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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Dreday- The game already gives you info in the form of contact icons etc. Anything more than that is gonna create other issues. A scrolling text bar with potentially a ton of info, much of it useless? An audible? Never gonna happen, We already have limitations regarding weapons sounds. Not to mention it would just totally overwhelm you with info. Think of it this way, you are the the leader of every team, every squad, every platoon every company and every Battalion. If you had any military background whatsoever (yes I am being sarcastic, that was an uncalled for little snipe on your part at Baneman, back at ya babe) you would know that no one member of the C2 chain is going to get every detail from everyone of those people, so why would you expect it? You already have the god's eye view. Your team members will report to their team leaders, depending on importance they will report to squads, who then report to Platoons etc etc. You as the eye of god in the game are gonna receive all of that. Sorry this looks to me more like one of those "I wish I had this, oh wait that is way too much, no let's tone it down I want to adjust to only get these types of reports at this level of the c2 chain, oh wait now I missed something urgent from someone not in the C2 chain, BF fix or do sumfink!!" So let's just say they roll something out in the form of text. You are in the middle of a battalion scale engagement. You are now getting spotting reports from potentially 70+ different sources. Really? You think you are going to make use of that in a RT battle? If you are playing wego, you don't need it. You can replay at any level you want as often as you want to catch every little item. Panzrldr, just consider for a moment that what you are requesting is the audio files match player selected names in the editor. It isn't just an overhaul of the UI. It is an overhaul of how the engine takes data and presents it including data that is user created. On the one hand yeah this kind of stuff would be pretty cool and immersive. On the other hand it is something Charles is gonna just say "Ha, yeah right, dream on suckers I will be retired long before I ever consider that." He'll then likely utter some expletive. Granted I play wego so it does present a difference than RT, but in RT I have no idea how you expect to make use of the flood of info you will likely get. In wego, I get contact icons, I get flashing icons for my units if they are taking fire or casualties, I see tracers and hear various weapons sounds that are directional. The game gives me a ton of info to process to develop my situational awareness. How you play the game determines how much of that info you actually process and make use of. Watching Chris play on twitch is an interesting experience for me. I realize he is only half playing as he is spending time answering questions etc and monitoring his output. Still it is funny when I see something happen and the game clearly shows it, but he misses it because he is focused on the presentation. The situational awareness info is there, you just need to make use of it.
  2. I actually asked a similar question of folks more in the know on the subject. It arguably could be done, but would require something real, not the little laser I make my cat freak out with. You'd also have to aim that laser, just firing one off pointing into nowhere isn't going to get a reaction. Still an interesting concept that I would think would have to be worth some development cost. Remote control with camera. Aim laser, shoot. Tank freaks out. You'll lose the laser, but the potential benefits are pretty good.
  3. It is not a "Bulge" game. Battles will likely occur in Holland, France, Belgium, Luxembourg and of course Germany. It is a fall 1944 to end of war game. Fall of 1944 saw significant changes on both allied and axis side with ToEs and some equipment plus there is weather, new housing models likely, maybe different terrain. You never know what BF will decide needs to be in to make the game appropriate to the time/location represented. BF has repeatedly stated there is only so much they will stick into any single game family. BF has been clear for years that CMBN would only extend into the Sept 1944 period, so you should be getting over your disappointment sometime soon. I took a quick look back to see about when they first announced it and had to step away quietly. The forums were pure hell back in 2012 what with all the whining that CMBN didn't cover exactly the same periods as CMBO despite having far more material required in the CMx2 engine.
  4. I am definitely not speaking for Battlefront on this, but I expect it is highly unlikely this will be a $10 upgrade. The game has to be almost completely redone. That list above was just features. In addition to that BF has added bump maps to all the images to allow for better detail all around, updated animations etc. There is a ton of art work that will have to be done. The campaigns and scenarios is another issue. They are done in the old editor, to be ported would require another ton of work if they decide to do that. Even the ToEs may have to be reworked to accommodate different capabilities added in the newer engine. This is far from a simple upgrade, in fact if BF didn't think there was a really high demand for a reworked one that folks were willing to pay for I doubt they would even have considered it. I am glad they did as I can't wait to try it with all the current features. As to drones etc, I think the plan is still to have CMSF be still set in 2008. This is not a 2017 CMSF.
  5. no sweat, just a request before a bunch of folks are chiming in, looks like we may get some action back here soon depending on how quickly Scott gets a turn back to Bill.
  6. at 150 meters he should have. Would have to see the actual save to guess more than that. In Scott's description, the commander is buttoned, that is the first item I would want to verify. Soldiers love popping off rounds at exposed crewman even when in this case they should be reaching for that rocket.
  7. Please respect the AAR and move this discussion to the RT forum.
  8. Ian was right it requires separate teams as defined in the UI, period. That is based on the mechanics of the engine, like any software CM has certain restrictions. It is what it is. You can always assault using a manual process of an overwatch team and a moving team. You just can't do it using a pre set "Assault" command in the UI as that assault command is very specific how it works.
  9. Scott had several turns to write up to catch up, plus his difference in style and the action he chooses to focus on is obviously going to be different than yours. I don't believe Scott has quite caught up to where you are yet.
  10. A smaller version was used by LLF to create a scenario "Relief of Joker 3". Great scenario. The larger map was never used for a scenario, but is available on the repository. Just do a search by title of Ramadi and only flag CMSF. You'll get the main map, the scenario and some mods for it. Also highly recommend Kieme's CMSF mods.
  11. heh heh heh Yeah could not resist when I saw the name. I went back and opened up some BRZ files. Seems that file for American names has made it through CMSF-CMBN-CMFI and CMBS. I am adding to that name file, too many repeats within a unit.
  12. To my knowledge there has never been a CM game covering 1939. CMBB covered the East Front from 1941. CMBO was 1944/45 and CM Afrika covered 1940, but only in the Med. France has had a difficult relationship with NATO. Whether that was why they weren't included in Shock Force I have no idea. French troops have been committed to Afghanistan, but not Iraq. Right now we are just hoping France won't sell Russia warships while they still occupy the Ukraine, doesn't speak much for having the French commit to a military force when they are hard pressed not to cave on the ships. CMFI is not done yet so I wouldn't count them out. I'd love to see CMFI expand to include Operation Dragoon and the advance towards the Vosges. Makes more sense than trying to do that as a pack for CMBN. CMFI would then have a much higher variety of allied units than CMBN. Be a nice overall selling point for it. As to your complaint about Bagration w/o T34. The portions of the campaign that were selected to be used for the CM Russian campaign apparently don't meet your requirements of what you think should be included. Sorry about that. Hey here's an idea, why don't you create one! Yeah I know, still I couldn't resist. If they do the 1942 East Front release and the campaign is not the battle for the Barrikady I'll be the one complaining, even though I know that doing that in CM with the AI is extremely difficult to do well. All kidding aside, I seriously would love to see a 1940 Game family featuring the Battle for France as well as a more modern setting with French forces. As to a German campaign in 1945, how could you forget the 3 Konrad offensives for Budapest?!! One serious question. Why is an East Front game based in 1944/45 any different than an East Front game in 1941? Because the Russians are the winning side?
  13. corvette is just a cheap DLC man, it isn't even in a color to match my iPhone.
  14. hmm why are we discussing ww2 tanks in a modern setting AAR? Let's get back to the future. Start a thread in one of the other forums if ya want to talk about the merits of different ww2 tanks.
  15. posting is not the best way to get tech team- open a ticket.
  16. The clock is ticking The BN scout platoon passes the Al Anbar compund heading down MSR Michigan to join Alpha Co. Bravo units forming up on 1st Platoon position. Bravo Company assembling Lt Girten 3rd Pltn on the right Lt Lewis XO Capt Peterson, B Co Commander on the left, On the right Capt Upham Fire Support- Years later his son Glenn would be posthumously awarded the Silver Star for bravery during the battles in the Ukraine. Lt Talley of 2nd Pltn leads his HQ team at the double. Meanwhile over at Alpha Company As the briefing meeting breaks up Capt Heverly greets Lt Grace of the scout platoon to give him his assignment. Lt Grace is to hold 3rd Platoon's position and act as the blocking force for Charlie Company. The Scout platoon is little more than a reinforced Infantry squad, but with the added firepower of it's Strykers. On the left Lt Col Poplowski, BN Operations Officer. 3rd from the left Lt Van Wyk - 1st Pltn Charlie Company as they enter the Al Anbar Gov't compound. On the left Col Reeves Bn Commander. Referred to by his men as Superman, not usually within earshot of the Colonel. In the background is a 2nd Platoon Stryker moving into position on the East side of the compound.
  17. Faces of the enemy Al Hakim - Leader of the largest faction amongst the insurgents, the Al Aksa Bde. He is Saudi, one of the foreign fighters who have come to Iraq to wage Jihad. His forces were not drawn into the earlier fighting and have an extensive placement of IEDs along Easy street- the SE end of MSR Michigan and an eventual objective for Alpha Company. Al Jahani - A local Ramadi native who has been thrust into command after 1st Pltn's raid eliminated the commander of the Al Hassan Bde. His units have been bloodied in the earlier fighting, but the feeling is they came very close to over running the American unit. Unfortunately his intel is dated and the force he faces with his now disorganized unit is not what was expected. Al Jahani has an urgent need to establish control over his units, limited resources and very little time. His ace in the hole is the Mulaab district HQs is heavily boobytrapped. Doka - Commander of the Al Hussein Bde. Most of his forces are concentrated near 3rd Platoon Alpha company. Doka was late reaching Ramadi and is now separated from his men by the Stryker Bn. He is stuck in the slums SW of the Al Anbar Gov't HQ watching the Americans pour into the Area and unable to inform his men. Amer - leader of the Al Takir Bde operating out of the Al Qadr Al Kilami Mosgue- he men stand right in the way of Charlie Company's assault as they cross MSR Michigan. Bakahasab - Commander the Al Farouk Bde. Another group built around a foreign fighter core. His forces are directly responsible for the Saddam Mosque. Baraniq of the Al Bashir commando - A particularly bloody commander. His men have been caught up in the fighting and are the force that ambushed the second Stryker. Some of his squads suffered heavily in the resulting firefight with 2nd platoon. His men are based out of the Souk near the "Gay Place" currently occupied by 3rd Platoon. Charlie Company will be facing them shortly after running into Amer and the Al Takir Bde units. Abu Shakra Commanding the Al Istani Bde. A former officer in Saddam's Fedayeen, Abu Shakra has some decent militray training and it is mostly his force that went toe to toe with 1st Platoon. He is busily reforming his bloodied forces for the expected American counter attack. Flanked by two of his bodyguards he makes his way through a back alley avoiding American observation.
  18. Orders: This is an overview of the full Ramadi map and locations of units from Alpha and Bravo. Close up of Current positions of Alpha and Bravo units. Alpha will await arrival of the scout platoon. Alpha Company will then clear the Saddam Mosque and adjacent areas. Bravo will form up on 1st Platoon then push into the Mulaab aiming for the district HQs. Aerial recon and the intel acquired in 1st Pltn's raid has identified the district HQs as a major center of the insurgency and likely major supply base. Upon Bravo clearing the district HQs, Alpha Co TF will drive SE along MSR Michigan in conjunction with Bravo renewing their push east. This is a close up of the area Charlie company is tasked to clear. They will move to the Al Anbar gov't compound, secure it then move across MSR Michigan then turn right and clear everything over to Alpha Company's position.
  19. 4:30 AM The insurgents have gone quiet with only an occasional gunshot to break the stillness. Lt Romaniecki has disbanded 2nd Squad and distributed it's men to fill out 1st and 3rd Squads and the MG team. Capt Heverly has called for a planning session in the gov't complex to lay out Alpha company's role in the BN's plans. Lt Romaniecki and HQ team move out for a meeting with Capt Heverly and the other A company Pltn commanders to review their role in the coming fight. Captain Heverly in front of the Gov't complex. One thing I am looking forward to coming back in CMBS is mixed units. Cpt Heverly is the black soldier on the left. I find the game even within the limits of CMSF as compared to later releases to be more personal. Lt Simpson, 2nd Pltn commander is inside prepping the briefing area. Lt Linthicum of 3rd pltn on the move. The situation in 3rd platoon area is not yet secure. The destroyed Stryker is a stark reminder of the firefight here just a short time ago. Lt Crane 1st Pltn Bravo company having secured the Al Hurriyah mosque awaits orders.
  20. the natives are getting restless. Post a cartoon link or something to distract us.
  21. Well unless you appreciate c3k's position- all his men are expendable. And they thank him for the opportunity.
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