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The K Man

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Everything posted by The K Man

  1. I have some "catching up" to do. I've only seen nine (in recent memory.) I can't count all the one's I saw when I was a kid...
  2. Interesting. Like the timeline history...But I have to ask, did you type all that in or copy and paste. Because it looks like alot of sweat was put into it... If typed, I know the computer would have locked up on me when I got to September 13, 1945, and that would have been the end of that...
  3. What, no SC2 shoes? I don't see anything with the Battlefront insignia... Actually come to think of it, I don't wear shoes when I'm playing, so the SC2 shoes won't do me any good... Sorry, sounds like spam to me...
  4. There are certain bombers (Canada & Iceland) that are restricted to their respective countries. You can not operate those. You can move them around within the country but thats it...They are defending their homeland...
  5. The final decision is yours of course, but I can say I originally felt the same way as yourself. (My big interest being WWII.) But after reading about the new things in the storm of steel campaign, (that begins earlier than Sep 39,) it intrigued me enough to buy it. I still like WAW for its fall weiss campaign, but PDE offers some nice "options" when playing storm of steel. (Attack the Czechs or not, sign the treaty with Stalin, etc...) All I can say is I haven't been disappointed.
  6. Thanks to all (past and present.) To those who have died for freedom, and to those currently fighting it. I salute you! My dad was also in the US Coast guard and I still like to listen to his stories...His main route (on the troop transport General WH. Gordon) was in the atlantic. Bringing over the fresh troops, and bringing home the wounded...
  7. Nice clip and great idea for advertising...High quality definitely makes a difference. Never even noticed that option before. (Learn something new every day...)
  8. I'm sure they will have a demo, like all the other games. Best way to determine if you want it or not. You might be surprised... Do agree on War in the Pacific. Remember getting that and lost interest quite fast...I couldn't have the patience for that game now...
  9. I still think Tac bombers should be at a max tech of 2 on AT. Yes I know this can be changed on the editor, but like playing the same as the majority...
  10. Thank you, Moon. I didn't even notice that control panel. Now I'm on time...
  11. For example the previous post says 12:06 pm. It was 8:06 am in my zone...
  12. How about the Time listed? What time zone is this? The old forum matched my current actual time. This one does not. Is there any way for me to correct that?
  13. I would agree with Minty on this one (for exactly the reasons he lists.) After reading the AAR (which was great,) I felt that the consequences fit, if the Germans decide to do a Sealion. I always thought taking the island was too easy. And it should hurt you for the attack in Russia and does. I've seen in the original SC2, game once the island falls, the axis goes straight for Africa (rightfully so.) With UK out of the game, it doesn't matter how weak Barbarossa is. I know this would be tougher to do in WAW, but is still feasible. To me, that's a pretty big impact...for the allies...
  14. Okay, I'm game, lets try to crack the confusion...or make it even more confusing... "So does that mean that you, as the defender is in the tile that the river flows in or behind the tile that contains the river?" My guess...If the river runs from the top (north) along the north east (see pic for example,) then depending on what direction your enemy is coming from is where you want to be...Using the pic, the 8 strength army would be defended by the river from a west, southwest, south or south east attack. (Yeah pretend those AT's are not there or are the enemy.) Sorry just picked the first pic I had with a river. If the enemy was coming from the north east, then you would want to move the army one space southwest (the empty one to the left of the AT's.) There the army would be protected by the river by an attack coming from the north and north east. "Or does it work when the attacker is occupying the river tile? What about attacking down or up the same river where the attacker and the defender both occupy adjacent river tiles of the same river?" See 1st answer. If you want to see where the river will occupy in a space, (north, west, southeast, etc.) right click over the space and look at the river's properties. This will tell you where it runs, and where you want your unit, depending on where the attack is coming from... "Further....if an enemy attacking unit has a friendly unit on the defender side of the river that has already attacked the defender from a clear tile, shouldn't the following attack by the river occupying attacker not suffer quite as much penalty, simulating a diversionary effort?" The friendly on the defender side won't suffer the 50% river lost in its attack (since he is already across.) The enemy attacking unit (across) the river still has the river as an obstacle, so he should still suffer the same penalty. (Because the friendly's on the other side are so excited they got there 1st, they forgot about their "brothers" on the other side of the river.) Otherwise they could have laid down some bridges to make it easier to cross... I think I've said too much...
  15. Just wanted to test out the new threads. So far, so good...Able to logon no, problem. Also wanted to try out the additional options, such as attaching a file. I like that. It will be alot easier to post pics with the AAR's now. I'll just have to watch the size on the JPG's (97.7 kb's.) Great job as always to the battlefront team...
  16. I thought rivers reduced the attacker's attack by 50%. (Or is that just tanks.) I forget...But I do notice a difference on any units attack when attacking from across a river. (It is reduced.) If I move the attacking unit, so the river is no longer an obstacle, then the damage to the defender is higher.
  17. The only thing with weather when your playing the fall weiss campaign, most turns are minimum of one week, and some almost 2 months. You can't say in that week, or month span, there weren't some clear days for flight. I would agree on campaigns that were a daily turn minimum or week max. As it is now in Fall Weiss (weather wise) I've seen my planes grounded for 6 months due to weather, which I think is unrealistic. But it is random, so sometimes, your luck goes the other way.
  18. Nice idea. Never thought about that. Would be nice to have the option to move the Capital to your city of choice. Guess it depends on how "historical" you want to be in the game. I think it would be really good for UK, having the option to move it to either Canada or Eygpt.
  19. How about doing both ideas...Have the effect hit (randomly) after the German turn (or at Russia's start) as Arado stated, but not announce it to the Russian player, so they would not know. Of course I guess all the Russian player would need to do, is some probing attacks to see if it hit. Of course if it didn't hit yet, your Russian unit is dead. Under the current method, it does similate the losses (guns, men, etc.) and Russia does have an idea on when its going to hit. Do to balancing issues, I don't think the Russian player has enough to counter attack in Winter 41. (Under normal circumstances.)
  20. I guess alot of people don't know that. First time its happened to me in Tobruk. Although most of the time Tobruk is down due to the Malta effect...Guess I should have pulled him out. (Had I known.) Learn something new everyday. Thanks H.C. Watch out Canuck, now I'll be able to use that on you...
  21. Just wondering if this is a bug in PDE or normal. I have an italian army sitting on Tobruk. Both Tobruk and the port sit at 5 supply. The army is at 5 as well. The UK troops have surrounded the city and knocked his strength down to 5. Question is: Shouldn't I be able to reinforce him to 8 strength? (I thought I always had in Blitz and WAW.) Unless I'm missing something here (which is certainly possible.) I was able to reinforce him before the attack began (from its start of 3 to 8.) So does surrounding him have something to do with the lack of reinforcements?
  22. Good point Bill. Yes, you would need to take out Poland before Jan 1940. Don't want to give Russia unneccesary money. I guess the march/operating back is similar to the march/operate from Poland to France. One advantage to taking out Poland is you don't have to rush to go after France. But France is weaker earlier on. Going to take some practice to see which method is more beneficial. Yes, the allies have more time for research, but then so does Germany. All up to the player.
  23. It would be nice to have both options. (Fall Weiss and Storm of Steel.) I do like the options in PDE, and the choices each side can make to change history. But I would agree with Colin that an early attack on France will be the standard. And since Poland does not get involved when Germany declares war on France, I think there will be some balance issues. When France falls in Aug 1939, you can then turn on the weak UK island or Africa. Still playing around with it, but not sure the allies stand much of a chance with France out that early. I think Poland should come into the war or a % chance that it will (with an German attack on France or UK.) Also you can't set up/buy anything with Poland when neutral, so options there are limited. So what incentive do you have to attack Poland before France?
  24. How come you can fly into rain or snow, but not out of it? Shouldn't you be restricted from all rain/snow squares? That also brings us back to paratroopers, (the ultimate hero's) who can fly in sleet, snow, or rain...
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