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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Hoping time will run out before contact in the rear? What the hell are you two playing?
  2. flaunting itself like a hussy. Totally rattled my young inexperienced trooper causing him to prematurely... fire his bazooka.
  3. Hey wait, where is that StuG going, come back come back...... run away run away. There's some Monty Python material there for ya. You are lucky we were letting the trainee test fire the bazooka or you'd be short one StuG.
  4. Yes and it has big sharp pointed teeth! Just look at da bones!!!
  5. Now you tell me!! I unleashed a hailstorm on Elvis in Sacrifice for a New Religion and was unable to drive him from that damned steeple.
  6. Wait, you aren't still running around your mother's basement WITHOUT the long john's and a towel are you? eeewwwww And my therapist did not take away my superpowers. She only said that I need to keep them to myself or face the petty jealousies of mere mortals.
  7. I would absolutely love to see a Vietnam game family. Granted there are some things that would need more work - fortifications and camouflage for example, but battling for Hue would be possible with the current iteration. However so far BF has shown a negative level of interest in that theater. I'd also love an east-west confrontation in Europe for either 1945 or 1975 or both just for fun. Neither of those appear to be on the radar.
  8. Well it is a private forum, not a public space. They are well within their right to define any parameters they want and not affect your free speech. Just the same way I can't come into your house and say whatever disrespectful things I want before I get booted out. BF has always been clear that nazi apologists and holocaust deniers including the likes of Irving are not welcome here and were diplomatic enough to remind you of that instead of just booting you for bringing it up. It is a fair warning of forum rules you agreed to when you joined. You certainly can't fault them for providing the courtesy of reminding you of the rules. And Steve you forgot to lock the door.
  9. yeah that would summarize half the movie... at least
  10. That's worthy of Stephen Colbert as satire, but as a historical argument represents a pretty juvenile uninformed understanding of the socialist and communist perception of capitalism during the period. Communists had declared that communism and capitalism represented two totally irreconcilable political movements being that they represented two classes at war. The hammer and sickle does not represent Soviet conquest of the world, it represents the workers and peasants society of the world. There is no hidden meaning there, it is simple recognition that communism and capitalism had irreconcilable differences. A position shared by the capitalists. That is pretty irrelevant when speaking about the Soviet Union as by that time their adherence to any kind of worker's revolution was simply clap trap to maintain a dictatorship. That idea pretty much died in 1917. It just took a lot longer for the illusion to fade.
  11. I wouldn't infer that either. There are plenty of features that have been added in after fairly long term requests. BF isn't blind to the requests, they simply do not implement anything quickly even when they want it. It takes time and effort to make sure they work as intended.
  12. Well I just watched most of Wolf of Wall Street.....finally just turned it off and felt I had just lost a portion of my life I will never get back.
  13. No it should take you to a page that says "this is what happens when you don't support your game - dead end"
  14. Don't take it so personally. It was simply to say it isn't a new suggestion and had no connotation to good or bad. I could just have easily said "This one has already been suggested a couple times. And I like it." Would I still have gotten the little frowny face?
  15. I'd take France 1940 then. The desert holds little appeal.
  16. This one has been suggested a couple times. My only issue with it is when you have a bunch of movement points crossing at a location, how do you move a specific one instead of grabbing whatever random one gets selected. As it is now if I select a unit and click on that area I can only select that unit's waypoint. Personally I like that...
  17. Well who am I to argue if Joe Shaw says you are correct. So let me get your order confirmed, you want a black minion with two sugars?
  18. Somebody has been drinking a bit too much kool-aid served up by Herr Goebbels.
  19. My guess is you are correct. Hunching would require additional animation. Lowering would be done on individual vehicle positioning. That isn't a minor item as there are a lot of half track models, but still less I suspect than a new animation would require. I also don't know how much room there is to adjust before they start poking through the floor.
  20. Well you are bound to be disappointed... It is NOTHING like Red Thunder (but still cool)
  21. Still wrestling with that bipedal concept? Look it is simple, if you can just use your rear legs to stand, your front limbs can be used for other things like tools. What? Tools? Those are things for doing wor..... Oh never mind.
  22. I love CMSF, but would have to agree. It needs an update! Bring on CMSF2!!
  23. Not familiar with that. You really should not use analogies that only you have experience with. Does that bearded lady (mom in your case) chair those meetings?
  24. Yeah I thought it unfortunate and annoying too. I had hoped just giving you a verbal update would suffice, but instead when I said hey there go 4 more guys, I got the glazed look from you monkeys. Then I tried to explain addition and suddenly that fly you wanted to catch and eat became a more pressing concern than basic math. I finally gave up when it became apparent I had to hold up fingers for you to count. Since you are too embarrassed to admit that I am having to set my beer down to provide you data in a format your walnut size brain can comprehend, I will from here on just use general expressions like "more" instead of actual numbers.
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