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The K Man

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Everything posted by The K Man

  1. Okay, I'll send out a turn (axis) to you. What version? (1.02 or 1.03?)
  2. Don't know if this is a glitch or a change in PDE, but noticed when you hit the Hide/show units button to clear the map of the units, they don't disappear initially, until you move left right or up and down. Once you move to lets say see whats on your right, the units will dissapper, then you can only see the cities/terrain. Just figured I'd mention it, since in the other games, as soon as the button was hit, the units dissappeared. Good job on the game. The old stamps and coins are nice to look at...
  3. I don't think you should be able to place them in mountains or swamps.
  4. ibukovec, sounds good. Let me know if you have a preference on sides. I only do PBEM. Email me (I should be home tonight.)
  5. Thanks Canuck, great game... I don't know who is next. Are there any Vet's up to round 3? (Either way, I can wait.)
  6. Yes, I thought the game was pretty even upto 43 as well. It could have gone either way. The summer of 43 was quite the battle back and forth (lot of fun.) One thing I'm curious about Canuck, is when the battles finally petered out in 43, what did you have left on the eastern front? All I know, is I was spent. The Russian units left, were mostly AA & artillery. I had a few armies & corps, but I was close to breaking in the fortifications. I think the big difference for me in this game, was the Tech research for Russia. I've had so many bad luck tech games for Russia (in old SC2) its not funny (no hits for 2 straight years maxed out.) I kept saying that one of these days, I'm going to have the opposite, and get alot of hits. Well this was the game. I had more hits then I knew what to do with. I even got to the point where I thought I might have spent too much money on upgrading, and not enough on the quantity of units...My tech research with UK/US was slow at the beginning, but luckily it picked up for the US in 43. (Part of the reason I had to delay my attack in the summmer of 43 on the western front.) Great game!
  7. Spring & Summer 1945 We are up to July 1945. In the east, all of Russia's cities have been liberated. Forces took out 3 of the corps that moved down from Archangel area. The tank and HQ were able to escape to Finland. Troops have taken Konigsberg, and are poised for the attack on Poland. Poland has a long line of fortifications running near Warsaw. In southern Russia, more troops have moved into Romania, and taken the Ploesti oil fields. In the west, Vichy France, the low countries and the mines of France have all been liberated. Allied forces are ready to enter Germany and Italy for the final push. Algeria and Tunisia have also been brought back to the allied side, with most axis troops on the main land.
  8. Agree with some items, and not on others. 1. A larger world map would be great. I tried playing the world map on SC2, but since I'm use to the scale of the regular SC2/WAW (Fall Weiss), the map is much to small for my liking. 2. A-bomb. I have no desire for this at this point for a WW2 game. I guess it depends on how its done. All I can visualize is people just researching this right off the bat, and with luck as it can be, Germany using it in 1942 on Russia. Game over...No thanks... 3. Amphib. Since I haven't really had a need for this in SC2 or WAW, it doesn't matter either way. If the maps are bigger, that could take care of this. I'm fine with the current system. May be more of a factor with Japan involved in the game. 4. Surface raiders are nice, but if your going to have them, then maybe you should be able to control and change the convoy routes. You know the allies didn't use the same route all the time. 5. Garrison unit. Nice to have if the map is much bigger, but I think with the current WAW, there would be too many units on the "board." One realistic problem you do have as Germany now is manpower shortages with all the Russian and French cities to occupy, if you not winning the war. 6. Cavalry Unit. Like to have for the larger scale campaigns. Haven't missed it though for Fall Weiss... 7. Marine unit. To go along with the special forces unit. Different attributes? 8. ? HQ's. Probably fine with current system, but haven't seen/played CEAW to compare. Current system is pretty simple and easy to use. 9. Oil. Would be nice to factor that in separately, but then you probably have to do other resources such as iron, coal, etc...How complicated/detailed do we want to get is the question. I agree with Bowen also regarding "if its too complicated" it may not get played as much. I don't want to read a text book to play a game. (I don't mind going to the text book when u have question as the game goes along.) One past game that comes to mind as confusing and complicated and not fun to play was Grisby's World at War.
  9. Winter 1944/1945 In the east: The Russians have been slowed by the weather. Lenigrad has been reclaimed for the allies. Artillery continues to bombard the minor Army (Romanian?) at Kiev. German troops have moved down from Archangel, close to the city of Volga (if I have the correct name.) We have some Russian Corps dug in for defense. Ships are bombarding citys and units in the Baltic sea. In the west: Again weather has slowed the advance. Allies are in the mountains of Vichy, and the artillery is grinding down the defenders left in the area. One of the German artillery was destroyed on one of the turns the weather cleared.
  10. Well that makes alittle more sense. Maybe when I'm moving the Russian HQ, it is closer to Sevestapol then Kharkov. (I assume the mines are not a supply point.) At this point I usually haven't lost Kharkov, so it will be at its max of 10, but Sevestapol, (port) could be at 5. Still don't know why it goes to 9 supply at some points...
  11. I haven't seen anything on this either. I was curious as to how this works as well. If you bomb Stalingrad to zero, how come the 3 cities in the Caucasus don't go down to 5? (Lets assume Rostov is under German control.) So the only link (rail) wise to rest of the empire (Stalingrad) is now at zero. If u bomb Grozny to zero, Baku and Tblisi go to 5. Why is that? (I can only assume it depends on the amount of cities linked together.) I also get confused on the whole supply thing for Russia (with the HQ's.) I understand with Germany. As long as their with in range of one of their cities(Poland or Romania), they are at 10. With in range of a captured Russian city, at 8. But how do the Russian HQ's supply work. I'm within range of a 10 strength city, and sometimes the HQ goes down to 8 or 9 supply. I notice this alot around the mines. I'll still have Kharkov at 10, move the HQ southwest of the city and before you know it, he's down to 8 supply, why?
  12. Copenhagen is liberated from the Axis aggression in the west. Reinforcements and bombings are the order of the day. In the east, Smolensk falls as Russian troops move in. The Russian corp near Archangel is destroyed by the Germans. The Germans have a multi-force surrounding the city up there. Summer is coming to an end...
  13. Yes, allied air could be better, but had to balance with land forces for a better attack/defense. Aug 1944 Western front: Forces destroy a German corp and then pull back from range of artillery near the mountains in Vichy. The Finland corp @ Copenhagen continues to be bombarded. (Strength is now down to 5.) Eastern front: Artillery begins the assault on Smolensk. Another Germany army northwest of the city is damaged with a Tactical strike. A corp probing towards Archangel, finds the answer to his question. The area is being defended with multiple units...
  14. July 1944 Germans are now in retreat on the eastern front. Moscow has been retaken as well as the recently vacated Gorky and Vologda. Russian forces are closing in on Smolensk. On the western front, a UK army and US army has been destroyed southwest of Paris. If memory serves me right, a couple of German corps, German army and some italian units have been destroyed. The German destroyer is sunk in the port of Copenhagen. I believe only the Bismark remains. There are no more convoys coming into Germany. The cities in western Germany continue to be bombed and bombarded...
  15. Thanks, yes it has been a fun game. In that summer of 43, I've never seen that much killing on both sides for such a long period. It was a wild ride, back and forth. Russia is proving to be a hard area to crack. Summer of 44 should also prove interesting. But of course the US & UK are now more involved.
  16. May 1944. Paris has been liberated this past April. A corp division lands at the port of Kiel and takes control. Allies now have access to the Baltic sea. Copenhagen is now cut off. The allies bombard Hamburg... As the allies approach Benulux, a German Cruiser stationed there leaves before being caught in port, but runs into an American Battleship. It is quickly sunk next turn. The Germans have gotten control of the Partisans in the east.
  17. Dec 1943 Still pretty quiet. Some small fighting in France with Air grounded due to weather. UK paratroopers, are holding on for their lives. An Italian army is now also, doing the same... A U-boat spotted in the North Atantic (who had escaped the depth charges before) is sunk this time around. Also the allied navy accidently runs into a German Battleship in the channel north of Benelux. At a two strength to begin with, the allies are extremely puzzled at what he was doing out there in the open. He is quickly sunk. (Maybe he was going to start laying some mines...) Again the only action on the Russian front are the partisans. (We have 4 currently running loose.)
  18. Oct 1943: Fall is now here. Bad weather approaches on both fronts. In the east. Both armies appear to be regrouping & consolidating after a most brutal summer of fighting. Fairly quiet there...except for the Partisans near Lenigrad... In the west. The action has shifted to here, as the Germans & Italians move more troops in. (The Italians are no slouches either, having been upgraded to 2 IW & 2 AT.) The allies continue the attacks southwest of Paris. A German army and Tank division are destroyed along with an Italian corp. More troops move in. The Yugoslavian partisans are finnally destroyed near Albania. They were one step from the open city there, but a bomber was brought in to block its path. Unfortunately no damage could be done on it. Atlantic is quiet at this point...
  19. Mid Sept 1943 The attacks in the east are starting to petter out...(I don't believe I destroyed any Germans on the eastern front, the turn before. An army garrising Kharkov was heavily damaged to 2.) They decided to retreat next turn. The corp that replaced him was not so lucky...Kia. We choose not to reoccupy the empty city of Kharkov, since a counter attack would be sure to follow... Partisans are rising up. One unit in Russia in each of the last two turns south of Lenigrad. Yugoslavia has a couple running loose. Germans have had to send in some reinforcements (German Corp) to help with the situation. A german sub had been waiting in the strait near Kiel. Two destroyers and an aircraft carrier sink it. Another French city is liberated (for a total of 3.) Allies strike at a corp Northwest of Paris. The bombings continue in Paris & Frankfurt...
  20. Yes, this really needs to be changed. Some great ideas here. I've also felt that AA should get a two strike defense. Maybe the max of 3 tech on AA (instead of 5) would be a good idea. Then the AA wouldn't be overly strong. I also agree that the player who just lost its capital, should get a turn to try to take it back. But is this possible to do in WAW? (Programming wise.) Tac Bombers are too strong, but believe the tweak should be a gradual thing. I do like the idea of a max of 2 instead of 3 on the AT. Also not being able to completely destroy a unit, (by any planes) would be nice. How many fighter squadrians ever destroyed a corp sized group of men?
  21. Yes, some of the buttons are deactivated in the demo, but will work in the "real" game.
  22. No, axis has been making a dent (on the eastern front.) But then so has Russia. Both sides have basicly been killing everyone off on that strip near Kharkov. (With neither side willing to give any or back down.) It almost seems like we may both end up with a couple of corps left to battle it out. (Be like a chess board with two kings...) But we all know that won't happen, and the reinforcements will continue to pour in. Aug 1943 Last turn, Kharkov falls for the first time. The tank divison that destroyed the Russian Tac bomber, has been destroyed on a counter attack of Artillery and a Russian tank division. Lost also to Russia the turn before were about 3 corps, and an army. Reinforcements are the word of the day...The Russians sit fortifications south of Kharkov... Meanwhile the damaged U-boat evades detection by the allied navy. The German Cruiser that moved out of port to let the evacuated Corp from Brest in, is sunk off the French/Spain coast. Allied troops move deeper into France. The unoccupied city of Brest is liberated.
  23. July 1943 The best way to describe this summer in one word is: "Bloodbath." (I wish I had the time to describe this battle in Russia with attacks back and forth. Most in the area of Kharkov & Vor.) Russia has knocked out about 5-6 Panzer units and 4 armies. Unknown amount of corps. The axis has kia'd 2 Russian tanks, 3 AT's, 1 artillery, and an unknown amount of armies & corps. Total count for the entire war stands somewhere with 36 Russian losses and 31 German... The last turn Archangel has just fallen... But the allies have landed in France at Caen. All the French cities had been bombed to zero, including the country of Benelux and the city of Hamburg. Also two turns ago the axis navy has started the uboat campaign again. Allied navy does find one patrol and damages it good...
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