP. In MP I play RT sometimes but its bugged out quite hard. Strange though because these bugs didn't appear when I played most RT MP; with version 1.01. PBEM is a beautiful gem because you can play whenever you feel like and it doesnt matter if you suddenly have to do something, like go to the toilet I also became to like it quite a lot. Before CMx2 i never really played turned base games except Total War and CIV. (I never played CMx1). In CMSF I think that RT MP plays out better with lets say, a few tanks and 1 or 2 platoons.
  15. Well, I think there is no comparing between 2nd World War and this conflict. In WWII most sides used (sort of) WMD against civilians. Germany's scorched earth practices in Russia, Allied carpet fire bombing against Dresden (creating first known fire storms) & of course nukes on Japan, Stalin & Red Army violence against their own people and anyone who has opposed them in the war. The WWII became a war in its 'truest' form; it was the war between nations a whole. Government VS Government, Army VS Army, People VS People. "The end justified the means". More explicitly; "The end of the war justified ALL and ANY means". And to be honest, I doubt that many East Europeans where so happy being 'freed' from Fascism, only to be replaced by Dictatorial Communism. Its like trading one bad thing for another bad thing, may the latter be perhaps a little less worse. ---- About the Georgia conflict, I'm actually quite sure S. Ossetia wasn't a real issue for either Russia, Saakash or U.S.. No offense to any Osset (Alan particularly), but the region simply doesn't hold any real value. A few mountains and sheep. However I think Georgia was trying to pull of something here. Perhaps Saakashvilli is stupid, but come'on, not THAT stupid. He must have known there would be a response from Russia. He did know that his army didn't hold any single chance against Russia. Even had he defeated the 58th, I'm sure Russia would have brought up more soldiers. Its like a K1 fight of Harry Potter VS Sem Schildt (Multiple time K1 winner). If Harry Potter think he could have won anything militarily, I need some of that **** he smokes Perhaps it was a test for Russia. I don't think he would believe USA would start WWIII about S. Ossetia (mountains & sheep). However I wouldn't be surprised if Russia hold some of the strings behind this (If that would be the case, only FSB and sort alike would know), to make sure Georgia doens't join Navo and to set an example for the rest of the caucasus (Dont fok with us). I also wouldn't be surprised if this was a sneaky way of USA to put advanced weaponry inside Georgia aimed against Russia. Something like; here is a billion $ for you on an offshore bank account. You will wage war against russia and be defeated, we supply your country with many $, which you use to buy weapons from us (which will let Carlyle and Haliburton cash in major, sounds familiar?), and we need to have a small (covert) military base somewhere so we can install a few *things* there. Perhaps a little "anti-missile shield" to protect us from "Iran missiles". What really did happen though, is :confused:
  16. I have directed several Javelins at infantry in buildings. Just give a 'Target' command for the building you would like to go boom. Target Light wont fire the Javelin though. It can be a good thing to split the AT squad so only a Javelin will be fired (and AT-4's etc wont be expanded).
  17. Well, I protest It aren't our soldiers in Iraq (anymore)! Our soldiers are in Afghanistan though. However, some, even on this forum, may be less enthusiastic about the 'our' soldiers you are mentioning. Some, like me, are not really content with all of the foreign politics of the U.S.. So, I can be interested in a A-10 Warthog gun run which might have killed some insurgents. Thats what its built for, aint it? And I dont have any frowning over 'that was a HELL of a shooting, etc etc'. However, the moment someone on this forum mentions how nice some 'terrorists' (still people) were blown up combined with 'Take that you (arab) terrorist scum', that's the moment where the 'OUR' halts (not that you posted that). To be honest, in the last posts you kept it quite neutral . I think it would be good to keep the discussion neutral, without subjective terminology. US is US, insurgents are insurgents. BLUE is just BLUE, Red is just RED. Thats all and thats that. Hell, it are 'mine' RED troopers ingame getting busted by your 'our' troops
  18. All parties in this conflict have dirty hands, Russia probably no less then the Georgians (or US Vassal so to speak ) What does frustrate me sometimes however, is how the Russians are portraited as the Evil Villains by the media of other Evil Villains, claiming that they are totally angels and so on (We will not tolerate any offence to those 'Democratic chosen' governments [...], freedom, [...] bla bla bla)
  19. Hey, Apart from RTFF - No water (probably untill CMx2 WWII) - Core assets will be carried over (like now), dont know about experience being gain ? - There will be a new campaign which is sort of dynamic. Probably similar like the TF Thunder campaign but with a bit more dynamic aspects. Did you play TF Thunder campaign? It has dynamic components. Any losses to Core assets will be visible in future missions. The next mission can depend on the succes of your previous missions.
  20. In my opinion, Pakistan cant be seen apart from the Afghan conflict. Afghanistan has been a 'proxy' place since it's birth. Like most recent conflicts, I believe its origin lies in the colonial times. Like in Africa and the middle east, borders were drawn strategically by colonial powers (in this case, the brits) in a school example of 'divide et impera'. Looking at this conflict in Macro, I think none of us has real knowledge about what the strategic long term goals are in this conflict. This part of the earth has large resources which are badly wanted by all powerfull nations. With China emerging, all factions involved are trying to get grips on their influencial sphere. Powerfull locals will try to gain the best of it while China, Russia and US & NATO have a common goal; keep the Islam dominated countries divided and in chaos. And offcourse they too will try to get the biggest influencial sphere for theirselves among those nations. Imagine most of the middle east, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Filipines (and others) together in one allied block with non-extremist and non-corrupt governments which are supported by their people. That will be the largest and most resource dense pact in the world. While it may bring peace to the world, it will mean the current economical superpowers will lose that (latter) status. All of the current major players will be (macro economic wise) best off with keeping all those nations internally divided with corrupt governments that will 'sell' their country to the highest bidder. In other words, 'Divide et Impera' still goes strong and I doubt that the ones holding the strings are really up for 'winning hearts and minds' on behalf of the locals themselves. They might be trying to win hearts and minds for their own cause, trying to convince those souls to be won that it is in their best interest. Perhaps it would be, but at least that isnt the main reason for winning those hearts and minds. In Europe most borders have been created by bloodshed, many many many blood. Perhaps that is the 'fate' of humanity; peace will only come after all parties are fed up with war and in believe that the current status quo is acceptable. For any nation having minorities in power or subjugated, the current status quo isn't acceptable for the majority or minority. Hence, there will be plenty of willingness to wage war. Look at Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Filipines, Indonesia, Congo, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Rwanda, Tsjaad, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Zimbabwe, Myanmar (Burma), Basks in Spain, Kosovo, Abchazie, S. Ossethia, Tjetsjenia [...]. self::emptyBottle(BOTTLE_WINE); self::setStatus(STATUS_IGNORANT); self::shutUp();
  21. Ah, I already feared you guys turned into a 'Make love not war' type of mindset
  22. WTF is this http://battlefront.com/ ?? Someone messed up your VirtualHosts BF.C.
  23. Ill assume they will be available in the new module
  24. Steve (battlefront.com) did post somewhere something similar to this: 'sorry, water wont make in into Marines. But it will be there for Normandy.' Dont remember which thread though.
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