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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Just cause you were an over paid slouch (consultant LOL friggin consultants never do work, they just tell others what to do and are usually wrong. I know, I deal with em alllll the time ) is no indicator of how hard BF works and if you were laughing all the way to the bank why are you whining over $10? And no the three packs aren't enough if you also want them to keep the engine up to date, geez at least keep on track of what the upgrade program is.
  2. The insurgents strike back The Mobile Asslt platoon gets caught by an RPG ambush I think I just went over the friendly casualty limit.
  3. Maybe after 4.0 is released. Way too early to tell now, but that seems to be the direction.
  4. Definitely prefer variations in forests. Using one type gives it more of an artificial feel. What you said!
  5. They do slow down when impacting, the more there are the slower I would think they'd go. That is about the only drawback as far as I know.
  6. The exhausted members of Joker 3 moving out to rejoin the fight Feeling like they have an opportunity to wipe out Joker 1, insurgent RPG teams flood the streets only to realize too late Joker 1 is moving forward.
  7. The Mobile Asslt pltn having extracted Joker 3 from their position in the cemetary moves toward Easy street and Joker 1 A team leader firing his personal weapon as an insurgent position is hit by the pltn's heavier weapons The insurgents small arms are no match for the firepower the Asslt pltn can dish out An insurgent suicide driver somehow escapes the immolation of his vehicle
  8. Another RPG round impacts taking down a member of Echo CO QRF that has reinforced Joker 1 Gunship fire danger close hits an insurgent position Insurgent casualties are mounting Joker 1 puts down one of their tormentors
  9. funny.... not Hmm seems you must think it is still worth $350... from the way you hyped it it sounded like CM was near worthless.
  10. patches are free, I don't see that being an issue, modules have content you don't get for free, don't see that as an issue either. If you want to play someone who hasn't ponied up for the additional module content you can. It isn't particularly difficult. It is hardly "blackmail".
  11. True, but that is if you are referring to actual tank riding into combat as a practiced tactic. I don't think anyone on this forum would say.. okay maybe someone will... that infantry grabbing a ride on a tank never happened. One has only to look at the retreat from Noville by the 101st if one wants to quibble. For BF, tank riders in CMRT was more or less a point where if they wanted to represent the capability they had to have a solution. Riding on tanks was never seen as really important enough for the amount of work required for the western front... and that might continue to be the case. I wouldn't be heartbroken about it if that were so.
  12. Absolutely - there are no "rules" about tress, forests and density. It is a metter of what you are trying to portray. i tend to mix 2 and 3 trees per tile in woords to give variation and throw in tiles with bushes for clearings etc. Forests are messy, they should look it unless it is actually a planted forest like some in Huertgen were for example And I am with you on this, the number of trees per tile hasn't seemed to make any lag difference in my machine (s).
  13. ha you can almost be guaranteed there is such a flake out there, but you can't make your decisions in life based on flakes or lack thereof. I doubt a news station will though, CM would have to actually be known well enough for that.
  14. Bitter fighting continues as Joker 1 is pinned down by small arms and RPG fire coming from all directions. Meanwhile a VBIED comes roaring down the street.
  15. I just DLed, zip file, no problems. Looks good from here. Thanks for this Scipio.
  16. in case you guys didn't notice, this is a screenshot thread, stop posting about mod stuff and start posting pics!!! or at least post pics with your mods comments... pics of your modded game would be most welcome!
  17. i love that idea. it would certainly help me to keep them organized
  18. Wrong- you just have to have equivalent. I can have as many versions of CM on my computer as I want and in any version level so theoretically I can PBEM anyone at any game level. You are being "blackmailed" by other players who think you whine too much and the upgrades are worth it - blame them Sort of right - all software has "bugs" on day one. The tricky part is defining what is a bug and what is an engine limitation. BF has never charged to fix bugs- patches are free so now you are back to just being wrong... again BF never tried to "justify" tank riders not being included because of doctrine. You need to stop confusing the forum and BF. What BF said was redoing all the models to allow tank riding in CMBN/CMFI was not cost effective right now- ie redoing all the models would take a lot more effort and time than the $10 would recoup. It is not out of the question it could come later as they do new models for example with the Bulge game. So yep wrong again... So you think BFs labor should be free. Nice that you think they are a charity organization, but they aren't so you are .. well no surprise- wrong again But hey keep trying! Sooner or later you are bound to make a valid point.... Most of us probably won't be alive then, but still Wait a minute - Bobo is that you? Did you just create Daroc to keep this thread going - oh you sly little forumite!
  19. Yeah reading Thunder Run right now. At Objective Curly the supply vehicles rolled up right into the fighting to resupply. 5 trucks destroyed and folks still had to(under fire) run up to the trucks and grab ammo to resupply the mortars, Bradleys etc. Exclamation from one Sgt as the supply trucks rolled up "wtf are you doing here, you trying to get us killed?!". I think CM tends to be a bit more realistic than folks think and those Pita moments are kind of real life pita moments. LOL
  20. yep i mess with it a lot but never to the point of a release item.
  21. so here is my contribution Street fighting in Ramadi courtesy of LLF
  22. I am pretty certain that I am not violating NDA to say that they have no intention of not releasing the game at least not as far as I can tell. The theoretical conflict in CMBS is quite drastically different than what is actually occurring. That this area would be a potential powder keg is one of the reasons for deciding on the venue. That it has actually occurred just shows how predictable Russian action would be. I am personally hoping that the expansion modules allow for simulating Polish confrontation with Russia which frankly right now is not that far fetched either. Gamers game conflicts, it is what we do. edit- hell I just opened up LLF's Ramadi scenario as I am reading Thunder Run and felt the urge to go back to CMSF. And incidentally, I really wsh BF would do an Israeli expansion when they get around to CMSF 2. You don't have to assume a political position to create a military simulation.
  23. I think not quite, you probably have to reapply the 2.12 patch before 3.0. Easy way to find out is install MG, then start the game and see what version it says. If it is not 2.12 then reapply patch, launch and verify it says 2.12. You definitely want it at that version before applying the 3.0 upgrade.
  24. Heh heh, been using this to replace Boulders, rocky red and mud to create a rubbled terrain where you don't know that your tank can get through or whether it might bog. Would ya consider a lighter version for use in CMFI? please...... Otherwise I may have to ask my wife the photoshop guru and then I will be in her debt- which might translate to house chores.
  25. Okay then, how about ideas gentlemen. What do you think BF is blackmailing Daroc with? And put at least as much creativity in as is shown in new features threads.
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