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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. yeah we all aren't very good at commenting on the repository, don't worry we really do appreciate the work. We usually aren't so shy, no idea why the comments section is always so blank. Personally I haven't had a chance to play through yet, but am looking forward to it.
  2. You need to read the announcements a little more slowly and the discussion on the boards. CMSF is specifically excluded. It is simply too much to bring it up to par. Everything in it and all it's modules would have to be redone, essentially a whole new game. CMA is not strictly speaking BF's. it is a 3rd party production. signed - fanboy # 7459
  3. Yeah!! I was waiting for that one and was feeling sorely left out. Thank you for the recognition. First on behalf of all the fanboys I'd like to thank god and my mum for all the love they have shown me. Of course I have to send a special thank you to BF without whom I would never have thought to become a fanboy. thanks Guys! Really I thank you all and appreciate the shout out. I dedicate my efforts hence forth to becoming even more immersed in this failure of a game with it's poor business model which still by some fluke manages to beat the odds and stay successfully in business. Now back to Billy Crystal.
  4. This one I HAVE to save. I was in a telecom class once with some loon who decided he had to drive from Virginia to Dallas TX because he couldn't take his guns on the plane and couldn't be parted from them for two weeks. By the end of the class several of us had made aluminum foil hats to mock the poor sap. Probably not smart considering he had brought guns..... And Normal Dude, yeah i feel for the guy. We can often go out into left field, but this time I think we left the park. Oh wait, hold on, Lizard at the door...odd he is holding a set of dinnerware, now what would he ... ack......
  5. I did, but I don't know where it went..... Also had an Opus collection. Reindeer hat, tie with sneakers etc. Alas I don't hang on to collectibles very long. Fortunately that means I'll never be featured in an episode of hoarders.
  6. Well finally!!! Now we can get back to discussing weapon effectiveness, woohoo! Oh wait, that isn't where you were headed? Dang.
  7. It came in a sleeve in the Billy and the boingers collection book. you can even hear "Opus" on the Tuba. and the title cut-
  8. What?!! (drops popcorn) oh damn. Time to go kill some more of JonS sneaky little pixeltruppen.
  9. Yeah I was a bike courier in Wash DC in those days and part of the morning routine was to stop in the garage and check in with a dispatcher buddy on what Opus and Milo were up to now. Remember Billy and the Boingers? I even had the vinyl sheet 45.
  10. Really? Granted it is a bit dated, but nothing I have seen significantly alters his premise. In his book Small Business Management, Michael Ames gives the following reasons for small business failure: 1. Lack of experience 2. Insufficient capital (money) 3. Poor location 4. Poor inventory management 5. Over-investment in fixed assets 6. Poor credit arrangements 7. Personal use of business funds 8. Unexpected growth Some of these obviously don't apply for BF as a software company, but in the ones that do apply, BF has obviously been making good decisions even if they aren't necessarily some we'd like. Who is Michael Ames you ask? Michael D. Ames runs a nationally recognized Small Business Institute-recipient of 33 awards from the U.S. Small Business Administration-and directs a multi-disciplinary entrepreneurial management program at California State University, Fullerton. He is the author of Small Business Management and Pathways to Success. What were your credentials again? Now can we stop trying to tell them how to run their business? Please? Really they aren't going to listen anyway. Fortunately they know better.
  11. Ack! is his most frequent statement however though I got it slightly wrong, he does have at least one other word in his vocabulary. The cat's most frequent spoken sentiments are "Ack!" and "Thbbft!", unlike most other animals (and children) in Breathed's work, who not only can speak English, but have advanced vocabularies. The former is a result of his regularly choking on hairballs, the latter sound an approximation of the "raspberry". Damn I miss that strip.
  12. This isn't the only thread to start dispensing business advice to BF in response to the announcement (and not the first by a long shot since the debut of the company). Personally I find the conceit implied to try and dispense advice without actually managing your business much less one in this niche to be pretty daunting. Maybe before we start trying to dispense our Kramer like business wisdom to BF we should review a couple important statistics. The Small Business Administration (SBA) keeps the stats on business failures and claims that more than half of new businesses will disappear in the first five years. A study done by Inc. magazine and the National Business Incubator Association (NBIA) revealed that 80 percent of new businesses fail within the first five years. According to Dun & Bradstreet reports, "Businesses with fewer than 20 employees have only a 37% chance of surviving four years (of business) and only a 9% chance of surviving 10 years." BF is now in year 12 (? I think anyway). Not only have they beat the odds for new business survival, they have come through one of the biggest economic downturns in memory hiring additional personnel and announcing an aggressive schedule of new releases and upgrades. Granted they haven't been the best at meeting their own release dates, however they have been phenomenally good at figuring out their long term game plan. They have established their niche, know their client base and demonstrated a capability at figuring out how to keep producing a quality product that now has an even longer expected support time frame. I think maybe we can stop telling BF how to run their business, they seem to already know. Now sign me up for the pre order for the upgrade and CM MG or whatever you are gonna call it.
  13. Reminds me of the scene in LA Story where he gets robbed at the ATM "I'll be your mugger tonight".
  14. Holy f**kin tornado Batman! How about using that mind blowing capability or even your secret info from Linda Lovelace... oh sorry, the other Deep Throat and figure out how to make a little cash so you can stop screwing around with the demo? And there are laws against those remote viewing sessions - shame on you!
  15. The problem with going cheap on your garage door purchase...
  16. He's a reptoid plant. No not a plant form of reptoid. You know like a reptoid agent, saboteur, tinker, tailor, soldier... spy. Is that a lizard tail in your pocket or are you just glad to see us?
  17. Quoting Bill the Cat - Pffffffft speaking as a customer who does take good care that he isn't spending hard earned money on fluff - I LOVE the Version 2 feature list and the enhancements to the graphics for all the models (not just vehicles but everything in the game). You guys don't need to explain anything, it is all in the announcement. If that isn't enough for this guy he's obviously better off spending his money elsewhere. The alternative could have been CMBN became relegated to the bin with CMSF as not having a continued upgrade path and THAT would have been a shame and a loss to me of an investment. whew, that gets me off the hook from any visit from your Sicilian friends right?
  18. Xian was so focused on building his full scale replica, he neglected to notice WHERE he was building it.
  19. No it isn't. It is actually real helpful in knowing who to add to my ignore list. Then again I don't need to assuming he has already left.
  20. You and Katie Holmes. Well I am not property, guess that's a good thing.. and if the best the Aliens can afford are flying trash cans (maybe they are related to Oscar the Grouch) I think I can relax. So let's get back to CM. As far as I know none of the enemy pixeltruppen are reptiles.
  21. Oh man you just had to post a link. It is now bedtime here. I dunno if I can sleep now after reading this.. Damn where is that nighlight?! If I have no tattoos, does that mean I am a free meal to any ET feeling peckish?! Just call me Bento Burke
  22. I think the only answer here is use him for some useful task, but if he gets hit - do NOT administer buddy aid. Help me, help me please Hmm is that an MP 44 you got there? Sorry buddy everyone knows if I do I'll be stuck with a no ammo weapon. You're on your own.
  23. Nice. Hoping we will see more of Lorraine in the next module and not just focus on MG, lots of good scenario material.
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