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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. While on the topic of ammo distribution: how exactly does the game portion out the amount of ammo resupplied? For example, if I acquire 1000 rounds of 5.56mm ammo and I have 8 men in my squad with 5.56mm-caliber weapons, is that 1000 rounds divided out equally among them?
  2. Just an FYI for the devs: the idling sound for the Challenger ("vehicle loop engine idle challenger2") and the Jackal's movement sound ("vehicle loop move jackal") have a noticeable clicking sound that can be heard as the sound loops in-game. A quick, small trim of this audio file will cause the problem to go away. Something for 1.22 perhaps?
  3. In playing a mission tonight, I noticed one of the radio calls from an RAF fighter sounded a bit garbled (that, or I wasn't listening close enough ). It sounded something along the lines of "I am (unintelligible) from your position." Is it just me, or is one of the audio files messed up?
  4. They will know: (From a pamphlet issued to me while I was in Iraq back in '04).
  5. Just a friendly little bump for this. It would be nice to have, at a minimum, some sort of tooltip on the ammo loadout screen for aircraft to know what type of ordnance they are carrying. The current interface presentation is wholly inadequate, IMO.
  6. Thanks for the tips. After a few more false starts, I managed to eke out a blue Minor Victory tonight. I cleared out the left-hand objective without much difficulty, and I was very close to clearing out the right-hand side as well. I probably could have cleared out all three objectives, but I was being very cautious with my infantry. Oh yeah, and I kept the two Cobras very busy. They certainly are a godsend on this scenario.
  7. I've played this mission through a couple of times now and have been soundly defeated each time. It seems like there's always one tank or BMP too many that I'd not spotted that gives my units hell. Any good strategies for this mission?
  8. Thanks! That still leaves a couple of unanswered questions (regarding the in-game insignia) though: -I assume the one with three chevrons is Sergeant, correct? -There are two versions of the enlisted insignia with two chevrons: one pointing upwards and the other facing downwards. I assume one is for Corporal, but the other...? -Some regular Syrian units show no rank insignia. Is there a reason for this?
  9. I've been trying to find a guide to Syrian Army rank insignia without any success. Anyone know where I could find such info? BTW, it would be really nice to have a tooltip for the rank insignia as displayed in the interface, just like we have now for a unit's assigned equipment.
  10. Never in my six years in the Army did I see a Hummer even come close to popping wheelies like they do in CMSF. The animation is clearly over-modeled.
  11. By random chance I was looking through some of my documents from my tour of duty in Iraq (04-05) and came across this tidbit of information from a handout published by the 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division: Obviously the pertinent point here is line 3, as it shows that having detailed ammo info in the interface for attacking aircraft is in fact realistic.
  12. In a similar vein, I had a crewman in an LAV taken out by a hit from an SPG-9. The rest of the crew (and the machine gun team riding in back) bailed out, so I figured since the MG team was close to where I wanted them, I gave them a Quick move order. They moved a short distance and then simply stopped (their stamina was at Ready). This happened a number of times. It wasn't until their morale changed from "Shaken" to "Normal" that they would move without stopping arbitrarily. Bug, or how this is supposed to work?
  13. Something I noticed that wasn't corrected in 1.20 is a problem with the XO model in the Scout formation for the Marines: as one can see here, he is wearing a vehicle helmet, instead of the "standard" combat helmet:
  14. Absolutely. If I'd known the Cobras were carrying only cannon rounds I would never have bothered with calling up the support request.
  15. Don't know if this is just a problem with the AH-1W, but here it goes: In a mission where I had two Syrian tanks close to one another, I gave an Area Target command to an AH-1W with the mission type set to Heavy. The target area was just large enough to cover both enemy tanks. Imagine my surprise when the pilot makes individual attack runs on both tanks with...his 20mm cannon. Must enemy tanks be thus targeted individually with the Point Target command if I want a helo to use an ATGM against them? That would be pretty counterproductive if that's the case, especially if there are multiple tanks that need to be taken out.
  16. It sure would be nice to hear a word from Battlefront about whether a fix for this is in the works. How long has it been since the 9.3 drivers were released?
  17. If all else fails, stay with the 9.3 drivers. They are AFAIK the latest drivers which will run the game without crashes on XP.
  18. Yes, I've heard it's a good documentary, but I can't ever bring myself to watch it. After some of the things I saw working in the ER at the CSH in FOB Speicher, I didn't need to see it again on TV. It truly pains the mind to see soldiers so shot up and, in some cases, literally torn open.
  19. The PNG file format stinks. Please change it to something more easy to download next time.
  20. Darn...and I thought this whole time JK had been on a field trip studying those coastal French missile silos.
  21. Gah! Kind of sounds like a cross between a forklift and a leaf blower.
  22. I just used the 155mm artillery to turn the police compound into a smoking ruin, though after the fact I realized I should have used some of that ordnance on the right-hand part of the city. That was the only part of the map from which the enemy was still resisting when time ran out.
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